900字范文 > A few days ago my sister Liz and I talked about Dad and we decided to get him a little s

A few days ago my sister Liz and I talked about Dad and we decided to get him a little s

时间:2022-02-02 14:22:59


A few days ago  my sister Liz and I talked about Dad  and we decided to get him a little s


A few days ago, my sister Liz and I talked about Dad, and we decided to get him a little something for Fathers Day. We talked about the times when we were up and how Mom and Dad used to play the ‘good cop, bad cop’ thing on us. Dad has been a person of few words since we were . He raised us more by than anything else. When he spoke, though we listened, he was always mysterious and difficult to understand. There was always a(n) meaning that I never got, but Liz always to decipher(破解) him. By the time I got to high school, I had wanted a skateboard and I I was too old to ask money from my parents, so I worked at a burger joint (美式汉堡店). One day, I was really angry about annoying burgers. I came home huffing and puffing(气喘吁吁). Dad saw me and asked me what was the . I told him that I was fed up with annoying burgers. He said that we all have to start somewhere, that we may not know it now, but the skills we learn even in a burger joint might come in handy in life, ‘Who knows, you might end up having to run a or even own one when you grow up,’ said Dad. He me down and I kept what he said in mind, even though I really didn’t agree with it.

A couple of years later, when I got to college, I worked in a restaurant. During one of the really days that we had, we were short on kitchen staff. Our customers were getting impatient and the were getting delayed. We were sure any minute something terrible would out. I couldn’t stand the any more, so I rolled up my sleeves, got myself a hair net and helped out in the hot kitchen. We caught up with the orders . The owner saw what I did and called me over around time. He said that he was very . He raised my salary and made me the assistant manager even though I could only go part-time. That was I realized that what my dad said to me all those years before was absolutely true.

I’ve never forgotten what my dad said that day. And whenever I have to do something that requires new skills, no matter how insignificant or it seems, I have a new perspective(看法) that it might really help me later on or even right now and I just don’t know it. Experience is everything and it a lot when you take lessons from it. That’s my life’s philosophy.





【小题1】考查动词:A. getting得到,B. going去,C. growing增长,D. coming来,这里作者是在回忆在成长过程中父亲给他们的教育因此选择growing,grow up长大。选C

【小题2】考查名词: A. schoolboys学生,B. kids孩子,C. adults成年人,D. graduates毕业生,从文章开头“my sister and I”可知选择schoolboys不对,因此选择kids最妥当。选B

【小题3】考查名词: A. instruction指导,B. example例子,C. order顺序,D. inspiration激励,爸爸是通过榜样的作用养育我们不是因为别的,选B。

【小题4】考查形容词:A. obvious明显的,B. clear清楚的,C. reasonable合理的,D. hidden隐藏的,从前面的句子:he was always mysterious and difficult to understand.可知爸爸的话里面总是有一些隐藏的东西是我不能理解的,选D

【小题5】考查动词:A. failed失败,B. refused拒绝,C. tried尝试,D. managed设法,根据but前的内容可知我不懂但是Liz总是能够弄懂他的意思。manage to decipher him设法弄懂他讲的话的含义。选D

【小题6】考查动词:A. imagined想象,B. promised答应,C. believed相信,D. suggested建议,作者认为自己已经长大了不好再向父母要钱。选C

【小题7】考查名词: A. experience经历,B. matter事情,C. event事件,赛事,D. accident事故,这里表示父亲看到作者气喘吁吁地回来询问出了什么事。what was the matter表示“怎么啦出了什么事”。选B

【小题8】考查副词:A. later后来,B. sooner更早,C. latter后者,D. late迟,由于作者对自己刚刚从事的兼职工作不满意因此父亲开导他说每个人都要从某个地方起步从事某一项工作可能现在还不知道是什么工作不过工作中所获得的技能在日后(later)的生活中也可能派上用场。选A

【小题9】考查名词: A. restaurant饭店,B. hospital医院,C. school学校,D. plant植物,你可能以后会经营一家饭店,甚至可能会拥有一个,选A

【小题10】考查动词:A. calmed平静,B. wrote写,C. 1et让,D. put放,因为作者本来很生气,这里爸爸把她:calm sb down使某人冷静下来,选A

【小题11】考查形容词:A. exciting令人兴奋的,B. worrying令人担心的,C. busy忙的,D. happy快乐的,根据下面的we were short on kitchen staff可知厨房的员工短缺说明那一天餐馆里很忙厨师不够用了。选C

【小题12】考查名词: A. meetings会议,B. parties聚会,C. menus菜单,D. orders点菜,顾客有些不耐烦了根据下文“We caught up with the orders”可知选择orders表示顾客点的菜也在被推迟。选D

【小题13】考查动词:A. break破坏,B. show展示,C. go去,D. set设置,店里的员工都担心糟糕的事情会爆发出来。break out指不好的事情的突然爆发符合语境。选A

【小题14】考查名词: A. quarrel争吵,B. 1aziness懒惰,C. relaxation放松,D. tension紧张,作者无法忍受那种紧张的气氛因此选择tension。选D

【小题15】考查副词:A. eventually最终,B. regularly定期地,C. obviously明显地,D. thankfully 感激地,由于作者出手相助他们终于赶上了客人们订菜单的速度。选A

【小题16】考查名词: A. breakfast早饭,B. 1unch午饭,C. opening开业,D. closing关门,closing time在英语中是固定短语意思是“the time when a pub must stop serving and close”餐馆或酒馆打烊的时间。选D

【小题17】考查形容词:A. influenced被影响的,B. interested感兴趣的,C. inspired受到激励的,D. impressed印象深刻的,从后面的句子:He raised my salary and made me the assistant manager even though I could only go part-time.可知店主说他印象很深刻,选D

【小题18】考查连词:A. when当…的时候,B. why为什么,C. whether是否,D. where哪里,就是这个时候,我意识到爸爸对我说的话是完全正确的,选A

【小题19】考查形容词:A. important重要的,B. impressive印象深刻的,C. interesting有趣的,D. small小的,与small词义相近的应该是insignificant表示无论事情看起来是多么的小或不重要做好了学到的技能都可能对今后的生活有帮助。选D

【小题20】考查动词:A. works工作,奏效,B. counts重要,C. shows展示,D. studies学习,根据上文可知学到的经验对今后的生活可能很重要。count重要有关系。选B
