900字范文 > V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】RRegardless of the obje

V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】RRegardless of the obje

时间:2019-03-03 02:10:02


V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】RRegardless of the obje


V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)

【小题1】RRegardless of the objections (反对) from his family, he quitted his steady job to be a volunteer in the West .

【小题2】He broke the law and now he must face the cconsequence(s) of his own actions.

【小题3】Do not use this medicine if you have very ssensitive skin.

【小题4】 AIDS, a deadly disease caused by infection with HIV, has become a wworldwide/widespread concern now.

【小题5】You can share a room with me, and here is the key to my aapartment/accommodation.

【小题6】Although he is not my real father, and I’m aadopted, he treats me as his own daughter.

【小题7】I’m writing, so I would aappreciate it if you turned down the music a bit.

【小题8】I’m able to cconfirm what he said is true because I have had the same experience.

【小题9】We waited with great aanxiety for more news about the people trapped in the floods in Yuyao.

【小题10】At present, there is a heated debate about whether China should encourage the planting of ggenetically modified rice.



【小题1】不管家人的反对,他放弃稳定的工作到西部做一名志愿者。词组:Regardless of不管,不顾。










V. 单词拼写(共10小题;每小题1分 满分10分)【小题1】RRegardless of the objections (反对) from his family he quit
