900字范文 > 英语语法干货:常用介词用法比较


时间:2019-01-06 23:23:49



(1) as , likeas 表示"作为"强调身份,like (介词)表示"像"As a teacher, he cares for these children.Like a teacher, he cares for these children.(2) with , inwith 表示"外貌特征或附带的东西" ," 用……作工具"in 表示"衣着" "用某语言", 在固定搭配中也可用inA man with dark glasses wanted to buy drinks.A man in black wanted to buy drinks.The boy is learning to write in pencil / with a pencil.He retold the text in English.(3) for , tofor表示"为了."To 表示动作对象, "对, 向." 如:He would do anything for his motherland.Did you mention this to my father?你对我父亲提起过这件事吗?for 表示"就某情况而说 ", to 表示一"对某对象而言"如:It"s quite warm today for February.就二月的天气,今天够暖和的。What he told you just now was not new to me他刚才对你所说的话对我并不新鲜for 表示"目的,用途"。与go, come 动词连用(4) except , besidesexcept 表示"从总体中排除一部分", 与bat 同义, besides 表示"除了一部分还有另一部分"We all failed except him. 我们都失败了,但他没有。He speaks German besides French.他懂法外还会讲英语。(5) on ,about 关于on 表示这本书、文章、演说是严肃的学术性的,供专门研究这一问题的人阅读;about表示内容较为普通,不那么正式。例句:There will be a lecture on economics this afternoon.He is writing a book on cooking.He told me a lot about his life in the summer vocation.(6) by, with, in 表示方法、手段、工具by 以……方法、手段或泛指某种交通工具;with 表示用 …工具、手段,一般接具体的工具和手段;in 表示用…方式,用…语言(语调、笔墨、颜色)等;例句:He makes a living by selling newspapers.He broke the window with a stone.The foreigner spoke to us in English.(7) except, besides 除了except 除……之外,不包括在内;besides 除……之外,包括在内。例句:Except Mr. Wang, we went to see the film.(王先生没去)Besides Mr. Wang, we also went to see the film.(王先生也去了)(8) 注意成对介词的用法:get into (out of ) the car, get on (off) the bus, jump onto (off) the platform, out of(9) 介词和名词动词等有不少固定搭配和习惯用法:arrive at/in(到达…) , on foot(步行) , not…at all(根本不) , to the north of(在…以北) , in the east of(在…的东部) , in the night(在夜间) ,at night(在晚上),be afraid of(害怕…),be full of(充满/ 装满….),be filled with(充满/ 装满….),be good/bad for(对…有益/有害),be made of(由…做成),be made from(由…制造),play with(玩耍……),look out of(朝…外面看),at the end of(在…末梢/结束时),,by the end of(不迟于…/到…末为止),with the help of或with one"s help(在…的帮助下),look after(照料…),look for(寻找…),on a bike(=by bike)骑车,help sb. with(帮某人做…),get on (well) with(与某人相处[融洽]).


