900字范文 > 模型构建器 空间位置选择_如何在选择最佳网站构建器(比较)

模型构建器 空间位置选择_如何在选择最佳网站构建器(比较)

时间:2021-10-03 13:33:40


模型构建器 空间位置选择_如何在选择最佳网站构建器(比较)

模型构建器 空间位置选择

Website builders are a perfect solution for individuals and small businesses to start a website without hiring a developer. However, finding the best website builder can be tricky for beginners.

网站构建器是个人和小型企业无需雇用开发人员即可启动网站的理想解决方案。 但是,对于初学者来说,找到最佳的网站构建器可能很棘手。

There are so many website builders on the market, how do you know which one is the right solution for you?


In this article, we’ll help you choose the best website builder by going over the pros and cons of the most popular options.


We will be comparing the following website builders in this article. If you are interested in a particular website builder, then just click on the name to skip ahead.

我们将在本文中比较以下网站建设者。 如果您对特定的网站构建器感兴趣,则只需单击名称即可跳过。

Constant Contact Website Builder持续联系网站建设者 Gator by HostGatorGator由HostGator BigCommerce大商务 ShopifyShopify Weeblyeb Squarespace方形空间 Wix蜡 BoldGrid粗体网格 GoDaddy Website BuilderGoDaddy网站构建器

选择最佳的网站构建器-寻找什么? (Choosing the Best Website Builder — What to Look for?)

Before comparing the top website builders, we recommend that you write down what you want to do with your website? What are your goals and what features would you like to see on your website.

在比较顶级网站建设者之前,我们建议您写下您想对网站做什么? 您的目标是什么,您希望在网站上看到哪些功能。

For example, you can write down things like: have a blog section, photo gallery, online store, reservation system, contact form, slider, etc.


If you are unsure about what you want, then check out your competitors or other websites for inspiration.


Most website builders offer a drag and drop user interface to build your website. You can take advantage of the trial accounts to test drive before you make your final decision.

大多数网站建设者都提供拖放式用户界面来构建您的网站。 在做出最终决定之前,您可以利用试用帐户来测试驱动器。

Next, you need to consider your growth options. Will you be adding regular updates to your website? Do you need a blog section? Would you be selling more products on your website in the future?

接下来,您需要考虑自己的增长选择。 您会在网站上添加定期更新吗? 您需要博客部分吗? 将来您会在网站上销售更多产品吗?

You need to make sure that the website builder you choose is capable of handling your needs as your business grows.


That being said, let’s take a look at the top website builder platforms to make your website without hiring a developer.


1. WordPress (1. WordPress)

(also known as self hosted WordPress) is the world’s most popular website building platform. Over 35% of all websites on the internet are powered by WordPress.

(也称为自托管WordPress)是世界上最受欢迎的网站构建平台。 互联网上超过35%的所有网站均由WordPress驱动。

Note: There are two versions of WordPress available. There is self-hosted and . We will talk about later in this article. You can also read our vs comparison for more details.

注意:有两个可用的WordPress版本。 有自托管的和。 我们将在本文后面讨论。 您也可以阅读与的比较以了解更多详细信息。

The self-hosted WordPress tops our list of best website builder due to its popularity, powerful features, scalability, and ease of use.


WordPress is a free and open source website builder. This means that you have maximum control over your website compared to any other online website builder in this list.

WordPress是一个免费的开源网站构建器。 这意味着与此列表中的任何其他在线网站构建器相比,您对您的网站拥有最大的控制权。

Unlike other website builders, you will need a WordPress hosting account and host your own website (this is a lot easier than it sounds).




WordPress gives you complete control on every aspect of your website and online presence. It can be used to build any kind of website. For example, an eCommerce store, community forums, a social network, a membership website, personal website, and more.

WordPress使您可以完全控制网站和在线状态的各个方面。 它可以用来建立任何类型的网站。 例如, 电子商务商店 , 社区论坛 , 社交网络 , 会员网站 ,个人网站等等。

There are thousands of pre-made WordPress themes that you can use for your website’s design. It also has amazing drag and drop page builders like Beaver Builder and Divi which allow you to easily create your own page layouts using a drag-and-drop editor.

您可以将数千个预制的WordPress主题用于网站的设计。 它还具有惊人的拖放页面 生成器 ,例如Beaver Builder和Divi ,使您可以使用拖放编辑器轻松创建自己的页面布局。

You’ll also get access to more than 55,000 free WordPress plugins. These are like apps for WordPress that adds additional features and functionality to your website such as shopping cart, contact forms, google analytics, photo gallery, social media tools, live chat, CSS customization, etc.

您还将获得超过55,000个免费的WordPress插件 。 这些就像适用于WordPress的应用程序一样,可为您的网站添加其他功能,例如购物车,联系表格, 谷歌分析 ,照片库,社交媒体工具,实时聊天,CSS定制等。

WordPress is fully translated into dozens of languages and can be easily used to create multilingual websites.

WordPress可以完全翻译成数十种语言,并且可以轻松用于创建多语言网站 。

When you consider all the above benefits, WordPress is by far the cheapest website builder in the market.


It also comes with powerful SEO plugins that search engines love, and this ensures your website will always get the highest rankings in search engines.

它还带有搜索引擎喜欢的强大SEO插件 ,这可确保您的网站始终在搜索引擎中获得最高排名。

For all the reasons above, WordPress is the #1 website builder and content management system for business owners, bloggers, web developers, and web designers.




You will have to manage your own website, which means you will need to familiarize yourself with a new system. This slight learning curve is easily overcome by most users, but it does feel a bit difficult in the beginning.

您将必须管理自己的网站,这意味着您需要熟悉新系统。 大多数用户都可以轻松克服这种轻微的学习曲线,但是一开始确实感觉有些困难。

You will also have to keep up with WordPress updates, plugin updates, and create backups.




While WordPress is a free website builder, you will need a domain name and web hosting to get your website live which typically costs $14.99/year and $7.99 per month respectively.


Fortunately, we have worked out a special deal for WPBeginner users. You can start a website for only $2.75 per month with Bluehost, an official WordPress recommended hosting provider. They are offering our users 60% off on web hosting that comes with free SSL certificate and a free domain name.

幸运的是,我们为WPBeginner用户制定了一项特别优惠。 您可以使用官方推荐的WordPress托管主机提供商Bluehost每月仅2.75美元启动网站。 他们为我们的用户提供60%的免费虚拟主机托管服务,并附带免费SSL证书和免费域名。

→ Click here to Claim this Exclusive Bluehost offer ←


With this special pricing, WordPress is the cheapest website builder in this list for small business.


For more details, see our guide on how to make a website with step by step instructions.


Note:WordPress works with all popular web hosting services, and it’s actually recommended by many other companies including GoDaddy, SiteGround, Dreamhost, etc.

注意:WordPress可以与所有流行的网络托管服务一起使用 ,实际上它是许多其他公司(包括GoDaddy , SiteGround , Dreamhost等)推荐的。

2.持续联系网站建设者 (2. Constant Contact Website Builder)

Constant Contact website builder is an intelligent A.I. powered website builder that helps you build a custom website within minutes. This is a dream come true for non-techy small business owners.

Constant Contact网站构建器是一个由AI驱动的智能网站构建器,可帮助您在几分钟内构建自定义网站。 对于非技术型小企业主来说,这是一个梦想成真。



Constant Contact is known for being the world’s leading email marketing service. After listening to small business concerns, they have decided to create the world class artificial intelligence powered website builder that helps you create a website in minutes (without writing any HTML code).

Constant Contact以世界领先的电子邮件营销服务而闻名。 在听取了小型企业的关注之后,他们决定创建世界一流的人工智能驱动的网站构建器,该构建器可帮助您在几分钟内创建网站(无需编写任何HTML代码)。

You can use their guided ADI (artificial design intelligence) wizard to create a completely custom web design with personalized image and content suggestions.


Their drag & drop website builder makes it easy to customize your website layout. You can choose from their library of over 550,000 free professional quality images to make your website look visually stunning.

他们的拖放式网站构建器使自定义网站布局变得容易。 您可以从他们的超过550,000张免费的专业品质图像库中进行选择,以使您的网站在视觉上看起来令人赞叹。

All template layouts are mobile friendly out of the box, so your website will look great on both desktop and mobile devices.


Since it’s a hosted website solution, it’s a completely hassle free website builder. They also offer live support 24/7 through chat and phone which is great for small business.

由于它是托管网站解决方案,因此它是一个完全免费的网站构建器。 他们还通过聊天和电话提供24/7实时支持,非常适合小型企业。

Other features on the platform include logo maker, lead capture forms, website analytics, eCommerce, and more.


The best part about Constant Contact is that it’s a free website builder. This means you can create a website, blog, logo, and even an online store for free.

关于Constant Contact最好的部分是它是一个免费的网站构建器。 这意味着您可以免费创建网站,博客,徽标,甚至在线商店。

When you’re ready to make your website live or start selling, you’ll need to upgrade to a paid plan.


Considering the features, Constant Contact is definitely one of the best professional website builders in this list (at a great price).

考虑到这些功能,Constant Contact绝对是此列表中价格最好的专业网站建设者之一。



The developer ecosystem is currently small, so there are no third-party add-ons that you can install on your website to add new features that are not offered by Constant Contact.

目前,开发人员生态系统很小,因此您可以在网站上安装任何第三方插件来添加Constant Contact不能提供的新功能。

Just like every other website builder, if you want to connect a custom domain name, then you will have to upgrade to the paid plan. The good part is that they provide you with many tools and third party integrations right in the platform to make your marketing more successful in reaching new and existing customers at a great price.

与其他网站建设者一样,如果您要连接自定义域名,则必须升级到付费计划。 好的方面是,它们在平台上为您提供了许多工具和第三方集成,以使您的营销更成功地以高昂的价格吸引新老客户。



Constant Contact offers a powerful free website builder that lets you create a website, blog, and even an online store. You can add unlimited web pages at no additional cost.

Constant Contact提供了功能强大的免费网站构建器,可让您创建网站,博客,甚至是在线商店。 您可以免费添加无限的网页。

To get a custom domain, make your website live, and start selling, you will need to purchase their website builder plan which costs $10 per month (or $8.50 per month if pre-paid annually).


All plans come with 24/7 live support through chat and phone.


If you plan to incorporate email marketing, then you may want to consider their Email Marketing or Email Marketing Plus plans which comes with all the website builder features combined with all the marketing automation.


Constant Contact is a great choice for small businesses who doesn’t want to use WordPress.

对于不想使用WordPress的小型企业, 恒定联系是一个不错的选择。

3. Gator由HostGator (3. Gator by HostGator)

Gator is a popular online website builder created by HostGator, one of the largest web hosting providers in the world. The Gator builder is an all-in-one website building & hosting solution which makes it a perfect website builder for small businesses.

Gator是由HostGator创建的受欢迎的在线网站构建器, HostGator是世界上最大的网络托管提供商之一。 Gator生成器是一种多功能的网站构建和托管解决方案,使其成为小型企业的理想网站构建器。



Gator is a fully hosted platform, so you don’t have to worry about the software, updates, or backups.


You get an easy website builder that lets you choose from 200+ professional website design templates. Each design comes with simple customization options that you can configure from the builder itself.

您将获得一个简单的网站构建器,可以从200多个专业网站设计模板中进行选择。 每个设计都带有简单的定制选项,您可以从构建器本身进行配置。

You can edit any item on a page with a simple point and click interface. You can also drag and drop commonly used items like images, videos, photo gallery, text, columns, maps, and contact forms.

您可以使用简单的指向和单击界面来编辑页面上的任何项目。 您还可以拖放常用项目,例如图像,视频, 照片库 ,文本,列,地图和联系表格 。

Gator also gives you access to a built-in stock photo library, so you can find and add beautiful photos on your website.


All paid plans include a free custom domain name for your website. The eCommerce plan also comes with the ability to setup an online store and sell your products online.

所有付费计划都为您的网站提供一个免费的自定义域名。 电子商务计划还具有建立在线商店和在线销售产品的能力。

Since Gator is a paid product, they don’t sell your data or show any ads on your website.




Unlike some of the other options in the list, Gator doesn’t have a free plan. They also do not offer a free trial.

与列表中的其他一些选项不同,Gator没有免费计划。 他们也不提供免费试用。

Like other proprietary website builders in the list, you cannot hire a developer to help you significantly modify your website design or add new features to your website.




Gator paid plans start from $3.84 per month, $5.99 per month for premium, and $9.22 for eCommerce plan. It is definitely one of the cheapest website builders in the list.

Gator的付费计划从每月3.84美元,每月5.99美元的高级服务和9.22美元的电子商务计划开始。 它绝对是该列表中最便宜的网站构建器之一。

Gator can be used to build a small business website, a store with limited items, or a photo gallery. However, it is no match for the power of the most popular website builder, WordPress.

Gator可用于建立小型企业网站,数量有限的商店或照相馆。 但是,这与最流行的网站构建器WordPress的功能无法匹敌。

4. 网站生成器 (4. Website Builder)

offers easy website builder that lets you create a small business website, blog, and even an eCommerce website with just a few clicks.




offers an easy drag and drop website builder to create your website. You can start with one of their hundreds of professionally designed templates and customize it using a simple drag and drop interface to match your brand.

提供了一个简单的拖放式网站构建器来创建您的网站。 您可以从其数百种专业设计的模板之一开始,然后使用简单的拖放界面自定义模板以匹配您的品牌。

All website builder templates are optimized for mobile, tablets, and desktop computers. This means that your website will look great on all devices.

所有网站构建器模板都针对移动,平板电脑和台式计算机进行了优化。 这意味着您的网站在所有设备上都将看起来不错。

It comes with all the powerful features that you expect from a well-known website builder including: website analytics, eCommerce functionality, ability to add a blog to any website, and a free SSL certificate with all plans.


With their eCommerce plan, you also get inventory management, tax management, coupons & discounting, and many other powerful features.


They also offer live chat and telephone customer support for technical assistance, so you can easily get started.




Unlike other popular website builders, website builder does not have a free website builder option. They also do not offer a free trial. However they do offer a money back guarantee in case you aren’t happy with the product.

与其他流行的网站构建器不同,网站构建器没有免费的网站构建器选项。 他们也不提供免费试用。 但是,如果您对产品不满意,他们会提供退款保证。

Their extension ecosystem is small, and you won’t be able to hire a developer to build advanced features like WordPress because its not open source.


Since it’s a proprietary platform, migrating your website away from website builder will be difficult.


Lastly, their starter plan restricts you to only 6 page website. For unlimited pages, you need at least their business plan.

最后,他们的入门计划将您限制在仅6页的网站上。 对于无限制的页面,您至少需要他们的商业计划。



Website Builder plans start from $1.99 per month for Starter, $6.99 per month for Business, and $12.99 per month for eCommerce plan.


All plans come with a free SSL certificate, unlimited storage, blog features, and phone support.


If you’re looking for a professional website builder, then website builder is an excellent option. However if you want advanced features and more control over your content, then nothing will beat self-hosted WordPress (#1 option in our list).

如果您正在寻找专业的网站建设者,那么网站建设者就是一个不错的选择。 但是,如果您想要高级功能和对内容的更多控制,那么没有什么比自托管WordPress(我们列表中的#1选项)更好的了。

5.大商业 (5. BigCommerce)

BigCommerce is the best eCommerce website builder in the market. If you’re looking to create an online store that scales, then BigCommerce is the platform for you. It comes with all the essential features built-in, so you can keep your overhead low and margins high.

BigCommerce是市场上最好的电子商务网站建设者。 如果您想创建一个可扩展的在线商店,那么BigCommerce是您的平台。 它具有所有内置的基本功能,因此您可以保持较低的开销和较高的利润率。



BigCommerce is a fully hosted eCommerce solution, so you don’t have to worry about website speed, security, or updates. They handle the server and technical side for you, so you can focus on growing your business.

BigCommerce是一个完全托管的电子商务解决方案,因此您不必担心网站的速度,安全性或更新。 他们为您处理服务器和技术方面,因此您可以专注于发展业务。

Unlike other hosted eCommerce solutions, BigCommerce has a native integration with WordPress which allows you to leverage the flexibility of WordPress while taking advantage of the headless eCommerce power of BigCommerce. In simple terms, your website will be fast and secure no matter how much traffic you get.

与其他托管电子商务解决方案不同,BigCommerce与WordPress进行了本机集成,使您可以利用WordPress的灵活性,同时利用BigCommerce强大的电子商务功能。 简而言之,无论您获得多少流量,您的网站都将快速安全。

BigCommerce integrates with all popular payment gateways including Stripe, PayPal, Apple Pay, Square, Amazon Pay, Visa Checkout, Chase Pay, Ayden, and more. Unlike Shopify, BigCommerce doesn’t charge a transaction fee for you to use these payment gateways.

BigCommerce与所有流行的支付网关集成在一起,包括Stripe,PayPal,Apple Pay,Square,Amazon Pay,Visa Checkout,Chase Pay,Ayden等。 与Shopify不同,BigCommerce不会向您收取使用这些付款网关的交易费。

You can start with one of their many pre-made website templates and customize it to match your needs using their easy drag & drop website builder.


BigCommerce comes with many features built-in to handle conversion rate optimization such as cart abandonment, improved product search, product reviews, coupons, and more. For additional features, you can connect with third-party applications from their app store.

BigCommerce内置了许多用于处理转换率优化的功能,例如购物车放弃,改进的产品搜索,产品评论,优惠券等。 对于其他功能,您可以从第三方应用程序的应用程序商店中与其连接。

The best part is their dashboard that lets you see the metrics to help you grow your business with confidence.




If you are just starting out, then you will find BigCommerce pricing a bit higher than other website builders in the list.


Since it’s a proprietary platform, migrating away from BigCommerce will be difficult.




BigCommerce comes with a 15-day free trial for all plans. Their basic plans at $29.95 per month which comes with all the essential features that you will need. You can upgrade to the plus plan which costs $79.95 per month for additional conversion optimization features. Their pro plan costs $249.95 per month which has all the advanced features you may need.

BigCommerce为所有计划提供15天免费试用。 他们的基本计划每月29.95美元,其中包含您需要的所有基本功能。 您可以升级到plus计划,该服务每月收费79.95美元,以提供其他转化优化功能。 他们的专业计划每月收费249.95美元,其中包含您可能需要的所有高级功能。

The best part about BigCommerce when compared to Shopify and other third-party eCommerce platforms is that they have a seamless integration with WordPress which can be a huge plus if you want to combine the flexibility of WordPress with the power of BigCommerce.


6. Shopify (6. Shopify)

Shopify is another popular eCommerce website builder designed specifically for online stores and ecommerce websites. It powers more than half a million businesses with 1 million active users. Over 40 Billion dollars worth of products have been sold on Shopify’s platform.

Shopify是另一种流行的电子商务网站构建器,专门为在线商店和电子商务网站设计 。 它为拥有100万活跃用户的半百万企业提供动力。 Shopify平台上已售出价值超过400亿美元的产品。



Shopify is an all-in-one fully hosted solution, this means you don’t have to worry about managing software, installing updates, or keeping backups. Shopify does all that for you.

Shopify是一个一体化的全托管解决方案,这意味着您不必担心管理软件,安装更新或保留备份 。 Shopify为您完成所有这些工作。

It offers integrated payment solution called Shopify Payments. You can also add third-party payment gateways to accept payments.

它提供了称为Shopify Payments的集成支付解决方案。 您还可以添加第三方付款网关以接受付款。

As an ecommerce website builder, Shopify comes with full inventory management, unlimited products, powerful stats, easy marketing solutions, all neatly wrapped under one roof. They have hunereds of designs to choose from, and you will never need to add code.

作为电子商务网站的构建者,Shopify拥有完整的库存管理,无限的产品,强大的统计数据,简便的营销解决方案,所有这些都整齐地包装在一个屋顶下。 他们有多种设计可供选择,您将无需添加代码。

With its intuitive drag and drop interface, Shopify makes it super-easy to create a full-fledged ecommerce store. They also offer in-store POS, which allows you to sell products at your location, while accepting all credit cards and taking advantage of Shopify’s inventory, shipping, marketing, and stats management tools.

通过其直观的拖放界面,Shopify可以非常轻松地创建功能完善的电子商务商店。 他们还提供店内POS,使您可以在本地销售产品,同时接受所有信用卡并利用Shopify的库存,运输,市场营销和统计信息管理工具。

You can even integrate Shopify into WordPress, allowing you to use both great solutions at the same time.

您甚至可以将Shopify集成到WordPress中 ,从而允许您同时使用两种出色的解决方案。



If you are just starting out, then you may find Shopify’s pricing a bit higher than some other website builders in this list.


If you ever want to move your website away from Shopify, you will find it quite difficult to do so.




Shopify’s basic plan will cost you $29 per month. You can upgrade it to Shopify for $79 per month or Advanced Shopify for $299 per month. Shopify also offers a Shopify Lite plan for $9 per month, which basically allows you to add a buy button on any website.

Shopify的基本计划每月将花费您29美元。 您可以将其升级到Shopify,每月费用为79美元,也可以将其升级到Advanced Shopify,费用为每月299美元。 Shopify还提供每月9美元的Shopify Lite计划,该计划基本上允许您在任何网站上添加购买按钮。

If you want a hassle free ecommerce website builder, then Shopify may be the perfect option for you.


7. (7. )

is a blogging and website hosting service run by Automattic. It is created by Matt Mullenweg, the co-founder of WordPress open source software, hence the name . To learn more, see our article on how are and related.

是由Automattic经营的博客和网站托管服务。 它由WordPress开源软件的共同创始人Matt Mullenweg创建,因此名为。 要了解更多信息,请参阅有关和如何相关的文章 。

However, is not the same as self-hosted . Please see our comparison of vs for more details.

但是,与自托管的不同。 请参阅我们对与的比较以了解更多详细信息。



is a website hosting service built on top of the same WordPress software but with a totally custom user experience. You don’t have to worry about the software and backups as takes care of it.

是基于相同WordPress软件构建的网站托管服务,但具有完全自定义的用户体验。 您无需担心软件和备份,因为会负责。

Their free and paid plans have different set of features. All plans allow users to choose from hundreds of free and paid WordPress themes. You can then use the built-in customizer to add your site title, use widgets, add navigation menus, and so on.

他们的免费和付费计划具有不同的功能。 所有计划都允许用户从数百个免费和付费的WordPress主题中进行选择。 然后,您可以使用内置的定制程序来添加您的网站标题,使用小部件,添加导航菜单等等。

It doesn’t offer the same drag and drop functionality of other website builders. However, you can easily customize designs to a certain extent.

它没有提供其他网站建设者相同的拖放功能。 但是,您可以在一定程度上轻松自定义设计。



You cannot install custom plugins or themes unless you upgrade to their business plan.


Premium and lower plans do not have eCommerce features or third-party ad network support. With the business plan, you can use WooCommerce and third-party ad networks. However, you will still have to follow ’s terms and conditions.

高级和低级计划没有电子商务功能或第三方广告网络支持。 通过商业计划,您可以使用WooCommerce和第三方广告网络。 但是,您仍然必须遵守的条款和条件。



The basic plan is free, but is extremely limited. Their personal plan starts with $4 per month billed annually and includes a custom domain. Premium plan costs $8.25 per month billed annually and it gives you the ability to monetize your site and advanced design customization. Business plan costs $24.92 per month billed annually, and it gives you the ability to have Ecommerce and custom plugins.

基本计划是免费的,但是非常有限。 他们的个人计划开始于每月4美元的年费,其中包括自定义域名。 高级计划的费用为每月$ 8.25,每年,您可以通过自己的网站获利并进行高级设计定制。 商业计划的每月费用为每月$ 24.92,并且使您能够拥有电子商务和自定义插件。

8.健壮 (8. Weebly)

Weebly is an easy website builder software with tons of great designs. It includes a beautifully crafted page builder which allows you to edit your website without learning any coding skills.

Weebly是一款简单易用的网站构建器软件,具有大量出色的设计。 它包括一个制作精美的页面构建器 ,使您无需学习任何编码技能即可编辑网站。



Weebly is a fully hosted platform, so you don’t need to install and manage any software. They take care of hosting your website and managing all the software that runs in the backend.

Weebly是一个完全托管的平台,因此您无需安装和管理任何软件。 他们负责托管您的网站并管理在后端运行的所有软件。

It comes with dozens of website designs to use as an starting point for your website. These gorgeous designs are fully editable using Weebly’s live page editor.

它带有许多网站设计,可以用作您网站的起点。 这些华丽的设计可以使用Weebly的实时页面编辑器进行完全编辑。

Weebly also comes with built-in support for ecommerce. This allows you to easily create an online store and start selling.

Weebly还附带了对电子商务的内置支持。 这使您可以轻松创建在线商店并开始销售。

Each Weebly site comes with built in features for contact forms, photo galleries, sliders, and more. This allows you to easily add features to your website without any complicated setup process.

每个Weebly网站都具有内置功能,可用于联系表格 ,照片画廊,滑块等。 这使您可以轻松地向网站添加功能,而无需任何复杂的设置过程。

Given the ease of use and great features, Weebly is consistently rated among the best DIY website builders for beginners.




offers a fully hosted platform, so you are locked to the features they offer. You cannot hire a developer or designer to add new functionality or feature to your website.

提供了一个完全托管的平台,因此您只能使用它们提供的功能。 您不能雇用开发人员或设计人员向您的网站添加新功能。

Weebly charges 3% transaction fees on every purchase made through your ecommerce store. You’ll need to upgrade to their business plan to avoid these additional fees.

对于通过您的电子商务商店进行的每次购买,Weebly收取3%的交易费用。 您需要升级到他们的商业计划,以避免这些额外的费用。



Weebly comes with a very basic free plan. Their paid plans start from $8 per month billed annually. The pro plan costs $12 per month, and their business plan costs $25 per month.

Weebly提供了一个非常基本的免费计划。 他们的付费计划从每月8美元起,按年计费。 专业计划每月花费$ 12,而他们的商业计划每月花费$ 25。

If you are wondering how it stacks up against WordPress, then check out our comparison of Weebly vs WordPress.

如果您想知道它如何与WordPress结合使用,请查看我们对Weebly与WordPress的比较 。

9.平方空间 (9. Squarespace)

Squarespace is a popular professional website builder known for its great designs and ease of use.




Squarespace comes with enterprise-grade infrastructure for hosting your website. This secure and robust platform allows you to focus on growing your business without worrying about hosting.

Squarespace带有用于托管网站的企业级基础架构。 这个安全而强大的平台使您可以专注于发展业务,而不必担心托管。

Squarespace includes tons of website designs to get started. All of these designs are completely ready for all types of content. They are fully editable, and Squarespace even allows you to use multiple templates for the same website at once.

Squarespace包含大量的网站设计入门。 所有这些设计均已完全准备就绪,可适用于所有类型的内容。 它们是完全可编辑的,并且Squarespace甚至允许您一次为同一个网站使用多个模板。

Adding content to your website is very easy on Squarespace. Just point anywhere on your website and start typing. You can easily drag and drop items on pages to create your own layouts in minutes.

在Squarespace上,向网站添加内容非常容易。 只需指向您网站上的任意位置并开始输入即可。 您可以轻松地在页面上拖放项目以在几分钟内创建自己的布局。

Squarespace also has an ecommerce plan which allow you to add an online store to your website. It offers a nice interface to manage your products, inventory, orders, coupon discounts, and more.

Squarespace还有一个电子商务计划,可让您将在线商店添加到您的网站。 它提供了一个不错的界面来管理您的产品,库存,订单,优惠券折扣等。



Squarespace offers limited integrations with third-party service which can be a hurdle in growing your business.


Their ecommerce plans only allow Stripe, Apple Pay, and PayPal for payment processing. You cannot add additional payment gateways.

他们的电子商务计划仅允许Stripe,Apple Pay和PayPal进行付款处理。 您无法添加其他支付网关。



Squarespace websites start from $12 per month and $18 per month. Their online stores start from $26 and $40 per month.

Squarespace网站的费用从每月12美元到18美元不等。 他们的在线商店起价为每月26美元和40美元。

Squarespace is a beautifully designed platform that offers very easy to use features. It can be perfect if you just want to quickly build a website.

Squarespace是一个设计精美的平台,提供了非常易于使用的功能。 如果您只想快速建立一个网站,它可能是完美的。

If you are wondering how it stacks up against WordPress, then take a look at our comparison of Squarespace vs WordPress.


10.蜡 (10. Wix)

is another popular cloud based website builder software. It offers ease of use combined with a powerful set of features to easily build your website.

是另一种流行的基于云的网站构建器软件。 它提供了易用性以及强大的功能集,可轻松构建您的网站。



Wix website creator is a fully hosted platform, so you will not have to pay for hosting. You get access to hundreds of templates to choose for your website’s design. Each template is fully editable with their intuitive drag and drop site builder.

Wix网站创建者是一个完全托管的平台,因此您无需支付托管费用。 您可以访问数百个模板,以选择网站的设计。 每个模板都可以通过其直观的拖放站点构建器进行完全编辑。

It also comes with dozens of free and paid apps that you can install on your website. These apps allow you to add new features and functionality to your website. Some of them are created by Wix, and others are created by third-party developers.

它还带有许多免费的和付费的应用程序,您可以在您的网站上安装它们。 这些应用程序使您可以向网站添加新功能。 其中一些是由Wix创建的,另一些是由第三方开发人员创建的。

Wix offers a free plan with limited bandwidth and storage. However, you can use this plan to test drive their drag and drop website builder. It does not include a domain name, so if you decide to keep your website, then you may want to upgrade to a premium plan.

Wix提供有限带宽和存储空间的免费计划。 但是,您可以使用此计划来测试驱动其拖放式网站构建器。 它不包含域名 ,因此,如果您决定保留自己的网站,则可能要升级到高级计划。

You also get a free SSL with all Wix plans, but you will need to turn it on for your website.




Free and Connect Domain plans will show Wix branded ads on your website. You’ll need to upgrade to their Combo or Unlimited plan to remove those ads.

Free and Connect Domain计划将在您的网站上显示Wix品牌的广告。 您需要升级到其组合计划或无限计划,才能删除这些广告。

If you ever decide to move your website away from Wix, then you will find it quite complicated to do so.

如果您决定将网站从Wix移开 ,那么这样做会很复杂。

Their Connect Domain plan which costs $9.16 per month only lets you connect a custom domain name, so you’ll still have to buy a domain name separately.

他们的Connect Domain计划每月收费9.16美元,只允许您连接自定义域名,因此您仍然需要单独购买域名。



Wix offers a limited free plan with a Wix branded sub domain. You can connect a domain for $9.16 per month. Their combo plan starts at $14.95/month and will get you a free domain name. The ecommerce plan costs $26.25 per month.

Wix提供带有Wix品牌子域的有限免费计划。 您可以每月$ 9.16的价格连接一个域。 他们的组合计划起价为每月14.95美元,将为您提供免费域名。 电子商务计划每月收费26.25美元。

If you are interested in how it stacks up against WordPress, then see our comparison of Wix vs WordPress.


11. BoldGrid (11. BoldGrid)

BoldGrid is a new kind of website builder that is built on top of WordPress. It is available as a standalone WordPress plugin as well as a fully hosted website builder suite.

BoldGrid是一种基于WordPress的新型网站构建器。 它可以作为独立的WordPress插件以及完全托管的网站构建器套件使用。



BoldGrid is built on top of WordPress, so you get full advantage of WordPress with a customized user experience. BoldGrid’s website builder allows you to choose a professional design from their gallery of themes.

BoldGrid基于WordPress构建,因此您可以通过自定义的用户体验充分利用WordPress的优势。 BoldGrid的网站构建器使您可以从其主题画廊中选择专业设计。

After that, you can customize those designs with a drag and drop customizer. You can point and click on any item in the preview section to edit its properties. You can change colors, fonts, layouts, navigation menus, and widgets with ease.

之后,您可以使用拖放定制器来定制那些设计。 您可以指向并单击预览部分中的任何项目以编辑其属性。 您可以轻松更改颜色,字体,布局, 导航菜单和小部件。

Need a staging website? BoldGrid creates one for you with a single click. This allows you to test out your new designs, layouts, plugins, and themes before making it live for everyone to see.

需要一个登台网站 ? BoldGrid只需单击即可为您创建一个。 这样,您便可以测试新的设计,布局,插件和主题,然后再发布给所有人观看。

It also comes with a full WYSIWYG page editor. No more guess work when editing your pages in WordPress. You’ll get exactly what you see on your page editor window. You can also use GridBlocks to simply drag and drop elements to your page and build your own layouts from scratch.

它还带有完整的WYSIWYG页面编辑器。 在WordPress中编辑页面时无需再猜测。 您将完全在页面编辑器窗口中看到。 您还可以使用GridBlocks来简单地将元素拖放到页面上并从头开始构建自己的布局。

All BoldGrid themes are ready for WooCommerce. This allows you to easily create a storefront using BoldGrid’s drag and drop builder (see our list of best WooCommerce hosting companies).

所有BoldGrid主题都可以用于WooCommerce 。 这使您可以使用BoldGrid的拖放生成器轻松创建店面(请参阅我们的最佳WooCommerce托管公司列表)。



BoldGrid runs on top of WordPress, so you will still need a self-hosted website to use it.


But the good part is backups are included through BoldGrid backups, so you don’t have to worry about that.




BoldGrid basic plugin is available as a free download. You’ll need a WordPress hosting account and a domain name to install and use it. We recommend using InMotion Hosting because they are an official BoldGrid hosting provider.

BoldGrid基本插件可免费下载。 您需要一个WordPress托管帐户和一个域名才能安装和使用它。 我们建议使用InMotion托管,因为它们是官方的BoldGrid托管提供商。

This means you can easily setup BoldGrid with a few clicks on InMotion Hosting’s platform.

这意味着您只需在InMotion Hosting的平台上单击几下即可轻松设置BoldGrid。

InMotion Hosting has agreed to offer WPBeginner users 50% discount on hosting. Click here to get started with InMotion Hosting.

InMotion Hosting已同意为WPBeginner用户提供50%的托管折扣。 单击此处开始使用InMotion Hosting 。

If you want to use WordPress but with the ease of hosted drag and drop website builders, then BoldGrid would be perfect for you.


12. GoDaddy网站构建器 (12. GoDaddy Website Builder)

GoDaddy is one of the largest domain name and hosting service providers in the world. They offer a simple online website builder with hosting included.

GoDaddy是全球最大的域名和托管服务提供商之一。 他们提供了一个包含托管的简单在线网站构建器。



GoDaddy Website Builder is a simple and easy tool to create professional looking websites. It comes pre-loaded with several ready to use blocks that you can drag and drop to build different layouts.

GoDaddy网站构建器是创建专业外观网站的简单工具。 它预装了几个可立即使用的块,您可以拖放这些块来构建不同的布局。

It also has integrated photo library with professional images from Getty Photography that you can use on your website. You can also upload your own photos and create image galleries.

它还集成了照片库和来自Getty Photography的专业图像,可在您的网站上使用。 您也可以上传自己的照片并创建图库。

GoDaddy website builder works on smaller screens too. This allows you to work on your website on the go using your mobile phone or tablet.

GoDaddy网站构建器也可以在较小的屏幕上运行。 这使您可以使用手机或平板电脑随时随地在网站上工作。



It is not as feature rich and flexible as most other website builders on this list. It offers limited set of features with fewer design options.

它不像此列表上的其他大多数网站建设者那样功能丰富和灵活。 它提供的功能集有限,设计选项更少。

It is quite difficult to move your website from GoDaddy Website Builder to WordPress.




Personal plan costs $5.99/month, business plan for $9.99/month, and business plus plan for $14.99/month. All plans are billed annually.

个人计划的费用为$ 5.99 /月,商业计划的费用为$ 9.99 /月,商业加计划的费用为$ 14.99 /月。 所有计划均按年计费。

GoDaddy Website Builder can be used for a basic website with a few pages. However, it is not a good choice to build content rich websites.

GoDaddy网站构建器可用于仅几页的基本网站。 但是,构建内容丰富的网站不是一个好的选择。

最佳网站建设者的精选 (Our Pick for The Best Website Builder)

After carefully evaluating all the popular online website builders, we believe that WordPress beats them all in overall performance, ease of use, price, and flexibility.


WordPress is an excellent choice for beginners as well as business websites. Some of the world’s top brands are using WordPress on their websites. See all the reasons to choose WordPress as your website builder.

WordPress是初学者和商业网站的绝佳选择。 一些世界顶级品牌在其网站上使用WordPress。 查看选择WordPress作为网站构建器的所有原因 。

If you want to build your website with the best website builder, then get started with WordPress by using Bluehost. It is definitely our #1 choice.

如果您想用最好的网站构建器来构建您的网站,请使用Bluehost开始使用WordPress 。 绝对是我们的第一选择。

You can read our step by step guide on how to make a website for detailed instructions.

您可以阅读有关如何制作网站的逐步指南, 以获取详细说明。

If you’re looking to build an online store (eCommerce website), then we recommend BigCommerce as the best eCommerce website builder because it offers all the features that you will need at the best price.


If you want a WordPress alternative, then we recommend using either Constant Contact Builder or Gator.

如果您想要WordPress替代品 ,那么我们建议您使用Constant Contact Builder或Gator。

Constant Contact Website Builder is the best free website builder. It offers an intelligent A.I powered website builder for small businesses that helps you build a custom website within minutes. You can get started for free to build a blog, business, website, and even an online store.

持续联系网站构建器是最好的免费网站构建器。 它为小型企业提供了一个由智能AI驱动的网站构建器,可帮助您在几分钟内构建自定义网站。 您可以免费开始建立博客,企业,网站,甚至是在线商店。

Gator is a premium website builder platform offered by the popular web hosting company, HostGator. It has a lot of powerful features that you’d need to get started.

Gator是由受欢迎的网络托管公司HostGator提供的高级网站构建器平台。 它具有许多强大的功能,您需要开始使用它们。

We hope website builder reviews helped you choose the best website builder for your project. You may also want to see out list of tools to help you grow your website.

我们希望网站建设者的评论能帮助您为您的项目选择最佳的网站建设者。 您可能还希望查看有助于您发展网站的工具列表。

If you liked this article, then please subscribe to our YouTube Channel for WordPress video tutorials. You can also find us on Twitter and Facebook.

如果您喜欢这篇文章,请订阅我们的YouTube频道 WordPress视频教程。 您也可以在Twitter和Facebook上找到我们。

Disclaimer:to help avoid choice paralysis, we only compared the top 12 website builder platforms. This list doesn’t include other website builder platforms like Site123, Duda, Jimdo, SiteBuilder, etc because we believe the solutions mentioned in this article are simply better.

免责声明:为避免选择麻痹,我们仅比较了前12个网站构建器平台。 该列表不包括其他网站构建器平台,例如Site123,Duda,Jimdo,SiteBuilder等,因为我们认为本文提到的解决方案会更好。

翻译自: /beginners-guide/how-to-choose-the-best-website-builder/

模型构建器 空间位置选择
