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读书 | 国外的孩子不懂得分享?看完这个就知道了...

时间:2021-12-31 05:11:23


读书 | 国外的孩子不懂得分享?看完这个就知道了...




The Rainbow Fish《彩虹鱼》。在德国,几乎每一个家庭里,在美国,在几乎每一家出售儿童读物的书店中,你都可以见到它――有着闪亮的七彩鳞片的彩虹鱼,大海中最美丽的鱼。也就是这条小鱼,在过去十三年的岁月里,游遍了地球上的大洲大洋,把一条最简单的讯息带到了世界的每个角落,并打动了成千上万与它相遇的人们;仅有美丽耀眼的鳞片并不能带来幸福,快乐要与他人分享,只有先付出友情才能得到幸福和友谊的回报。








《The Rainbow Fish》 | 05"52""


马克斯·菲斯特(Marcus Pfister):瑞士著名画家,1960年出生,毕业于瑞士伯恩艺术学院。1986年他创作的第一本图画书《疲惫的猫头鹰》一出版,就在童书界大放异彩,此后陆续推出其他作品,以独特的绘画风格在图画书界确立了一席之地。1992年,他在瑞士首次出版的《彩虹鱼》(The Rainbow Fish)印刷了3万册,马上销售一空,很快这条小鱼便游出了瑞士,游出了欧洲,游向了世界各地,目前已经被译成36种语言,全球销量达到了2000多万册。




5:39 The Rainbow Fish 来自mom

The Rainbow Fish 彩虹鱼

A long way out in the deep blue sea there lived a fish.Not just an ordinary fish, but the most beautiful fish in the entire ocean. His scales were everyshadeof blue and green and purple, with sparkling silver scales among them.


The other fish were amazed at his beauty. They called him Rainbow Fish. “Come on, Rainbow Fish,” they would call. “Come and play with us!” But the Rainbow Fish would justglide past, proud and silent, letting his scalesshimmer.


One day, a little blue fish followed after him. “Rainbow Fish,” he called, “wait for me! Please give me one of your shiny scales. They are so wonderful, and you have so many.”


“You want me to give you one of special scales? Who do you think you are?” cried the Rainbow Fish. “Get away from me!” Shocked, the little blue fish swam away. He was so upset; he told all his friends what had happened. From then on, no one would have anything to do with the Rainbow Fish. They turned away when he swam by.


What good were the dazzling, shimmering scales with no one to admire them? Now he was the loneliest fish in the entire ocean.


One day hepoured outhis troubles to the starfish. “Ireallyam beautiful. Why doesn’t anybody like me?” “I can’t answer that for you,” said the starfish. “But if you go beyond the coral reef to a deep cave you will find the wise cotopus. Maybe she can help you.”


The Rainbow Fish found the cave. It was very dark inside and he couldn’t see anything. Then suddenly two eyes caught him in their glare and the octopus emerged from the darkness.


“I have been waiting for you,” said the octopus with a deep voice. “The waves have told me your story. This is my advice. Give a glittering scale to each of the other fish. You will no longer be the most beautiful fish in the sea, but you will discover how to be happy.”


“I can’t…” the Rainbow Fish started to say, but the octopus had already disappeared into a dark cloud of ink. Give away my scales? My beautiful shining scales? Never. How could I ever be happy without them?


Suddenly he felt the light touch of a fin. The little blue fish was back! “Rainbow Fish, please, don’t be angry. I just want one little scale.” The Rainbow Fishwavered. Only one very very smallshimmery scale, he thought. Well maybe I wouldn’t miss just one.


Carefully the Rainbow Fish pulled out the smallest scale and gave it to the little fish. “Thank you! Thank you very much!” The little blue fish bubbled playfully, as hetucked the shiny scale in among his blue ones. A rather peculiar feeling came over the Rainbow Fish. For a long time he watched the little blue fish swim back and forth with his new scale glittering in the water.


The little blue fishwhizzed through the ocean with his scale flashing, so it didn’t take long before the Rainbow Fish was surrounded by the other fish. Everyone wanted a glittering scale. The Rainbow Fish shared his scales left and right. And the more he gave away, the more delighted he became. When the water around him filled with glimmering scales, he at last felt at home among the other fish.


Finally the Rainbow Fish had only one shining scale left. His most prized possessions had been given away, yet he was very happy. “Come on Rainbow Fish,” they called. “Come and play with us!” “Here I come,” said the Rainbow Fish and happy as a spash, he swam off to join his friends.

