900字范文 > 有关武汉肺炎疫情 最新追踪来了!

有关武汉肺炎疫情 最新追踪来了!

时间:2023-10-28 09:32:34


有关武汉肺炎疫情 最新追踪来了!

最近几天,武汉发现不明原因肺炎病例引发广泛关注。据《武汉晚报》报道,本周三(1月1日),武汉华南海鲜批发市场贴出休市整治公告,根据相关规定以及卫生部门对于肺炎疫情的情况通报,决定对市场实行休市,进行环境卫生整治,开市时间另行通知。此前,根据武汉市卫健委的相关情况通报,部分医疗机构发现接诊的多例肺炎病例与华南海鲜城有关联。A Central China wet market known for seafood was closed on Wednesday amid a pneumonia outbreak in Wuhan, according to the Wuhan Evening News. A notice posted outside the Huanan Seafood Market said that according to regulations for public health emergencies, the Wuhan Municipal Health Commission"s Jianghan district bureau decided to suspend the seafood market"s operation to improve its environment and sanitation. The opening time will be further notified.

报道还显示,商户当日正忙着关门前的整理,将一箱一箱的货物搬运到货车上离开。The report said market vendors were cooperative and busy moving out.

此前有视频显示,身穿白衣的医务人员,佩戴面罩在海鲜市场中进行消毒工作。White-clad medical workers were busy spraying sanitizer in the market with their faces masked, as shown in some videos uploaded on Tuesday morning.


马上学:Rumor指“谣言、传言”,常见搭配有:制造谣言(start a rumor),散布谣言(tell/spread a rumor),近义词有gossip,hearsay。Refute指“驳斥、驳倒”,语气较强,强调凭推理或证据驳斥一项主张或言论。

就在此前一天的12月31日,武汉市卫健委发布通告称,根据调查,目前已发现27例病例,其中7例病情严重,其余病例病情稳定可控,有2例病情好转拟于近期出院。目前,所有病例均已隔离治疗,密切接触者的追踪调查和医学观察正在进行中,对华南海鲜城的卫生学调查和环境卫生处置正在进行中。The 27 pneumonia cases in Wuhan, capital of central China"s Hubei Province have been identified as viral pneumonia, health authorities said Tuesday. The Wuhan Municipal Health Commission said the patients, including seven in serious condition, reported symptoms including fever and difficulty breathing. Two patients have seen improvement in their condition and will be discharged soon, the commission said in a statement. All the patients have been put in quarantined treatment. Authorities are investigating the market"s hygiene conditions.

通告还显示,到目前为止调查未发现明显人传人现象,未发现医务人员感染。目前对病原的检测及感染原因的调查正在进行中。The tests on the exact pathogens and the search for the cause of the infections are still underway, the statement said.The commission said all cases were found to be related to a seafood market, and there were no clear signs of human-to-human transmission. No medical staff has reported infections, the commission said.

