900字范文 > 可数名词变成不可数名词的情况


时间:2021-07-23 16:16:49



Some English nouns such as family, room, mouth, ear, etc. seem to be only countable nouns. However, they can express abstract senses in certain collocations:

to have too much family(= too heavy family burden)

to have too much winter(= a too long spell of cold weather)

to have too much mouth(= to talk too much)

to have too little ear(= to be not inclined to listen to others)

to have room for(= to have a need for)

to feel the patriot rise(= to feel the patriotic feelings rise)

Some English nouns (fool, man, coward, coquette, scholar, poet, politician, sportsman, etc.) that are usually countable can become uncountable when referring to people’s features:

to be fool enough (= to be foolish enough);

more of a fool (= more foolish);

less of a fool (= less foolish);

as much of a fool as (= as foolish as);

too much of a fool (= too foolish);

He was enough of a man to tell the truth.
