900字范文 > When I met him I had a lot of anger inside of meI never had a father though in my neigh

When I met him I had a lot of anger inside of meI never had a father though in my neigh

时间:2020-08-11 06:32:47


When I met him  I had a lot of anger inside of meI never had a father  though in my neigh


When I met him, I had a lot of anger inside of me.I never had a father, though in my neighborhood thats not 31.I know some kids just like me.You have to 32yourself.

There are fights and killings all the time.I have friends who ended up in jail or pregnant.1 could have ended up that way, too, but Mr. Clark and my mom33let that happen.

Mr. Clark worked long hours, making sure I did my work.My grades rose.In fact, I did so well that in sixth grade, I entered the 34class, and Mr.Clark was the teacher.I felt so 35to have him for a second year!

He took our class to see The Phantom of the Opera.Before the show, he36us to dinner at a restaurant and taught us not to talk with our mouths full.We didn want to let him37, so we listened to him attentively.

38of us were surprised when Mr.Clark was selected as Disneys 2000 Teacher of the Year.When he learned hed won, he said he would39three names out of a hat; he would go to Los Angeles to get the40with those students.But41it came time to draw names, Mr.Clark said, You e all going.

He got42to fly all 37 of us out to Disneyland in California and put us up at the Hilton.People were43, but Mr.Clark really cared about us.Theres no way I can44most teachers doing that.No way.But he saw something in us that nobody else saw.

On graduation day, there were a lot of tears.We didn want his class to45.In my new school year, we were all happy when Mr.Clark 46in our class once again.Hes been a 47in our lives.

In , Mr.Clark took some of us on a trip to South Africa to48school supplies and visit orphanages.It was the most amazing49of my life.Its now my50to one day start a group of womens clubs, helping people from all backgrounds.

【小题1】A.commonB.normalC.realD.unusual【小题2】A.comfortB.encourageC.watchD.tolerate【小题3】A.couldn’tB.wouldn’tC.shouldn’tD.mustn’t【小题4】A.localB.generalC.giftedD.scared【小题5】A.suddenB.luckyC.annoyedD.anxious【小题6】A.treatedB.directedC.showedD.swapped【小题7】A.offB.outC.upD.down【小题8】A.SomeB.AnyC.NoneD.Many【小题9】A.giveB.enterC.drawD.register【小题10】A.rewardB.bonusC.diplomaD.award【小题11】A.afterB.whenC.beforeD.since【小题12】A.donationsB.suggestionsC.requestsD.messages【小题13】A.excitedB.satisfiedC.ashamedD.amazed【小题14】A.suggestB.advocateC.imagineD.complain【小题15】A.endB.startC.continueD.last【小题16】A.picked upB.showed up C.rang upD.packed up【小题17】A.colleagueB.sponsorC.successD.constant【小题18】A.deliverB.collectC.displayD.recommend【小题19】A.adventureB.experienceC.vacationD.interview【小题20】A.dreamB.conclusionC.turnD.demandD




【小题1】从下句I know some kids just like me可知:像我这样没有父亲的(现象),在我们街区是很普遍的。common普通的;normal正常的;real真正的;unusual不寻常的。

【小题2】从下句There are fights and killings a11 the time可知:你必须要小心点。watch yourself小心,保重。

【小题3】Mr. Clark 和我妈妈不会让这样的事情发生了。

【小题4】从前面的I did so well that in sixth grade可推知:因我功课学得好,所以我上了才能班。gifted有才能的。


【小题6】从at a restaurant可知:他请我们吃饭。treat sb to dinner请某人吃饭。

【小题7】从so we listened to him attentively可知:我们不想让他失望。let sb down使……失望。


【小题9】联系下文...it came time to draw names可知答案。



【小题12】他得到了赞助,我们37名学生乘飞机到了加州的Disney1and。 donation赞助;suggestion建议;request要求;message信息。




【小题16】新学年开始,当克拉克老师又出现在我们教室时,我们都非常高兴。pick up捡起;show up出现;ring up打电话;pack up打包,收拾。




