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stress test: 压力测试

时间:2023-08-04 22:58:28


stress test: 压力测试


压力测试(stress test):

根据百度百科,压力测试(stress testing)是指将整个金融机构或资产组合置于某一特定的(主观想象的)极端市场情况下,如假设利率骤升100个基本点,某一货币突然贬值30%,股价暴跌20%等异常的市场变化,然后测试该金融机构或资产组合在这些关键市场变量突变的压力下的表现状况,看是否能经受得起这种市场的突变。测试的质量取决于构造合理、清晰、全面的情景。

Wikipedia的解释则显得更为明晰一点:The Supervisory Capital Assessment Program, publicly described as the bank stress tests (even though a number of the companies subject to them are not banks), is an assessment ofcapital being conducted by theFederal Reserve System and thrift supervisors to determine if thelargest U.S. financial organizations have sufficient capital buffers to withstand therecession and thefinancial market turmoil. They use twomacroeconomic scenarios, one based onbaseline conditions and the other with more pessimistic expectations, to plot a 'What If?' exploration into the banking situation in and the rest of .[1] Nineteen banks were looked at.[2] The results of the tests were released on May 7,






In order of decreasing assets, the nineteen bank holding companies being stress-tested are:

Bank of America, needs $33.9 billion additional capital

JPMorgan Chase, adequate

Citigroup, needs $5.5 billion additional capital

Wells Fargo, needs $13.7 billion additional capital

Goldman Sachs, adequate

Morgan Stanley, needs $1.8 billion additional capital

Metropolitan Life Insurance Company, adequate

PNC Financial Services, needs $0.6 billion additional capital

U.S. Bancorp, adequate

The Bank of New York Mellon, adequate

GMAC, needs $11.5 billion additional capital

SunTrust Banks, needs $2.2 billion additional capital

Capital One, adequate

BB&T, adequate

Regions Financial Corporation, needs $2.5 billion additional capital

State Street Corporation, adequate

American Express, adequate

Fifth Third Bank, needs $1.1 billion additional capital

KeyCorp, needs $1.8 billion additional capital

The capital needs found by the test are based on the adverse scenario for the recession. All of these bank holding companies currently exceed the legally mandated capital requirements. However, the government will try by extra-legal means to compel those who are found to need more to obtain it.
