900字范文 > 中英对照:盘点拥有超能力的动物


时间:2022-06-27 01:17:06



12月03日 16:48










额外能力: 可以舔自己的眼球,受到威胁时喷出粪便。

如果它们动手了,我们唯一的防御手段: 让士兵们配上最新特氟隆技术的紧身衣裤。







如果它们动手了,我们唯一的防御手段: 用装满X气体的盒子来阻断这种甲虫的天然食物来源。







如果它们动手了,我们唯一的防御手段: 施展魅力,让它们相信“保护栖息地”是在电笼里。









8Animals With Real Superpowers

It’s no secret: animals are out to kill us. While we spend hundredsof billions of dollars fighting the terrorist threat overseas,animalsleeper cells are biding their time(抓紧时间), developing strangeandfabulous powers far beyond those of man. Hawks sharpening their talons.Giant squids flexing their suckers. Dolphins waggling their prehensilepenises. And leading the brigade, a very special cat that knows whenyou’re going to die. And that’s only the tip of the furryiceberg。

So, as a public service, we’ve decided to profile some of theworld"s most super powered creatures. As far as we know, none of themare on the Endangered Species list. Though with the help offearmongering articles like this, and some generous gun controllegislation,we can change all that. If we don’t, it just may be ushumans livingin protected enclosures and spending our days watchingpornography to encourage mating behavior like nature’s loser, the Panda。

8.The Animal: Gecko

The Power: Atomic Climbing

How It Works: When they’re not using their British accents to hawkcar insurance, geckos spend their time scurrying up surfaces with theease of a machine specifically designed to do the same. But this isn’tjust some snail-class gooey shit climbing we’re talking abou there。

Every square millimeter of a gecko’s footpads contains14,000tinyhairs, called setae, each of which branches into around 500little tiny “spatulae” so small that they are below the wave length ofvisible light. Using these invisible,geckos are able to harness van derWaals interactions on amolecular level, sticking to almost every knownsurface outside of Teflon.Their grip is so strong, if it used all of itsgripping power at once,a single adult gecko could hold aloft 290 lbs.At this point,it"s important to note that our brave men and women inuniform almost all weigh under 290 lbs., making them prime targets forroving bands of gecko hurl-squads?。

Spirit Animal Of: Spider-Man, The Human Fly, Dan Osmond AdditionalPowers: Can lick their own eyeballs, and expel feces when threatened。

Our Only Defense, Should They Rise Against Us: Outfit our soldiers with the latest in Teflon bodysuit technology。

7.The Animal: Bombardier Beetle

The Power: Energy Blasts

How It Works: A number of animal species are able toprojectink,foul-smelling chemicals, or feces from their bodies. But inthese cases, there is little to fear beyond stained clothing, atomatosauce bath, or social ostracism. The bombardier beetle,however,takes bodily expulsion to a new threat level by harnessing thepower of chemical reactions to release a boiling, exploding liquid fromits body up to seventy times per encounter. In short, it shitsnapalm. Wedon’t even need to explain what kind of threat this poses toourcitizens and toilet paper industry alike。

Spirit Animal Of: Me after a night of Tijuana-style Jalape?oDogs.?

Additional Powers: Starred in a children’s book that purports to disprove the Theory of Evolution。

Our Only Defense, Should They Rise Against Us: Spiking the beetle’s natural food source with boxes upon boxes of Gas-X?。

6.The Animal: Platypus

The Power: Electrolocation

How It Works: Count your senses. If you’re fortunate, you’ve gotone hand raised, five fingers splayed in sensorial triumph. If you’reless fortunate, a birth defect or lathe accident has knocked you downtothree or four, or else you got your fingers chopped off in abar fight.But if you’re a Platypus, you get to raise six fingers,all presumablysnapped from the hands of girl scouts and dangling from a malevolentbill?. Platapi?are monotremes (the only other monotreme is the echidna,who we already know are after our ChaosEmeralds?), a type of mammalendowed with the sixth sense of electroreception,the ability to senseelectric fields generated by muscular contraction。That means they cansense your directional location if you somuch as move a muscle. Even ablind, deaf Platypus with no sense of smell knows right where you are,and he and his echidna friends are on their way. With tire irons. Andthey’re angry drunk。

Spirit Animal Of: Daredevil, Radar O’Reilly, the raptors from the kitchen scene of Jurassic Park。

Additional Powers: Venemous talons on each foot, egg-laying, andthe cruel mockery of all evolutionary and natural law。Our Only Defense,Should They Rise Against Us: Convince them that their “protectedhabitat” is a Faraday Cage。

5.The Animal: Hummingbird

The Power: Superspeed

How It Works: Hummingbirds do everything fast. They’ve got thefastest metabolism of any animal other than insects, their heart ratecan get up to 1,260 beats per minute, and they can flap theirwings up to70 times a second. One can only imagine the horrifying speed with whichthey’d fire shoulder-mounted rockets at our school buses.Thisincredible speed makes the Humming bird the only animal capable ofhovering in midair, and even flying backwards. The only devicewe havethat can match them in aerial agility is the helicopter, and that’s gotnothing on them for nectar-drinking ability. If terroristsever decide todesign and manufacture Humming bird pistols, we’regoing to be in formobile, whirling vortices of sheer bullet。

Spirit Animal Of: This guy。

Additional Powers: A bifurcated tongue, the ability to hibernateintimes of food shortage, and the observed ability to fly over 500mileswithout stopping to sleep or eat。

Our Only Defense, Should They Rise Against Us: Because of theirspeed,humming birds need to eat up to five times their own body weightinnectar per day. Destroy the flowers, and we’ve got thesebastards on therun。
