900字范文 > 请根据以下提示 并结合具体事例 用英语写一篇短文。When you take actio

请根据以下提示 并结合具体事例 用英语写一篇短文。When you take actio

时间:2022-06-12 00:07:25


请根据以下提示 并结合具体事例 用英语写一篇短文。When you take actio



When you take action, the boundaries of what you believe to be possible expand, which in turn gives you the ability to consider new possibilities.

注意:1. 无须写标题;

2. 除诗歌外,文体不限;

3. 内容必须结合你生活中的具体事例;

4. 文中不得透露个人姓名和学校名称;

5. 词数不少于120,如引用提示语则不计入总词数。



1. 认真审题,弄清话题。


2. 分析事件背景,确定写作时态。


3. 注意行文逻辑,妙用过渡词句。




1. 直接说明话题内容:我们只有投入实际行动才能实现我们的目标,并拓展我们的能力;2. 结合自己的学习和生活来举例进行说明;

3. 讲述完事例后,再次回归主题,说明自己的感悟。


1. All through my years of school life, what I have learned is that... (话题)2. In our daily life, it’s common that we may be faced with countless difficulties/choices. It’s our attitude that determines whether we can make a difference in life.

3. There’s no denying (the fact) that for us school students, what counts most is that... (话题).

4. It’s universally acknowledged that encouragement is like warm and bright sunshine, which can cheer up the heart of anyone in low spirits.


1. Therefore, it goes without saying that...

2. In conclusion, we have every reason to believe that only by... can we hope to... and achieve our goals.

3. My experience fully illustrates that what counts most is... if we are to overcome difficulties in life.

4. To sum up, it’s not our abilities but our choices that show what we truly are.

5. However hard times may get, hold your heads up and be strong; show them you are not as weak as they think.


Through my years of school life, I’ve come to realize the importance of taking specific action rather than just sitting there daydreaming or being scared by setbacks.

When still in primary school, looking at other students coming and going on their bikes made me jealous. I immediately set to action, asking my parents to buy me a bike. I began to practice. Though having suffered countless falls, I finally managed to keep my balance on it. You can’t imagine how proud I felt! More importantly, this experience accumulated my confidence that I can achieve anything as long as I worked hard enough. As it turned out, this belief has benefited me a lot in my life.

Indeed, it goes without saying that only when we take action can we make possible what we thought to be impossible, thus enabling us to make more progress.
