900字范文 > 澳洲顶尖名校:澳大利亚国立大学 VS 墨尔本大学

澳洲顶尖名校:澳大利亚国立大学 VS 墨尔本大学

时间:2023-05-21 06:24:28


澳洲顶尖名校:澳大利亚国立大学 VS 墨尔本大学

Australian National University or University of Melbourne?


If you’re planning to study in Australia, you may well have your sights set on one of the two highest-ranking universities in Australia: Australian National University (ANU) and the University of Melbourne.

Placed at 25th and 33rd in the QS World University Rankings® /15, both are clearly among the world’s very best universities, making the choice between the two leading universities in Australia a pretty tough decision.

Below is an overview of various factors to consider when choosing where to study in Australia, including subject strengths, tuition fees, location and student population, followed by a more in-depth comparison of the top two universities in Australia in each category.

如果你打算去澳大利亚留学,你很可能着眼于澳大利亚两个最高级别的大学之一: 澳大利亚国立大学 (ANU) 和墨尔本大学。

在 QS 世界大学排名 ® /15中位列第25和第33位,都是世界上最好的大学,在澳大利亚两个顶尖大学之间选择一个是非常艰难的决定。

下面是为大家整理的如何选择去留学澳大利亚哪里留学,包括学科强项、 学费、 位置和学生人口,还有澳大利亚两所名校在每个类别中更深入的比较。

Australian National University(ANU)University of MelbourneQS World University Rankings® /1525thin the world; 1stin Australia 25thin the world for academic reputation 47thfor employer reputation 147thfor faculty/student ratio 129thfor citations per faculty 33rdfor international faculty ratio 50thfor international student ratio33rdin the world; 2ndin Australia 20thin the world for academic reputation 13thfor employer reputation 341stfor faculty/student ratio 74thfor citations per faculty 167thfor international faculty ratio 44thfor international student ratioSubject strengths*10=in the world for arts & humanities 93rdfor life sciences & medicine 29=for natural sciences 49=for engineering & technology 13thfor social sciences & management 24thin the world for arts & humanities 17thfor life sciences & medicine 39thfor natural sciences 23rdfor engineering & technology 18thfor social sciences & managementAcademic reputation*Slightly better-reputed than Melbourne in the fields of arts & humanities, natural sciences, and social sciences Stronger reputation for life sciences & medicine, and engineering & technologyLocationCanberra, Australia’s governmental capital Smaller and generally considered calmer Inland, surrounded by mountains, hills and bush Melbourne, Australia’s ‘cultural capital’ Larger and generally considered to have a lot more going on On the south coast of Australia, on Port Philip bayStudent community20,248 students in total 10,359 undergraduates 9,674 postgraduates Around a quarter of students are international ( figures)38,281 students in total 22,524 undergraduates 15,718 postgraduates Almost 28% of students are international ( figures)Fees and fundingAnnual undergraduate fees for domestic students range from A$6,152 to $10,266 (US$5,400-$9,040) – figures. Annual international undergraduate fees range from A$25,984 to $30,111 (US$22,900-$26,500) and up to A$62,551 (US$55,100) for medicine. Annual international graduate student fees range from A$25,984 to $33,181 (US$22,900-$29,300). Annual undergraduate fees for domestic students range from A$6,152 to $10,266 (US$5,400-$9,040) – figures. Annual international undergraduate fees range from A$24,960 to $36,224 (US$22,000-$31,900) and up to A$71,488 (US$63,000) for medicine. Annual international graduate student fees range from A$28,800 to $36,224 (US$25,400-$32,000).

*Based on the QS World University Rankings by Faculty (/15)


澳大利亚国立大学(ANU)墨尔本大学/15QS世界大学排名世界第25; 澳大利亚第1 学术声望第25 雇主评价第47 师生比例第147 教师论文引用率第129 国际教师比例第33 国际学生比例第50世界第33; 澳大利亚2 学术声望第20 雇主评价第13 师生比例第341 教师论文引用率第74 国际教师比例第167 国际学生比例第44学科强项*艺术与人文世界第10 生命科学与医学第93 自然科学第29 工程与技术第49 社会科学与管理第13艺术与人文世界第24 生命科学与医学第17 自然科学第39 工程与技术第23 社会科学与管理第18学术声誉*在艺术与人文、自然科学和社会科学领域稍微比墨尔本大学强 生命科学与医学,工程与技术的强名誉位置堪培拉,澳大利亚政府首都 规模较小,一般被认为更平静 内陆,被山、丘陵和灌木环绕 墨尔本,澳大利亚文化首都 更大,一般被认为更适宜居住 在澳大利亚南海岸,菲利普港海湾学生社区合计20,248名学生 10,359名本科生 9,674名研究生 大约四分之一的学生是国际学生(数字)合计38,281名学生 22,524名本科生 15,718名研究生 大约28%的学生是国际学生 (数字)费用和资金本国学生每年本科生学费为6,152到10,266澳元(5,400-9,040美金)— —数字国际本科生每年学费为25,984到30,111澳元(22,900-26,500 美元),62,551澳元(55,100美元)为医学专业学费。 国际研究生每年学费为25,984到33,181澳元(22,900-29,300美元)。本国学生每年本科生学费为6,152到10,266澳元(5,400-9,040美金)— —数字国际本科生每年学费为24,960到36,224澳元(22,000-31,900 美元),71,488澳元( 63,000美元)为医学专业学费。 国际研究生每年学费为28,800到36,224澳元 (25,400-32,000美元)。

*基于QS世界大学教职员排名 (/15)

