900字范文 > 重度慢性牙周炎 severe chronic periodontitis英语短句 例句大全

重度慢性牙周炎 severe chronic periodontitis英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-12-21 22:20:00


重度慢性牙周炎 severe chronic periodontitis英语短句 例句大全

重度慢性牙周炎,severe chronic periodontitis

1)severe chronic periodontitis重度慢性牙周炎

1.The relationship between tumor necrosis factor A-308 gene polymorphism and susceptibility ofsevere chronic periodontitis;肿瘤坏死因子A-308基因型与重度慢性牙周炎的关系

2.A study on the relativity between CGRP and IL-1A gene polymorphism and the susceptibility tosevere chronic periodontitis based on ligase detection reaction;基于连接酶检测反应的CGRP和IL-1A基因多态与重度慢性牙周炎的相关性研究

3.Association of TNF-A-863 and CGRP979 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility tosevere chronic periodontitis in Chinese Han nationalityTNF-A-863和CGRP基因多态性与中国汉族人重度慢性牙周炎易感性的关系


1.Effect of periodontal initial therapy on the serum level of lipid in the patients with both periodontitis and hyperlipidemia中、重度慢性牙周炎伴高血脂患者在牙周基础治疗后血脂的变化

2.Association of TNF-A-863 and CGRP979 gene polymorphisms with susceptibility to severe chronic periodontitis in Chinese Han nationalityTNF-A-863和CGRP基因多态性与中国汉族人重度慢性牙周炎易感性的关系

3.Association of the Metabolizing Enzymes Genetic Polymorphisms with the Susceptibility to Severe Chronic Periodontitis;代谢酶基因多态性与重度慢性牙周炎相关关系的研究

4.Result of using subgingival ultrasonic treatment for the aged with severe chronic periodontitis超声刮治在老年重度慢性牙周炎患者维护期的应用效果

5.Association of Interleukin-10 Promoter Polymorphisms with the Susceptibility to Severe Chronic Periodontitis in Chinese Han Nationality;白细胞介素-10基因多态性与重度慢性牙周炎易感性相关关系的研究

6.The Relationship between Tumor Necrosis Factor A-308 Gene Polymorphism and Susceptibility of Severe Chronic Periodontitis in Kasak Adults from Yili of Xinjiang;肿瘤坏死因子A-308基因多态性与新疆伊犁哈萨克族重度慢性牙周炎的关系

7.The Effect after the Minocycline-HCL Sustained Release Ointment Treatment Chronic Generalized Periodontitis with Advanced Loss of Periodonta;盐酸米诺环素缓释软膏治疗慢性弥漫性重度牙周炎的疗效评价

8.Evaluation of the Long-term Effects of Restoration for Chronic Moderate to Severe Periodontitis慢性中重度牙周炎患者应用种植修复的临床评价

9.Correlation between Subgingival Infections and Co-infections of HCMV or EBV in Human Chronic Periodontitis and Periodontal Pathogenic Severity;慢性牙周炎龈下HCMV感染及其和EBV混合感染与牙周病变程度的关系

10.Correlation between levels of porphyromonas gingivalis outer membrane protein A in subgingival plaques of chronic periodontitis and periodontal lesions慢性牙周炎龈下菌斑中牙龈卟啉单胞菌外膜蛋白A的水平与牙周病变程度关系的研究

11.The Relationship between Estrogen Receptor Gene Polymorphism with Periodontal Disease and Bone Mineral Density雌激素受体基因多态性与慢性牙周炎及骨密度相关性的研究

12.Longitudinal Investigation of Chronic Periodontitis during Maintenance Therapy;慢性牙周炎维护治疗期病程纵向观察

13.Measurements of IL-8 in patients with periodontitis慢性牙周炎患者白细胞介素-8的检测

14.They found that people with generalized (more advanced) periodontal disease had a lower intake of lactic acid foods than people with localized (less advanced) periodontal disease.他们发现,弥漫性重度牙周炎患者所摄入的乳酸类食品量比局限性轻度牙周炎患者少。

15.The preliminary study of the transcription level of interleukin-8 in gingival tissues from patients with chronic periodontitis慢性牙周炎牙龈组织中IL-8转录水平研究

16.The Influence of Porcelain Fused to Metal Crowns with Different Crown Margins on the Periodontal Tissues of the Teeth with Chronic Adult Periodontitis;不同冠边缘位置的金瓷冠对慢性牙周炎基牙牙周组织的影响

17.The Study of Correlation between Suspected Periodontal Pathogens and Chronic Periodontitis by 16S rRNA Real-time PCR16S rRNA基因定量PCR检测牙周可疑致病菌与慢性牙周炎相关性的研究

18.Nursing cooperation of dental pulp revascularization of immature teeth with apical periodontitis慢性根尖周炎年轻恒牙牙髓牙根再生术的护理配合


Chronic severe periodontitis慢性重度牙周炎

3)Chronic periodontitis慢性牙周炎

1.Distribution of five periodontal pathogens in subgingival plaque in chronic periodontitis;慢性牙周炎龈下菌斑中五种牙周可疑致病微生物的分布

2.Determination of Epstein-Barr virus DNA in patients with chronic periodontitis;慢性牙周炎患者EB病毒Real-Time PCR检测

3.Meta analysis of the relationship between vitamin D receptor TaqI gene polymorphism and chronic periodontitis;维生素D受体基因TaqI位点多态性与慢性牙周炎易感性的Meta分析


1.Study of the association between CGRP Gene polymorphisms and the susceptibility of severe adultperiodontitis;降钙素基因相关肽基因多态性与成人重度牙周炎关系的初步研究

2.Effects and Holding time of Hyperbaric Oxygen on Human Severe Periodontitis;高压氧对人重度牙周炎的作用及疗效维持时间

5)human chronic periodontitis人慢性牙周炎

6)chronic adult periodontitis成人慢性牙周炎

1.Objective:To observe the change of alkaline phosphatase (ALP) in gingival crevicular fliud(GCF) inchronic adult periodontitis after treated the minocycline-HCL sustained release unguent as local drug delivery in the periodontal pocket as the auxiliary treatment of periodontitis.目的:观察成人慢性牙周炎应用盐酸米诺环素缓释软膏治疗前后龈沟液中碱性磷酸酶(alkalinephos phatase ,ALP)水平的变化。


