900字范文 > 图画现代主义 pictorial modernism英语短句 例句大全

图画现代主义 pictorial modernism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-21 12:19:44


图画现代主义 pictorial modernism英语短句 例句大全

图画现代主义,pictorial modernism

1)pictorial modernism图画现代主义


1.Seeking the Deep Meaning of P.M in Design History图画现代主义的设计史深层意义探寻

2.Exploration of the Western Modernism Drawing Composition Factors and the Visual Psychology;西方现代主义绘画构图因素与视觉心理浅探

3.Modernism Drawing’s Influence on Modernism Design;现代主义绘画对现代主义设计的影响

4.Surrealism Drawing Fantasy Type Creation Method to Modern Advertisement Graph Creativity Influence;超现实主义绘画的幻想式创作方法对现代广告图形创意的影响

5.Interpret the Collage in the Post-modernism Novels;后现代主义小说中拼贴画之现象解读

6.So Impressionism is the transfer of painting from tradition to modern.所以,印象主义是传统绘画向现代绘画的转折。

7.The Reflection of Chinese Traditional Literati Drawing and Western Modernism Painting;中国传统文人画与西方现代主义绘画的思索

8.The Change of Poem and Painting: Reading Laocoon to Discuss the Relation Between Poem and Painting of Modernistic Art and Literature;诗画之变——读《拉奥孔》论现代主义文艺诗画关系

9.Empress Modernism Text Idea Influence Mural Artistic;后现代主义文本观对壁画创作的影响

10.Value Orientation of the Creation of Contemporary Realistic Landscape Painting;当代山水画现实主义创作的价值取向

11.The "Traditionalism" in the Modern Transformation of Chinese Painting in 20th Century;20世纪中国画现代转型中的“传统主义”

12.On Abstract Expressionistic Painting and the Reflection of Spirit of the Times;论抽象表现主义绘画折射的时代精神

13.The Quality of Plane--the Contextual Characteristics of Modernist Painting;现代主义绘画语境中的特征——平面性

14.On Surrealism in Contemporary Chinese Flower-and-Bird Painting论中国当代花鸟画的超现实主义倾向

15.A Turning Point of Traditional Painting and Modern Painting;传统绘画与现代绘画的转折——论马奈及印象主义绘画的艺术

16.The Hayao Miyazaki Animated Cartoon World in Light of Modernism and Post-Modernism现代主义与后现代主义观照下的宫崎骏动画世界

17.Post-modernist Thought and the Relationship between Contemporary Chinese Painting后现代主义思潮与中国当代绘画的关系

18.Realism,Modernism and Traditional Painting: An Enquiring and Reflection;现实主义、现代派与传统绘画的追问与反思



1.Strategy & Mixing--Two Basic Characters of Modernity andModernism in Oil Painting;策略与混杂——现代性与油画现代主义的两个基本特征

3)Modernist Painting现代主义绘画

4)western modernism painting西方现代主义绘画

5)modernism drawing education definitely现代主义绘画教育

6)modern realistic painting现代写实主义绘画

1.This thesis just makes a research on the painting art of Balthus, an important representative of themodern realistic painting, in order to analyze the subjectivity of main body’s consciousness in themodern realistic painting.本文所研究的问题是以现代写实主义绘画的重要代表人物巴尔蒂斯的绘画艺术为切入点,来剖析现代写实主义绘画的主体意识的能动性。


