900字范文 > Depend on yourself is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can he

Depend on yourself is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can he

时间:2023-07-26 12:31:44


Depend on yourself is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can he


Depend on yourself is what nature says to every man. Parents can help you. Teachers can help you. But all these only help you to help yourself.

There have been many men in history. But many of them were very poor in childhood, and no uncles, aunts or friends to help them. Schools were few. They could not depend upon them for an education. They saw how it was and set to work with all their strength to know something. They worked their own way till they became well-known.

One of the most famous teachers in England used to tell his pupils, I can not make worthy men of you, but I can help make men of yourself.

Some young men don try their best to make themselves valuable to the human beings. They can never gain achievement(成就) unless they see their weak points and change their course. They are nothing now, and will be nothing as long as they live, unless they accept the advice of their parents and teachers, and depend on their own efforts.

64. Which of the following titles fits this article best?

A. What Nature Says to Every Man. B. How to Be Famous.

C. Men Must Help Each Other. D. Depend on Yourself.

65. Many of the great men succeeded because .

A. they wanted very much to become well known

B. they made great efforts to learn and work

C. they had received a good education

D. they had rich parents

66. According to the famous teacher in England, a teacher can.

A. make his pupils rich men

B. help his pupils find a way to be famous

C. help his pupils make themselves useful men

D. make his pupils men of strength and courage

67. If young people depend on their own efforts, .

A. they are sure to be very famous in the world

B. they can be successful in their lives

C. they can live without their families

D. they no longer need any help64-67 DBCB


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