900字范文 > When I was growing up I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your fathe

When I was growing up I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your fathe

时间:2022-08-01 02:33:11


When I was growing up  I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your fathe


When I was growing up, I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. If your father never 1 them to you when you are a 2, it gets more and more 3 for him to say those words as you get older. To tell you the truth, I could hardly 4when I heard those words from my father. Neither could I remind when I had last said those words to 5 . I decided to 6my shyness aside and make the first move. 7hesitating for some time, in our next 8conversation, I spoke out the words suddenly, “Dad ... I love you!”

There was a 9at the other end. It wasn’t after a while did he awkwardly(笨拙地) reply, “Well, 10to you!” I laughed and said, “Dad, I 11 you love me, and when you are ready, I know you will say what you want to say.”Fifteen minutes later my mother called and 12 asked, “Paul, is everything okay?”

A few weeks later, Dad 13our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.” I was at work during this conversation and the 14was (were) rolling down my cheeks as I finally “ 15” the love. As we both sat there in tears, we 16 that this special moment had taken our father and son 17to a new level.

A short while after this special moment, my father 18escaped death from the following heart surgery. Many times since his return to the usual state of health, I have 19 , if I did not take the first step and Dad did not 20the surgery, I would have never heard him say those words.

【小题1】A.speaksB.saysC.offersD.provides【小题2】A.manB.motherC.childD.father【小题3】A.easyB.possible C.delightedD.difficult【小题4】A.forgetB.remember C.mindD.decide【小题5】A.himB.herC.meD.them【小题6】A.dropB.letC.setD.lose【小题7】A.BeforeB.AfterC.When D.Since【小题8】A.phoneB.emailC.letterD.record【小题9】A.smileB.voiceC.cryD.silence【小题10】A.sameB.difficultC.true D.similar【小题11】A.hopeB.knowC.wonderD.doubt【小题12】A.crazilyB.delightedlyC.nervouslyD.terribly【小题13】A.concludedB.disturbedC.brokeD.carried【小题14】A.hairsB.waterC.sweatD.tears【小题15】A.understoodB.expressed C.heardD.saw【小题16】A.discussedB.consideredC.believed D.realized【小题17】A.decisionB.developmentC.relationshipD.situation【小题18】A.narrowlyB.easilyC.unlikely D.generally【小题19】A.saidB.thoughtC.dreamedD.apologized【小题20】A.thinkB.fightC.fail D.SurviveB




【小题1】根据When I was growing up, I seldom heard the words “I love you” from my father. 故选B, says说。

【小题2】根据it gets more and more difficult for him to say those words as you get older.故选C。



【小题5】根据To tell you the truth, I could hardly remember when I heard those words from my father,故选A。

【小题6】这里想说把我的腼腆放置一边,set aside把……放置一边,故选C。


【小题8】根据A few weeks later, Dad concluded our phone conversation with the words, “Paul, I love you.”,故选A。

【小题9】根据It wasn’t after a while did he awkwardly(笨拙地) reply,可知这里想说电话另一头沉默了,silence沉默,故选D。

【小题10】根据I laughed and said, “Dad, I know you love me, and when you are ready, I know you will say what you want to say.”故选A。

【小题11】根据I know you will say what you want to say.可知这里想说爸爸,我知道你爱我,know知道,故选B。

【小题12】根据“Paul, is everything okay?”可知这里想说15分钟以后我母亲打来了电话,提心吊胆地问,nervously提心吊胆地,故选C。


【小题14】根据As we both sat there in tears,故选D。

【小题15】根据To tell you the truth, I could hardly remember when I heard those words from my father.可知这里想表达我最终听到了“爱”,故选C。

【小题16】根据that this special moment had taken our father and son relationship to a new level.可知这里想说我们意识到 ......,realized意识到,故选D。


【小题18】根据escaped death from the following heart surgery,可知这里想说在接下来的心脏手术中,他勉强逃脱死亡,故选A,narrowly勉强的。

【小题19】根据if I did not take the first step and Dad did not Survive the surgery, I would have never heard him say those words,可知我在想,故选B。

【小题20】根据I would have never heard him say those words,Survive活下来,故选D。
