900字范文 > My daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in

My daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in

时间:2023-06-11 00:58:07


My daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in


My daughter Alisa was born blind in her right eye and was bullied (欺侮) pretty severely in school. So I quitted my job as a babysitter and then schooled my daughter heart and soul at home.

A year ago a boy of 14 befriended my daughter on Facebook after reading something Alisa wrote about bullying. Today he messaged her and asked if she would like six tickets to a Colorado Rockies baseball game. They have never met in person but she said, “Sure! That would be great.”

Then I received a call from his mother explaining why her son had chosen my daughter. She said he thought my daughter deserved them because of all the good she does in the community. Her son, she explained, had experienced a similar situation and was also home schooled.

What she said is true. Now my daughter Alisa continues to teach groups of girls in trouble in our community how to look within themselves for the positive and how to be their own person.

Everything taken into consideration, we decided to meet the mother and the boy at a local bike shop. After meeting, the boy approached my car and my daughter gave him a hug and thanked him for his generosity. She told him that she had never been to a baseball game and that she was going to take her entire family, including myself, her dad, little sister, her cousin and an aunt who has brain cancer.

We all thanked one another, got in our car, and went our way. As we drove home my daughter opened the envelope. Inside it were the tickets and $100 each to buy hot dogs, pay for parking and not have any worries but a great time.

My daughter has always been the giver and now she and our family are the receivers and I can not tell you how incredibly honored we feel to be on the other end. What an incredible young man to have such a kind idea.

【小题1】What did the author once do according to the passage?A.She was a ticket seller.B.She was a school teacher.C.She was a babysitter.D.She was a social worker.【小题2】How did the boy get to know my daughter?A.They met when buying tickets to a baseball game.B.They got in touch via the Internet.C.They became familiar when talking face to face.D.They went to the same school and met each other.【小题3】Why did the boy want to offer free tickets to Alisa?A.Because Alisa is a disabled girl.B.Because he has a lot money to share.C.Because Alisa often helps those in trouble.D.Because he has a similar situation with Alisa.【小题4】What can we learn about the boy?A.He is afraid of meeting strangers.B.He always bullies smaller children.C.He is addicted to the internet.D.He receives education at home.【小题5】Which of the following best describes the passage?A.Good is rewarded with good.B.A friend in need is a friend indeed.C.Two heads are better than one.D.Where there is a will, there is a way.C




【小题1】细节题,根据第一段第二句“So I quitted my job as a babysitter ”我辞掉了保姆工作。故选C。

【小题2】推理题,根据第二段中“They have never met in person ”他们从未见过彼此,由此可知只能是通过网络认识。故选B。

【小题3】推理题。根据第三段中“ She said he thought my daughter deserved them because of all the good she does in the community. .”她说她儿子认为这是我女儿应得的,因为她在社区里做的所有好事。由此可知作者女儿经常做好事帮助别人。故选C。

【小题4】细节题,根据第三段最后一句“Her son, she explained, had experienced a similar situation and was also home schooled.”她解释说她儿子有相似的经历,也在家接受教育。故选D。

