900字范文 > From the earlier time it was well 1 to the Peruvians that when a cut 2 made in the thick s

From the earlier time it was well 1 to the Peruvians that when a cut 2 made in the thick s

时间:2023-08-06 19:06:41


From the earlier time it was well 1 to the Peruvians that when a cut 2 made in the thick s


From the earlier time it was well 1 to the Peruvians that when a cut 2 made in the thick skin of a 3 tree, a white liquid like milk came 4. From this fluid (流动的) a sticky 5 of rubber might be made. This rubber is 6 and wax-like when warm so that it is 7 to give any form.

The Peruvians 8 the discovery that it is very good for 9 out water. Then in the early 10 of the century they made overshoes to 11 their feet dry. Then a certain Mr Mackintosh 12 coats of cloth which were 13 with rubber. Today Mackintosh raincoats are still 14 after him.

But these first rubber shoes 15 raincoats were unpleasantly soft and sticky in 16. They were also stiff and very 17 in winter. They were like wax(蜡) although they 18 a bit stronger.

But the rubber 19 use today has been improved. It is 20 sticky but soft and elastic(弹性的) and strong enough for any season.

1. A. talked B. heard C. seen D. known

2. A. has B. was C. may D. will

3. A. rubber B. apple C. orange D. oak

4. A. from B. through C. out D. up

5. A. raincoat B. shoes C. border D. mass

6. A. hard B. fast C. stubborn D. soft

7. A. important B. impossible C. possible D. uncertain

8. A. made B. found C. wrote D. neglected

9. A. finding B. keeping C. making D. pouring

10. A. kind B. part C. sort D. halves

11. A. clean B. clear C. keep D. prevent

12. A. made B. found C. appeared D. gave

13. A. full B. like C. lined D. applied

14. A. looked B. named C. made D. searched

15. A. or B. and C. with D. but

16. A. today B. summer C. winter D. rain

17. A. soft B. sticky C. elastic D. cold

18. A. felt B. made C. needed D. produced

19. A. Mr Mackintosh B. the Peruvians C. we D. is

20. A. also B. always C. neither D. not1-5DBACD 6-10DCABB 11-15CACBB 16-20BDACD


(答案→)1-5DBACD 6-10DCABB 11-15CACBB 16-20BDACD



1. D。be well known 是固定短语,表示“对…了解、熟悉”。

2. B。因为“切口(cut)”可知应该是被人去做,所以是 was made。

3. A。根据下文两次出现的 rubber 可得出答案。

4. C。从上文可以得知“像牛奶一样的白色液体从橡胶树上流出来”。

5. D。从上下文可以得知“从树上流下来的液体,慢慢会变稠”,所以“粘团”就形成了,但它不能直接形成雨衣或鞋。

6. D。根据常识橡胶是“软的”。

7. C。根据前面的形容词 warm 得出答案,当变暖或加热时“能”做出任何形状。

8. A。因为“发现”是名词,不能选found,make a discovery是固定短语。

9. B。根据常识,橡胶可以“防”水,其余选项不符句意。

10. B。表示本世纪的“早期、前期”,不能选 halves,如果用 half不能用复数。

11. C。根据前面的“鞋垫”和后面的“干燥”得出答案是“保持干燥”。

12. A。根据后面的 coat 判断答案是“被做”。

13. C。指这种布料(cloth)是用橡胶“排制”而成的。

14. B。根据前面的雨衣判断可知仍然还是以他的名字“命名的”,其余选项不符句意。

15. B。根据句意,这是两个物质名词 shoes 和 raincoat 是并列的,但不能选or(或者)。

16. B。夏天天气炎热,雨衣变软,故 summer 符合语境。

17. D。根据常识,橡胶在夏天温度高时变软,相反在冬天“冷”时变硬。

18. A。根据前面的“像蜡”和后面的 stronger 得出答案是“摸起来”,表示感觉。

19. C。根据句中的时间状语 today 判断是 we(我们)使用。

20. D。根据两个相反的形容词,得出答案(not…but意为“不是…而是”)。
