900字范文 > 高考英语二轮复习 第一篇 小专题纠错 专题三 代词和数词

高考英语二轮复习 第一篇 小专题纠错 专题三 代词和数词

时间:2022-03-11 18:17:38


高考英语二轮复习 第一篇 小专题纠错 专题三 代词和数词


1、 常用不定代词的辨析。如 other; the other等。 each; every; all 等。 everyone 和 every one 等。

2、 定语从句中易错关系代词的辨析。

3、 指示代词one; one; that; those; it 辨析。

4、 物主代词和冠词、指示代词的使用规定。

5、 合成不定代词辨析。

6、 every后加基数词和序数词。

7、 数次+名词+形容词结构有无连字符辨析及使用。

8、 基数词和序数词表示顺序的规定

9、 表示数量的名词(dozen, score, hundred…)的用法规定

10、 some和any的特殊用法。


1、When you introduce me to Mr, Johnson. could you please say for me ?

A. everything B. anything C. something D. nothing

2、You are the team star! Working with ________is really your cup of tea.

A. both B. either C. others D. the other

3、The newly built café, the walls of_______ are painted light green, is really a peaceful place for us, specially after hard work.

A. that B. it C. what D. which

4、-- How about camping this weekend, just for a change?

-- OK, ______ you want.

A. whichever B. however C. whatever D. whoever

5、The cost of renting a house in central Xi’an is higher than ____ in any other area of the city.

A. that B. this C. it D. one

6. I got this bicycle for ______. My friend gave it to me when she bought a new one.

A. everything B. something C. anything D. nothing

7. Surprisingly, Susan’s beautiful hair reached below her knees and made ______ almost an overcoat for her.

A. them B. her C. itself D. herself

8. I knew that ______ would ever discourage him; he would never give up wanting to be a director.

A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing

9. — Would you get me a bar of chocolate from the kitchen, dear?

— ______ one?

A. Other B. Every C. Another D. More

10. We feel ______ our duty to make our country a better place.

A. it B. this C. that D. one



1、The cruelty of the Germans towards the Jews and of the Japanese towards their prisoners, filled with horror.

A.those; someone B.that; everyone C.it; no one D.this; anyone

2、The customer didn’t choose of the ties and went away without looking at a third one .

A.many B.any C.all D.either

3、Remember everybody you meet online is a stranger. So when you can’t see a person, they could be _________.

A.everybody B.somebody C.anybody D.nobody

4、After the mew technique was introduced ,the factory produced in 2001 as the year before.

A.as twice many machines B.twice many as machines

C.as many machines twice D.twice as many machines

5、One of my classmates moved to London ______.

A.in the fifties B.in the 1980s C.in his fifty D.in 1990s

6、—Darling, which of these beautiful cars do you like best in the car shop?

—_______. They are both expensive and useless for me.

A.Either B.Nothing C.Neither D.None

7、 professional violinist practices for several hours a day ,but violinist has his own way of playing the Beethoven concert.

A.Any; any B.All; any C.Each; every D.Every; each

8、To my surprise, the game drew only a few ____ participants and spectators yesterday.

A. hundred B. hundreds C. hundreds of D. hundreds of

9、---What an amazing film! It’s the most interesting film I’ve ever seen.

----But I’m sure it won’t interest ______.

A. somebody B. anybody C. everybody D. nobody

10、There he pointed to _____ looked like a stone and said that’s ______ you had to carry home.

A. that, that B. what, what C. which, what D. as, which

11、Some friends tried to settle the quarrel between Mr and Mrs Smith without hurting the feeling of _______, but failed.

A. none B. either C. all D. neither

12、Do you know _______ friends are coming to our party?

A. whose else’s B. who’s else C. whose else D. who else’s

13、Don’t go to _____ places where there is no fresh air.

A. such B. so C. those D. which

14、_____of the population here are peasants.

A. 20 percents B. 20 percent C. the 20 percent D. the 20 percents

15、It"s about______ , the thickness of a human hair.

A. two-fifteenth B. two-fifteenths C. two fifteen D. two fifteens


1、 Since you don’t like that you don’t have to go skating.

2、 The result of the experiment was very good, as we hadn’t expected.

3、 The suit fitted him well except the color was a little brighter.

4、 Is this the reason why he explained at the meeting for his carelessness in his work?

5、 The American friends in our school have given us a lot of books, few of them are a bit difficult for us Chinese students.

6、 A flag is not more than a piece of cloth. It stands for a nation’s people, their land and their history.

7、 For quite a number of pupils, their teacher’s advice is more important than those of their parents’.

8、 I wanted some water, but there was nothing in the cup.

9、 I don’t like the way which he spoke to his teacher.

10、The two languages are not at all the same in neither spelling or grammar.



1. C Could you please do…?是一个表示请求的句型,表达委婉客气的语气,不是疑问句,所以首先排除anything。Everything 每一件事;一切; nothing无事。

2. C 根据句意可知此处并未提及有两个人,排除A, B项;other常与one连用,表示两个人或两个事物中的另一个;others表示“其他的人”,泛指任何其他的人,故选C. 句意“你是明星队员,与别人合作是你最拿手的。”cup of tea 意为“喜爱的人或事物”。

3. D 从句子结构看,café后为非限定定语从句,所以只能选which作the walls of的宾语,表示“咖啡馆的墙壁”。the walls of which= whose walls。

4. C 本题考查连词代词。根据句意可知,这里是在讨论度周末的方式,且答语中谓语动词want缺少宾语,所以排除B, D项。which或whichever必须要在语境中给出了具体范围的情况下才可选,所以也可以排除,故选C项。

5. A that用来替代前面出现过的特指的可数名词单数或者特指的不可数名词,相当于“the +可数名词单数 /不可数名词”,属于同名异物的代替,that后一般有限定成分,其复数形式是those; it 代替前面所指的同一东西,属于同名同物的替代,其复数形式是them; one 只能替代可数名词单数,是泛指概念,相当于“a /an +可数名词单数”,属于同名异物的替代,其复数形式是ones; the ones表示特指,相当于those;由the cost 以及in any other area of the city可知,此处应该用that, 表示同名异物的替代。

6. D由 “My friend gave it to me ”可知 “我免费得到了这辆自行车”。for nothing “免费;不花钱”,故用nothing.

7. C 句意:令人惊奇的是,苏珊漂亮的头发垂到了膝盖以下,几乎成为了她的外套。Itself指的是“头发本身”。

8. D 句意:我知道没有什么能阻止他。他是不会放弃当导演的想法的。nothing “没有什么”。符合句意。

9. C 句意:“亲爱的,从厨房给我拿一块巧克力来好吗?”“还要一块?”other后接不可数名词或复数名词。(如果前面出现the或any其后可接可数名词单数);every one “每一个”,不合逻辑;another后接数词;数词放在more前。

10. A it在句中作形式宾语,代替后面的不定式。注意:形式主语和形式宾语只能用it替代。



1、B that 替代前面的不可数名词cruelty。

one, ones, that, those, it

one (1)指代前文提到过的可数名次单数。


(3)each, either, neither, another后加one或不加one都可以;而every, the only 后必须加one。

ones 指代前文提到过的可数名次复数。



※ one和ones用前置定语;that和those 用后置定语。

※ one 指同类不同物;it指前文提到过的同一个事物。




(4)one前可以加this或that,构成this one或that one,而ones前不能用these或those。

(5)one和ones前不能用物主代词,如不能说my one,应该说mine, yours。 但当one和ones前有形容词修饰时,可以用物主代词

2、D 由后面的“a third one”可知,顾客只看了两条领带,但哪条都未选。四个选项中,只有D项either用于两者。故选D。

3、C 由句意知,网络上的每个人都是陌生人。所以当你见不到他时,他可以是任何人,意即他可以充当任何人。anybody强调个体,everybody 强调整体,somebody 某人,nobody ,没人。故选 C。

4、D 倍数表达法 表示倍数的词永远放在前面。

(1)倍数(百分数)+ 形容词比较级 + than + 比较对象 增加…倍

This room is three times bigger than that one. 这个房子比那个房子大三倍。

(2)倍数+ as +形容词原形 + as + 比较对象是…的几倍

This room is three times as big as that one. 这个房子是那个房子的三倍。

(3)倍数 + up on +比较对象 增加…倍

The number of students in our school now is 200% up on that of last year.


(4)倍数 + over +比较对象 增加…倍

The number of students in our school now is 200% over that of last year.


( 5) 倍数 + the + 名词 + of +比较对象是…的几倍

This bridge is three times the length of that one.


5、B 二十世纪八十年代的表达法为in the 1980或in the 1980s; 在某人三十多岁时的表达法为 in one’s thirties .故选B。

6、D 由句意知,前者询问对商店里所出售的所有汽车的看法,排除A.C。either指两者中的一个;neither指两个都不;nothing 与none 的区别之处在于:none 有范围所指,后可用of ;nothing 则没有这种用法。故选D。

7、D 由句中的谓语动词可知所填之处应为表单数的代词,排除A.B两项,every侧重整体,each侧重个体。由句意知:每位小提琴手每天都要训练几个小时,这是共性的,整体概念,用every;但每位小提琴手又有自己的表演风格,强调个体,用each,故答案为D。

8、A 当hundred. million. score等前有具体数字或a few. several等时,应用单数形式;当这些词表示不具体的数量时,它们要用复数形式,并且后面要加of。

9、C 本题考查部分否定的用法。转折词but表明:尽管你认为那是一部最有趣的电影,但它并不一定令每一个人都感兴趣。部分否定的句型有:Not every… 并非每一个人; Every…not…并非每一个人; All…not…并非所有…; Not all…并非所有…。

10、B 即两空均填 what,第一个what 相当于 something that;第二个what 相当于the thing that。

11、B 由于句中谈到的是 Mr and Mrs Smith,即谈的是两者,故排除选项A和C,因为 none 和all 均用于指三者。又因为空格前有否定介词without,故空格处填either, 不用 neither。

12、D else 可放在 who, what, where, how, why 等疑问词之后,但习惯上不放在which之后,而且在一般情况下也不用在whose后,遇此情况可用 who else’s,如:Who else’s fault could it be? 这会是其他什么人的错吗? 但是,若其后不修饰名词,有时也可用whose else。如:Whose else could it be? 这会是其他什么人的吗?

13、C 但容易误选A。按英语习惯,受 such 修饰的名词后跟定语从句时,引导定语从句的关系词一般只能是 as,而不能是 that, which, who, where等。如:Such women as knew him thought he was charming. 认识他的女人都认为他很有魅力。此句中的 as 就不能换成that 或 who,若要使用 that 或who,则需将 such 换掉,如说成Those women who knew Tom thought he was charming.

14、B 百分比作修饰语,前面不加冠词且不能用复数。

15、B 分数做定语,分子用基数词,分母为序数词,当分子大于1时,分母用复数,本题中,其它表达方式均不正确。


1、that 改为it: 形式宾语只能用it。

2、as 改为 which: 关系代词错误:非限定性定语从句为否定意义时,关系代词只能用which。

3、except后加 that: except为介词,其后所跟句子为宾语从句,属于名词性从句,名词性从句一定要有连接代词或连接副词引导。

4、why改为that: 先行词为reason时,定语从句既可用that引导,也可用why引导。在从句中作状语用why;在从句中作主语或宾语用that。此句中explained后缺宾语,所以要用that。

5、them 改为which: 此句的后半部分为定语从句,引导定语从句须用关系代词,而非人称代词。

6、去掉not: not more than “不到…”修饰数词;more than修饰数词时表示“比…多”;修饰名词时表示“不仅仅”。

7、those改为that: those代替前面提到过的可数名词复数;that代替前面提到过的不可数名词。本句前文提到的名词advice为不可数名词。

8、nothing改为none: nothing与what有关;none与how many / how much有关,也即与量有关。

9、which改为that 或在which前加in 或去掉which: 先行词为way(方式,方法)时,定语从句可以用that / in which引导,也可以什么也不用。

10、neither改为either: not…either…or 等于neither…nor表示“既不…也不…”。
