900字范文 > One day a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman _36 a litt

One day a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman _36 a litt

时间:2022-12-24 07:21:14


One day  a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman _36 a litt


One day, a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground. The woman _36 a little boy in a red coat and said: “That is my son 37 is moving smoothly down the slide (滑板)”. “What a lovely boy!” the man replied. Then he went 38 saying, “That is my daughter on the bike. She is 39 a white dress”.

After a while, the man looked at his 40 and called to the girl in white, “Shall we go home, Mary?” “Only five 41 minutes, Dad, please?” little Mary cried. The man 42 and Mary went on riding her bike happily. Five minutes passed soon. The father 43 and called again to his daughter: “It’s time 44 now, Mary?” Again, Mary pleaded (恳求), “Give me more minutes, Dad. 45 five more minutes, OK?” The man smiled and said: “OK.”

The 46 responded, “You are surely a patient father.” 47 in thought, the man said nothing. However, after a 48, he smiled and then said: “Her elder brother Tom was killed by a 49 driver last year while he was riding his bike near here. I never 50 much time with Tom and now I would give anything for just five more minutes with him. I wouldn’t make the same 51 with Mary. She thinks she has five more minutes to ride her bike. The 52 is that I get five more minutes to watch her play. Life sometimes 53 too suddenly. ”

Yes, life is all about making priorities (优先考虑的事), and what are your priorities? Don’t always 54 excuses for your not being able to accompany your family members or your friends. Give someone you are 55 five more minutes of your time today!

【小题1】A.pointed toB.looked upC.shouted atD.argued with【小题2】A.whichB.whoC./D.whose【小题3】A.inB.upC.on D.out【小题4】A.wearingB.puttingC.foldingD.glaring【小题5】A.feetB.watchC.honeyD.gift【小题6】A.lessB.illegalC.latterD.more【小题7】A.noddedB.shookC.refusedD.shocked【小题8】A.put downB.stood upC.cut downD.picked up【小题9】A.goingB.goneC.wentD.to go【小题10】A.TooB.ImmediatelyC.ClearlyD.Just【小题11】A.womanB.manC.girlD.boy【小题12】A.ReactedB.FrightenedC.LostD.Rebuilt【小题13】A.rankB.whileC.realityD.shelter【小题14】A.socialB.drunkC.suitableD.unfair【小题15】A.spent B.wastedC.explodedD.fed【小题16】A.rideB.groundC.mistakeD.preparations【小题17】A.chanceB.truth C.injuryD.glory【小题18】A.harvestsB.ignoresC.changesD.orders【小题19】A.operateB.questionC.makeD.purchase【小题20】A.proud ofB.beneficial toC.worried aboutD.devoted toA




【小踢1】考查词组:A. pointed to指着B. looked up抬头看C. shouted at对…叫喊D. argued with和…争论,女子指着穿红外套的男孩说:“那是我儿子”。选A

【小题2】考查定语从句:先行词是my son,定语从句中缺少主语,用who引导定语从句,选B

【小题3】考查介词:go on doing继续做…,选C

【小题4】考查动词:A. wearing穿着B. putting放置C. folding折叠D. glaring怒目而视,她穿着白色的裙子。选A

【小题5】考查名词:A. feet脚B. watch手表C. honey 蜂蜜D. gift礼物,从后面的句子:“Shall we go home, Mary?”可知是看手表,选B

【小题6】考查形容词:A. less更少B. illegal 违法C. latter后者D. more更多,数词+more+名词,还要…,选D

【小题7】考查动词:A. nodded点头B. shook 摇C. refused拒绝D. shocked震惊,从后面的Mary went on riding her bike happily.可知男子是同意了。选A

【小题8】考查词组:A. put down放下B. stood up站起来C. cut down砍倒D. picked up捡起,男子站起来,再次叫女儿。选B

【小题9】考查句型:It’s time to do…该做…,填to go,选D

【小题10】考查副词:A. Too 也B. Immediately立刻C. Clearly 清楚地D. Just仅仅,女儿恳求父亲,就再玩5分钟。选D

【小题11】考查上下文串联,从第一句的a woman sat down next to a man on a bench near a playground.可知是woman,选A

【小题12】考查词组:be lost in thought陷入沉思,用lost过去分词做状语,选C

【小题13】考查词组:after a while过了一会,选B

【小题14】考查形容词:A. Social社会的B. Drunk喝醉的C. Suitable合适的D. Unfair不公平的,她的哥哥在这儿被喝醉的司机撞死了。选B

【小题15】考查动词:A. Spent花费,度过B. Wasted浪费C. Exploded爆炸D. Fed喂养,我从没有花费很多时间陪他。选A

【小题16】考查名词:A. Ride汽车,B. ground 地面C. Mistake错误D. Preparations准备,现在我不会犯同样的错误了。选C

【小题17】考查名词:A. Chance机会B. truth 事实C. Injury受伤D. Glory光荣,事实是我愿意在花5分钟看她玩。选B

【小题18】考查动词:A. Harvests收获B. Ignores忽视C. Changes改变D. Orders命令,人生有时改变的太快。选C

【小题19】考查动词:A. Operate操作B. Question询问C. Make制作D. Purchase购买,make an excuse编造借口。选C

【小题20】考查词组:A. proud of骄傲B. beneficial to对...有利C. worried about担心D. devoted to投入,喜爱,再给你喜爱的人5分钟。选D
