900字范文 > 吉林省长春市中考英语试卷


时间:2021-03-29 08:27:45




基础知识(共 25 分)I. 在下列各句的空白处填入一个适当的词, 使句子意思完整、语法正确。(5 分)

1.(1分)I want to be a teacher like Zhang Guimei when I grow.

2.(1分)The smart boy can find Beijing easily on theof China.

3.(1分)If you borrow books from the library,give back on time.

4.(1分)Changbai Mountain in Jilin Province is a good place to fun.

5.(1分)They came up a good idea to keep their classroom clean and tidy.

Ⅱ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。(5 分)

6.(1分)We should speak to the old people (polite).

7.(1分)Helen enjoys (listen) to soft music when she is tired.

8.(1分)Don eat too much junk food because its (healthy).

9.(1分)Shanghai is my fathers favorite city and its his (five)time to visit it.

10.(1分)People show thanks to(nurse)because they take good care of patients.

III. 单项选择。(15 分)从每小题所给的四个选项中, 选出一个最佳答案。

11.(1分)Tom thinks playing ___________basketball is a good way to relax himself.

A.a B.an C.the D./

12.(1分)We used to buy things in the ____________ but now we usually do it online.

A.shop B.museum C.bank D.library

13.(1分)My cousin keeps two pets.One is a lovely cat and ___________ is a beautiful bird.

A.other B.others C.the other D.another

14.(1分)There __________two people waiting for you outside now.

A.is B.are C.was D.were

15.(1分)Bill is running so fast!I _________believe my eyes.

A.needn B.shouldn C.mustn D.can

16.(1分)Write down these useful sentences,___________youll forget them.

A.and B.or C.but D.so

17.(1分)Hi,Mom is __________than any other film that Ive ever seen.

A.popular B.the most popular

C.too popular D.more popular

18.(1分)—Do you often go to Jingyue Park,by car or by bike?

—______________.I think its good for the environment and our health.

A.Yes,I do B.No,I don C.By bike D.By car

19.(1分)Don be upset.Sometimes challenges can ___________ the best in us.

A.bring out B.work out C.hand out D.hang out

20.(1分)—Dave,could you tell me _________________?

—Go straight and turn right at the first crossing.

A.how can I get to Renmin Square

B.how I can get to Renmin Square

C.when can I get to Renmin Square

D.when I can get to Renmin Square

21.(1分)_________myself,I will take up a hobby like painting this summer.

A.Improve B.Improving C.To improve D.Improved

22.(1分)________the sun was shining,it wasn very warm.

A.Although B.If C.Since D.Because

23.(1分)I will never forget the people _________helped me a lot during my hard time.

A.which B.who C.whose D.whom

24.(1分)China Panda Train from Chengdu to Zunyi ___________to use on March 28,.

A.is put B.was put

C.will be put D.puts

25.(1分)My classmates like to read English novels ___________ their free time.

A.in B.on C.at D.to

二、交际运用(共5 分)IV. 根据对话内容, 运用方框中所给的句子选项补全对话。选项中有一项是多余的。(5分)(Eric and Lily are from different schools. They meet in the English Corner)

26.(5分)Eric:Hey,Lily !Why do you look so excited today?

Lily:I just practiced singing in the 100﹣people chorus(大合唱).

Eric:Wow!One hundred people? (1)

Lily:Sure it is.Its for the 100th birthday of the Communist Party of China.

Eric:Our school also has some activities for the special day.

Lily: (2)

Eric:Ill read poems as a member of the poem reading group.

Lily:Sounds interesting! (3)

Eric :They e about Chinese history and patriotism(爱国主义).

Lily: (4)

Eric:Yes.A lot of people volunteer for Beautiful Changchun to celebrate it.

Lily:It seems that everyone wants to do something for the celebration.

Eric: (5) Its a big event to our country.

Lily:It will be the most unforgettable experience in our life,too.

Eric:I think so.

三、阅读(共45 分)V. 完形填空。(15 分)阅读短文,掌握其大意,然后从每小题所给的四个选项中选出一个最佳答案。

27.(15分)I recently gave my class a task.It was to go to someone and say "I love you".It could be someone you felt sorry to or had never said those words to before.Hearing this,my students were silent,because they were too (1) to express love,especially the boys who (2) speaking out love not macho(男子汉的).

When I checked their work,Zhang Rui was the first to (3) his story. "Since my sister was born,she has become the focus and caught the (4) of the whole family.I fell left out and unhappy, "Zhang Rui said, "They were not angry with me.Instead(安慰)me.When I said love you,they were(5) but moved"

As son as Zhang Rui sat down,many students (6) their hands actively.Du Yang got the chance. "My father and I had a(n) (7) one month ago.After that,we (8) spoke to each other.When I went back home with the task,I took courage, (9) forward and said,Dad,I just want to tell you that I love you. My fathers face softened and his eyes watered.

He reached out(10) me and said, I love you too,but I have never been able to say it. The next day(11) COVID﹣19.Several days later,he called and thanked me for those words.He added that (12) could be stronger than the power of love and support from family.I believe that my father will have a safe (13) ." With tears in his eyes,Du Yang sat down.

Hands were waving when the bell rang.No (14) all my students had expressed love .(15) ,there was still a person to the room who didn .It was me.It was my turn to do that.

VI. 阅读理解。(30 分)

28.(5分)According to a recent survey by Xinhua Research Center,Chinese people prefer buying local brands over foreign brands.The first China Brand Day fell on May 10..A lot of activities take place to help Chinese brands develop across the country on that day every year.Lets take a look at the results of the survey.

In the past, "Made in China" made people think of cheap and poor quality(质量差的)products.But that seems to be changing.Chinese people show a lot of interest in low price(设计).Experts say Chinese brands will continue to be more popular over the next 10 years.


(1)Xinhua Research Center did a survey about .





(2)32% of Chinese people don care about brands in .


B.medicine and health care

C.bags and cases

D .poor﹣quality products

(3) of Chinese people prefer local bags and cases.





(4)Chinese people choose local brands because of the following except .

A.fine materials

B.good quality

C.creative design

D.low prices

(5)From the passage,we can know .

A. "Made in China" is popular among Chinese people all the time

B.foreign brands will not be accepted by Chinese people in ten years

C.only 10%of Chinese people prefer foreign food while others hate it

D .many activities are organized to help Chinese brands to develop on China Brand Day

29.(5分)Mary Armstrong was a pretty little girl,but she did not pay attention to her things.She usually left her books and playthings everywhere,and it gave her mom much trouble in picking them up and putting them in the proper places.

Some of her books and toys became spoiled(损坏),and sometimes annoy her friends.Even worse,it would be of great harm to her all her life.But Mary didn listen to her mom.So they argued a lot.

One day Mary made a beautiful toy,a gift for her best friends birthday.When her mom asked her to go out into their yard to play,Mary put the toy in her room casually(不经意地),it was time to go to her friends birthday party.

Mary went back to get the toy.But she couldn find it anywhere.Finally,she found the toy broken in the corner.At once she realized that Dash,and she was very angry.Carrying the broken toy to her mom,she couldn help crying.

Mrs.Armstrong asked Mary if she had left the toy in the place where Dash could easily get it,and Mary answered, "Yes

"Then you should not be irritated,Mary,because the dog does not know it is wrong to play with your toy.I hope this will be a lesson to you hereafter,to put your things away when you finish"

I will try, "said Mary.And her mom promised to repair the toy as well as she could.


(1)What did Mary and her mom argue about?

A.Her books.

B.Her playthings.

C.Her way of making friends.

D.Her habit of carelessness.

(2)Why did Mary cry when carrying the gift to her mom?

A.Because her gift was broken.

B.Because Dash broke her book.

C.Because Dash annoyed her friends.

D.Because Mrs.Armstrong was mad at her.

(3)Which is the right order of he following things?

①Dash broke the toy. ②Mary put the toy in her room.

③Mary found the toy in the corner. ④Mom would repair the toy for Mary.

A. ①③②④

B. ①③④②

C. ②①④③

D. ②①③④

(4)What does the underlined word "irritated" in the fourth paragraph probably mean?





(5)What does the passage mainly tell us?

A.Listen to our parents,and theyll repair our things.

B.Be kind to our pets,and they won break our things.

C.Get on well with our friends,and well get birthday gifts.

D.Be careful with our things and well develop a good habit.

30.(5分)One of my favorite books is The Adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain.The story happens in a town in the US.It tells some exciting stories about a boy who has man adventures (冒险).

Tom,the hero of the book,lives with his aunt.He does not like people telling him what to do,Tom discovers the secret of a bad man named Injun Joe.So the bad man is looking for him.Tom firstly runs away to an island in the middle of the Mississippi River.Later,he runs into a cave(山洞)

My favorite part of the book is when Tom and his friend start their adventures on the island in the Mississippi River.At first,they are happy.But hearing that everyone thinks they are dead,they feel very sorry.So they come back home.When they suddenly appear,but very pleased to find that they are alive.

The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a great book.First of all,it tells a wonderful adventure story.It also tells how young people grow,how people love each other and how bad people pay for their actions.It is written in everyday English,it is still read and loved by people all over the world and is thought to be one of the greatest American stories.


(1)The writer of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is Mark Twain.

(2)Tom may be unhappy when people tell him to do something.

(3)The bad man is looking for Tom because he takes the treasure box away.

(4)The family are surprised and sorry when Tom and his friend come back.

(5)The greatness of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is decided by its everyday English.

31.(5分)German scientist think that your brain keeps working while you e asleep.To show that they were right,they gave two groups of students a problem to work out Group One went to sleep,and Group Two stayed awake. (1)

At the same time,from a recent study many children have missed out on 4.500 hours of sleep by the time they are seven years old.According to the Ministry of Education,primary school students should get at least 10 hours of sleep a night. (2) The answer is nine.If they don get enough sleep at night,they will face more challenging situations in schoolwork.

Schools are taking action to make sure the students can get enough sleep. (3) Three reasons are mentioned for the problem.Firstly they spend hours n scrolling(滚动),such as Douyin and Wechat Hours of watching the mobile phones can be harmful to their eyes and cause students to sleep less. (4)

They may work overtime to get the job finished and they can watch over he kids.Lastly,drinks like tea or coffee can also keep them excited and awake.

(5) For example,they should avoid using mobile phones too much,and drink something like milk before going to bed.

Only if schools,families and students join hands together,can students get enough sleep and be at their best in schoolwork.

阅读短文,把 A﹣E五个句子填入文中空缺处,使短文内容完整。

32.(10分)John was born in 1838.When he turned 11 years old,his family moved to the United States from Scotland.They began a new life in Wisconsin that year.

John showed his love of nature in his early years.He liked playing outdoors.He also loved working outdoors on his fathers farm.

When he was 29,John had an accident at work.The accident hurt his eyes.As a result he missed looking at nature for months.Luckily,he could see again.Later that year

First.John hiked 1,000 miles.He studied plants and wildlife He then took a trip by ship.It was to learn more about the world around him.In 1869,John went to the Sierra Nevada Mountains.He climbed the mountains and wrote down what he saw.And he wrote about the animals and plants as well.By the time John turned 33

In 1852,John started the Sierra Chub.Many people joined it.They agreed that forest wildlife should be protected.Today,the club has more than two million members.It has a great influence on the people who love nature.They all help spread the ways to protect the environment.

Johns books are still read today.He is famous for his love of nature.


(1)Where did John and his family begin their new life?

(2)How did John show his love of nature in his early years?

(3)What was Johns dream after he could see again?

(4)When did John go to climb the Sierra Nevadan Mountains?

(5)Why did John do things like taking trips,writing books and starting a club?(请用一句话作答)

四、书面表达(共 20 分)VII.(A)(5分)


(B)(15 分).

34.(15分)神舟十二号载人飞船于北京时间 年6月17日9时 22分成功发射,自此中国人首次进入自己的空间站。假如你是张华,请给宇航员写一封信







(1)Shenzhou XII manned spaceship 神舟十二号载人飞船

(2)launch v&n 发射

Dear Astronauts,

Best wishes!

Zhang Hua


1.解答:根据when I grow...。推出空缺单词是介词"up",固定搭配。


2.解答:根据The smart can Beijing on China。推出空缺单词是名词"map地图"。


3.解答:根据If you books the ,看后面是指按时归还它们。


4.解答:根据a good to...fun。推出空缺单词是动词"have",固定短语。a place 。


5.解答:根据came up...a idea 。推出空缺单词是"with",固定搭配。




7.解答:根据题干,可知enjoy doing sth喜欢做某事。


8.解答:根据题干Don eat much food 。unhealthy不健康的。


9.解答:根据题干its his...(five)time visit ,可知是指这是他第五次参观它,第五。




11.解答:根据题干,可知此处是指play basketball打篮球。




13.解答:other另外的,其他的;others相当于other+名词复数,并非全部,可接单数或者复数名词,常用结构式为:one...the other...,只能代替或修饰单数可数名词 cousin two 。可知。


14.解答:根据关键词there 和now,可知此题为there be 结构的一般现在时态。主语是two ,因此be动词使用are。


15.解答:A不必,B不应该,D不能。can 不能,






18.解答:题目中问题为选择疑问句,句意为你经常开车还是骑自行车去净月公园,A选项和B选项用于对一般疑问句的回答 good the and health.可知对环境和我们的健康有好处。


19.解答:bring out展现,work out计算出,hang out外出闲逛,可知有时挑战可以让我们展现最好的一面。




21.解答:根据题干I will up a like this ,这是为了提高自己。






24.解答:根据语境,题干主语是Train(列车),表"被投入使用",表过去,即was put符合语境。





(1)B.联系前文Eric"Wow!One people!一百人,所以B.Thats ,故选B。

(2)E.联系前文Eric:"Our school has activities the day."我们学校也有一些特别的活动?故选E。

(3)D.根据下文Eric :"They e Chinese and 。可知莉莉询问诗歌内容是什么。

(4)F.根据下文Eric:"Yes.A lot people for Changchun celebrate 。许多人志愿为美丽长春庆祝 many people Changchun making ?"许多其他的长春人也会做准备吗,故选F。

(5)A.根据上文Lily:"It seems everyone to something the 。以及下文Eric:"Its a event our 。对Lily的话表示肯定。






(6)A.动词辨析。A.put up举起;C.put on穿上。句意"许多同学都主动举起手"。







(13)C.动词辨析。A.search 搜索;C.return返回。句意"我相信我父亲会安全返回"。


(15)D.连词辨析。A.After all毕竟;C.Besides除此之外。句意"然而,那个人就是我"。

28.解答:(1)C.细节理解题。根据第一段According a recent by Research ,Chinese prefer local over brands.据新华社研究中心最近的一项调查显示。可知新华社做了有关品牌的调查



(4)A.细节判断题。根据第二段Chinese show a of in price quality creative 、好的质量和有创意的设计表现出很大的兴趣,故选A。

(5)D.细节理解题。根据第一段The China Day on 10..A of take to Chinese develop the on day year5月10日是第一个中国品牌日,故选D。

29.解答:(1)D.细节理解题。根据第一段"Her had told the result being careless.The habit carelessness make unhappy sometimes her worse would of harm her her Mary listen her they a lot"她的妈妈经常告诉玛丽粗心大意的不良后果,有时还会惹恼她的朋友,这将对她的一生造成极大的伤害。所以她们经常争吵,她们经常因为玛丽的粗心而争吵。

(2)A.细节理解题。根据第二段"Carrying broken to mom couldn crying"她把坏了的玩具拿给妈妈。可知。故选A。

(3)D.细节理解题。根据"Mary the in room ,玛丽把玩具放在她的房间里是第一件事,she the broken the ,Dash把玩具弄坏了是第二件事 found toy in corner"可知;根据"And mom to the as as could"可知。综上所述。

(4)C.词义猜测题。根据"her dog done 。以及"Then you should not be irritated,because the dog does not know t is wrong to play with your toy"那你就不要......,因为狗不知道玩你的玩具是不对的,看到狗把玩具弄坏了,所以irritated的意思是"生气的"。故选C。

(5)D.主旨大意题。根据"I this be a to hereafter put things when finish"我希望这对你以后是个教训。以及通读全文可知,要把东西收拾好。D选项"放好我们的东西。故选D。


(1)T.根据第一段One of favorite is Adventures Tom by Twain.我最喜欢的一本书是马克吐温写的《汤姆索亚历险记》,与原文相符,故选T。

(2)T.根据第二段He does like telling what do he get trouble.他不喜欢人们告诉他做什么,题目意为当人们告诉他做什么的时候,判断题目的意思可从原文推断出,故选T。

(3)F.根据第二段One day discovers secret a bad named Joe.So bad is for ,汤姆发现了坏人印第安乔的秘密,题目意为坏人在找他因为他带走了财宝箱,因此错误。

(4)F.根据第三段When they appear family neighbors surprised see ,but pleased find they alive.当他们突然出现的时候,但是发现他们还活着非常高兴,家人非常惊讶且抱歉,因此错误。

(5)F.根据最后一段The Adventures Tom is a book.First all tells a adventure also how people ,how love other how people for actions.《汤姆索亚历险记》是一本好书,它讲了一个很棒的冒险故事,人们彼此如何爱以及坏人如何为他们的行为付出代价,与原文不符,故选F。


(1)E.根据前句"To show they right gave groups students a to out One to ,and Two awake.为了证明他们是正确的。第一组去睡觉。"可知说的是做题,应说结果显示。故选E。

(2)D.根据前后句"According to Ministry Education school should at 10 of a night.根据教育部的规定。...The is 。"可知说的是睡眠时间,应说那么初中学生每晚应该睡多少个小时呢。

(3)A.根据前句"Schools are action make the can enough 。"可知说的是睡眠不足,应说但研究人员表示。故选A。

(4)C.根据前句"Three reasons mentioned the 。"可知说的是第二个原因,应说其次。故选C。

(5)B.根据后句"For example should using phones much drink like before to ,他们应该避免过多使用手机。"可知说的是重视睡眠问题,应说其实。故选B。

32.解答:(1)In Wisconsin,the United States.细节理解题,his family moved to the United States from Scotland.They began a new life in Wisconsin that year.可知。当他11岁时。那一年他们在威斯康星州开始了新的生活。故答案为 In Wisconsin

(2)He liked playing outdoors and working outdoors on his fathers farm.细节理解题。根据 John showed his love of nature in his early years.He liked playing outdoors.He also loved working outdoors on his fathers farm.可知。他喜欢在户外玩耍。故答案为He liked playing outdoors and working outdoors on his fathers farm.

(3)He decided to spend all his time learning about nature.细节理解题。根据John decided to spend all his time learning about nature.He would travel in order to make his dream come true.可知约翰决定把所有的时间都花在了解大自然上。所以约翰又能看见后的梦想是把所有的时间都花在了解大自然上

(4)In 1869.细节理解题。根据In 1869,1869年。故答案为In 1869.

(5)Because he loved nature.推理表达题。根据Johns books are still read today.He is famous for his love of nature.可知。他以热爱大自然而闻名,人们都在读他写的东西他们从约翰的书中认识到大自然的重要性。所以因为约翰热爱大自然、写书和开俱乐部之类的事

33.解答:(1)from.考查介词。句意:她从她母亲那里学会了剪纸,题干考查固定搭配learn sth from sb短语、获得……"。


(3)age.考查名词。句意:我将把这一形式传播给来自不同地方的人们,无论老少,设空处应用名词,题干关键信息是whether young or old(无论老少),这里指"每个年龄的人"。


(5)what.考查感叹词。句意:无论你何时看到中国剪纸。分析句式,从句中it is是主谓结构,这是一个感叹句,因此应用what作感叹词。故填what。

34.解答:Dear Astronauts,

I know Shenzhou XII manned spaceshipwas launched successfully on 17 tn June

I was interested in space when I was young.I want to be an astronaut when I grow up. 【高分句型一】I know it is uneasy to become an astronaut.It not only needs strong health,and develop a good habit.I want to explore space like you in the future.(自己的梦想)

Best !

Zhang Hua
