900字范文 > I’m good at singing. I’ve been interested in music and dreamed of become a singer ever sin

I’m good at singing. I’ve been interested in music and dreamed of become a singer ever sin

时间:2018-09-09 16:46:31


I’m good at singing. I’ve been interested in music and dreamed of become a singer ever sin


I’m good at singing. I’ve been interested in music and dreamed of become a singer ever since my childhood. My parents began to teach me children’s songs until I was only three. After I started school I had more chances to enjoy various song, such as folk songs and popular songs, and practicing singing a lot. I like singing English songs as well, which greatly benefits me in my learning of English.

Practice makes perfectly. I have made great progress in singing and my efforts have paid for. Last year, I take part in a talent show and won prize.I think everyone is unique and has our advantages in some respects. I know my singing skills still need to be improved. But I’m confidence that I will serve our society with my songs in the future. become 改为becoming


(答案→)become 改为becoming


【小题1】dream of后面接动名词:become 改为becoming

【小题2】句意:当我三岁的时候,父母就教我唱歌。until 改为 when

【小题3】Various 各种各样的,后面接可数名词复数。song songs


【小题5】Practice makes perfect是谚语,熟能生巧。perfectly 改为perfect

【小题6】paid for是为…付钱, pay off有回报,

【小题7】因为是去年的事情,所以用一般过去式:take part in 改为 took part in

【小题8】prize 是可数名词,泛指“获了一个奖”,前加 a

【小题9】句意:每个人都是独特的,每个人都有自己的优点,用his 或者her指代everyone’s。

【小题10】句意:我很自信可以用我的歌曲服务社会。Be后面接形容词:confidence 改为confident
