900字范文 > 【不足英文】求篇关于睡眠不足的英语作文急用


时间:2020-03-19 23:06:34




求篇关于睡眠不足的英语作文 急用 英语


【答案】 Side Effects of a Lack of Sleep

Do you suffer from sleep deprivation?Most teenagers need 8-12 hours of sleep.Lack of sleep can cause delayed reactions or even learning disorders.Prolonged loss of sleep occurs for physical and mental reasons and has harmful physical and mental effects to the human body.

Prolonged sleep is caused by many different functions of the body.An important cause of prolonged sleep is a teenagers biological phase-delay or a tendency to fall asleep and wake up at different times.Changes that occur at puberty in the internal body clock governing their circadian biological rhythms can cause them to sleep irregularly(Johnson,3).

Another good reasons why teenagers do not get enough sleep is because they simply do not make time for it.Some schoolwork,sports,jobs,girlfriends or boyfriends may take up most of a teenagers time or cause them to have stressful sleep(Johnson 3).

Sleep deprivation can cause slow reactions of time.It may also cause headaches and nightmares more frequently.The mind will fall asleep if it cannot get enough sleep causing it to not function properly.Some side symptoms of chronic lack of sleep are feeling fatigue or depression as body becomes drained (Haynes).

A major problem caused by sleep deprivation is behavioral changes such as:irritability,short temper,impatience,and stressful situations with more anger or sadness,also can cause more fear than they would normally have.If you continue to have prolonged lack of sleep your immune systems will begin to break down and become unstable to fight diseases (Haynes).To show how this is caused the researcher has done a study on how much sleep he/she got and how they felt that day.

Sleep deprivation has many harmful effects and there are some reasons you cannot stop prolonged lack of sleep.Sleep is essential to the studying and learning if you do not get enough sleep the mind can shut down from not having enough rest and can harm the human body.


Lack Of Sleep

It has always recommended that getting at least eight hours a sleep a night will make your life less complicated.Sleep deprivation is generally the cause of sleep disorders such as apnea,narcolepsy,and insomnia.Everyone knows without the proper amount of sleep,the mind will be groggy the next day,and as a result,many more mistakes will be made,meaning that you should get a full nights rest before taking a test or a little nap before a long drive in a car.But scientists are beginning to realize that sleep is not just a mental recharge,but also important for the body as well.When a person sleeps,the body and mind are working just as hard as when the person is awake,correcting chemical imbalances,assuring proper blood sugar levels for the next day,and maintaining the memory.

The effect of lack of sleep on the body is often worse than just not feeling like you got any sleep the next day.There can be serious health issues that result from not getting proper rest.The most obvious side effect of a lack of sleep is not having energy the next day.However it is more than feeling less than our best,the body actually performs less efficiently when we are tired or not rested.Performance,productivity,memory,and a whole lot of other things are all reduced when our body is running on less sleep than we need.

Physiologic studies suggest that a sleep deficit may put the body into a state of high alert,increasing the production of stress hormones and driving up blood pressure,a major risk factor for heart attacks and strokes.Other studies have found that sleep influences the functioning of the lining inside blood vessels,which could explain why people are most prone to heart attacks and strokes during early morning hours.

The body also needs rest to repair tissue,cope with stress,and recharge the immune system.A lack of sleep hampers these functions in the body.The ability to handle stress and fight off illness lessens when we fail to get enough...
