900字范文 > You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the oppo

You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the oppo

时间:2019-05-10 02:53:34


You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the oppo


You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the opposite sex, but the truth is that pupils in the UK can feel just as awkward. Britons are actually quite reserved and being at university can make them feel out of their comfort zone. Everyone finds it difficult to talk to the other gender on campus.

However, there is a way of dealing with this shyness in Britain, and it is called “Freshers Week”. Freshers Week is designed to help people socialize and lose their inhibitions(顾虑;抑制力). It is a one-week long party for first year students to welcome them before lectures and coursework begin.

I remember my first week at university - it was terrifying. I looked at the schedule for Freshers Week and was amazed at how much was planned. Every hall of residence organizes its own events to help students become friends with the people they live with. My hall was called “Goldney Hall” and the week ahead included a talent show, a comedy night, and themed parties, including one for which we had to dress up as golfers.

The first event I went to was a school kids party at which everyone dressed up as if they were in school. This party encouraged me to talk to all the people on my floor. One boy, who lived opposite my room, was very handsome and I felt nervous speaking to him at first. But when we met at the party dressed in silly school outfits, I remember feeling a lot more relaxed speaking to him.

It sounds strange, but drinking and dressing up seems to be how Britons overcome their shyness at university. My Freshers Week was hectic, but I managed to forget how scared I was.

One thing’s for sure: nothing helps you lose your inhibitions(顾虑;抑制力) quite like dressing up as a golfer – complete with a golf club, checked hat and tweed jacket!

【小题1】What does the underlined phrase mean in the fifthparagraph?A.scaredB.disappointedC.happyD.very busy【小题2】In Britain, universities organize the “Freshers Week”to.A.help the first year students to get rid of the shyness.B.help the first year students to know about the campus.C.intruduce the teachers to the first year students.D.help the first year students to adapt to the campus life as soon as possible.【小题3】Which of the following statements is true according to the paragraph?A.My first week life at university was happy.B.The Western students also don’t know what to do when they meet the opposite sex.C.Drinking and dressing up is how Britons overcome their scare at university.D.Dressing up as a golfer can’t help you overcome the shyness.【小题4】What is the main idea of the paragraph?A.My first year in the university.B.What is the “Freshers Week”?C.My busy first week campus life.D.How to get rid of the first year students’ shyness.【小题5】Why did the school kids dressed up as if they were in school in the party?A.because they felt a lot more relaxed speaking to others.B.because they felt shy speaking to others.C.because they felt nevous speaking to others.D.because they felt frightened speaking to others.D





【小题2】考查细节理解。根据文章第二段中的there is a way of dealing with this shyness in Britain, and it is called “Freshers Week”. Freshers Week is designed to help people socialize and lose their inhibitions(顾虑;抑制力).可知,人们找到了克服这种害羞心理的方法,那就是“新生周”。开办“新生周”的目的是为了帮助人们进行社交活动,摆脱情感阻力。故选A,

【小题3】考查细节理解。根据文章第一段中的You might think that Western students are less shy when it comes to mingling with the opposite sex, but the truth is that pupils in the UK can feel just as awkward.可知,你可能认为西方国家的学生在面对异性时会更放得开,但事实上在英国,学生们对此也是一样手足无措。文章中的but是理解本题的关键词语。选B。


【小题5】考查细节理解。根据文章第四段中的But when we met at the party dressed in silly school outfits, I remember feeling a lot more relaxed speaking to him.可知,当我们身着傻傻的校服在派对上碰面时,我记得那时的聊天要轻松多了。故选A。

【文章大意】词数:579来自:www bigear com

