900字范文 > 相同与不同-贝尼特斯最新博客 包括游记 引进球员和外援的状态

相同与不同-贝尼特斯最新博客 包括游记 引进球员和外援的状态

时间:2021-04-16 12:32:35


相同与不同-贝尼特斯最新博客 包括游记 引进球员和外援的状态

正如我在中国七天后在我的第一篇博客文章中所说,总的来说,这里的一切都是很棒的体验,因为文化和传统与我习以为常的不同。但是,我开始看到生活的某些方面和在欧洲做事的方式有些相似之处。有几件事让我想起了纽卡斯尔。第一个是我们住的酒店,“城堡”,每天都让我想起我在纽卡斯尔度过的美好时光,以及粉丝一直对我的善良和积极态度,我将稍微离题。他们之前感激我们在选择留在纽卡斯尔时所做的承诺,以及我们继续留在那里所做的努力,但不幸的是,正如他们在英格兰所说的那样,“一只豹子无法改变它的位置”。许多事情使我们跟俱乐部,城市和球迷有依附关系,但缺乏共识和未实现的承诺意味着我们不得不向前看,并走上不同的道路,如Alan Shearer和Kevin Keegan等其他人,在继续得到支持的同时也做到了。回顾过去并没有错,但展望未来也很重要。因此,我要说的是,我真的希望球队和史蒂夫布鲁斯在接下来的赛季中表现最佳。回到前面提到的本博客的相似之处和主题。接下来的相似之处在于足球世界,此外很难签下你想要的球员。由于市场上中国球员的稀缺性,最强大的球队几乎立即签下了他们 - 并且签订了长期合同 - 这意味着有很少的可选择机会,也很难去改善你的团队。规则规定场上要有8名中国球员,包括一名23岁以下的球员,四名外援中,最多三名球员可以参加比赛。因此,外国球员可以体现出差距,但中国球员在球队中起到了重要的作用。与我们的日常工作和在其他团队中所做的相比,现在没有太大变化。我所有的技术团队以及优秀的专业人员都很努力。我们早上7:30离开酒店去训练场,我们的司机非常好(虽然他让我们坐在我们座位的边缘,整个旅程中他能够在汽车之间穿梭,经常换道并找到最好的捷径。每天!),举个例子,这很像我们在罗马的经历!每天我们都会通过一个出租车站,因为三轮车,这让我想起Del Boy和"Only Fools and Horses"(对于西班牙读者来说,这是一个着名的英国电视节目)。在这里他们被称为"三轮摩托车",但一些外国游客称他们为"tuk-tuks",指的是在泰国这样的地方使用的类似的三轮车。




我们刚飞过重庆市 - 这再次让我想起纽卡斯尔河上的桥梁。重庆拥有超过3000万的居民,大小相当于奥地利,当然这是世界上居民最多的城市之一。

我也不能忽视利物浦球迷存在于我去到的每一个城市(虽然今天我也被赠送了瓦伦西亚的盾牌,而且几天前在天津,我们花了一些时间与两位瓦伦西亚的传奇人物在一起, Luis Milla和Fernando Giner),我不断在所在的不同球队的照片和衬衫签下名字,这表明有很多球迷痴迷于欧洲足球。

众所周知,在那不勒斯之后,我已经和哈姆西克再次在同一支队伍,我们也已经和龙东会合,龙东已经打入三球并且很好地适应了这个团队 我也有机会和马斯切拉诺沟通,马斯切拉诺告诉我他在河北的经历,例如使用针灸治疗伤病,其他的西班牙教练也与我分享经验。我们希望一切都进展顺利,我期待再次写下我的经历,这与我以前的经历完全不同,让我从不同的角度看待生活。英文原文As I said in my first of these blog posts after seven days in China, in general everything here is a great experience because the culture and traditions are so different to what I’m accustomed to. But, I am starting to see some similarities with certain aspects of life and the way of doing things in Europe.There are a couple of things which clearly remind me of Newcastle. The first is the hotel we’re staying in, ‘The Castle’, which reminds me daily of the good times I had in Newcastle and of the ongoing kindness and positivity I received there from the fans, to which I will slightly digress. They appreciated the commitment we had when choosing to stay at Newcastle, and the efforts we made to continue being there, but unfortunately, as they say in England, ‘a leopard can’t change its spots’. A lot of things kept us attached to the club, to the city, and to its fans, but a lack of project as well as unfulfilled promises meant we had to look forwards and follow a different path, as others such as Alan Shearer and Kevin Keegan have done whilst continuing to be supported and to support the team. There’s nothing wrong with thinking about the past, but it’s also important to look to the future. For this reason, all I have left to say is that I truly wish the team and Steve Bruce the best for the following season.Back to the similarities mentioned earlier though and the topic of this blog. The next similarity regards the football world, and is the fact that it is very difficult to sign the players you would like. Due to the scarcity of Chinese players available on the market, the strongest teams sign them almost immediately - and with long contracts – meaning there are few whom you can access and who will really better your team. The regulations state that you need to play with eight Chinese players on the pitch, one Under-23, and then out of the four foreign players you have, a maximum of three can be on the field. Therefore, the foreign players can mark a difference, but the Chinese players bring important consistency to the team.In relation to our daily work, this hasn’t changed much compared to what we have done in other teams. All my technical team, as well as being good professionals, are hard-working. We leave the hotel at 7:30am to go to the training ground, our driver is very good (although he has us on the edge of our seats the whole journey with his ability to weave between cars, changing lanes often and finding the best shortcut every day!), this experience is similar to the ones we’ve had in Rome, for example!Every day we pass a taxi rank which reminds me of Del Boy and ‘Only Fools and Horses’ due to the three wheeler cars (for the Spanish readers, this is a famous British TV show). Here they’re called ‘three-wheeled motorbikes’, but some foreign visitors call them ‘tuk-tuks’, referring to the similar three wheeled vehicles used in places such as Thailand.Then, after the long and intense working day, we return to the hotel between 6pm and 8pm, depending on the day.Yet, the journeys we take to go and play matches have nothing to do with the ones we made in England, Spain or Italy. As I’m writing these lines, we are going from Dalian to Chongqing, which is more than a three-hour flight journey away. We have to go two days earlier because it’s necessary to do the press conference the day before the match and therefore we train in the rival team’s stadium in the afternoon before the match. If we had wanted to leave the day before the match we would’ve had to do a few different stopovers and that wasn’t worth it. The same thing happened when we played against Guangzhou Evergrande, and we (the technical team) went from there to Hong Kong to get a long stay visa, and we took the chance to do a bit of tourism too.We visited the Po Lin Monastery and the Tian Tan Buddha statues, and always with care not to offend anyone and to respect all beliefs, we admired the beautiful statues and buildings we walked through.(Mikel, Antonio, Rafa y Paco, visit to Po Lin Monastery)The statue of Buddha presides over everything from above and the monastery is (according to a tv documentary I watched), specially constructed based on parts of the Forbidden City in Beijing, which has buildings that are constructed for withstanding earthquakes due to the shock absorption that the wood provides due to being entwined in a certain way.As a curiosity, what is called ‘Dougong Braces’ is a system of interlocking wood which allows for increased support of the structure without using adhesives or nails. The columns, which aren’t fixed to the ground, adapt with their movement to better support earthquakes and the strong winds in the area. This form of construction, dating from 1044 to 206 BC, was perfected from 220 AC using more pieces of wood interlocked in order to be able to construct higher buildings.Onto football once more, the work routine is similar, as are the training sessions and the matches, but the biggest difference is the communication. If you don’t speak the language of the country you’re in, although it depends on the person, usually you learn it. However, here they tell us that you need around five years to learn to speak Mandarin, and so we are slowly learning the most necessary words (and you always have an interpreter at your side shadowing you). Mine, Justin, is copying my gestures at training and at the matches and each day we are more in sync.We have just flown over the city of Chongqing – which again reminds me slightly of Newcastle with the bridges over the river. It has over 30 million inhabitants, and is about the size of Austria, surely it’s one of the biggest in the world.I also can’t ignore the constant presence of Liverpool fans in each of the cities we visit (although, today I was also gifted a shield of Valencia, and a few days ago in Tianjin, we spent some time with two legends of Valencianism, Luis Milla and Fernando Giner), and I am constantly signing photos and shirts from the different teams which I have been at, which shows just how many Chinese fans follow European football with a lot of fierce passion.As everyone knows, I have been reunited here with Hamsik after our time in Napoli, and we have incorporated Rondon, who has scored three goals and is adapting well to the group. I have also had the chance to speak to Mascherano, who told me about his experiences in Hebei, for example using acupuncture to treat injuries, and to other Spanish coaches who have shared their experience with us.Let’s hope that everything continues going well and I look forwards to writing once again on this experience which is completely different to anything I have experience before and which is allowing me to see life from a different perspective.

往期回顾◀大连一方对阵山东赛后评分!双杀鲁能!博阿滕进球,张翀神扑!◀大连一方更名大连人职业足球俱乐部!大连人必胜!◀粉丝群 | 为了大连足球!
