900字范文 > 垂直布里奇曼(VB)法 Vertical Bridgman (VB) method英语短句 例句大全

垂直布里奇曼(VB)法 Vertical Bridgman (VB) method英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-11-29 04:26:00


垂直布里奇曼(VB)法 Vertical Bridgman (VB) method英语短句 例句大全

垂直布里奇曼(VB)法,Vertical Bridgman (VB) method

1)Vertical Bridgman (VB) method垂直布里奇曼(VB)法

1.2 Te single crystal was successfully grown by using Vertical Bridgman (VB) method in our laboratory.本实验采用垂直布里奇曼(VB)法成功地生长出Cd0。


1.PbI_2 single crystal with three different colors were prepared using Vertical Bridgman Method(VBM).以高纯Pb和I2单质为原料,采用两温区气相输运法(TVM)成功合成出单相PbI2多晶原料,并以此为原料,用垂直布里奇曼法(VBM)生长了3种不同颜色的PbI2单晶体。

2.With the presynthesized polycrystals,the integral and gray-black ZnGeP2 single crystals with size of Φ15 mm×25 mm were obtained by modified Vertical Bridgman Method(VBM).以此为原料,采用改进的垂直布里奇曼法(VBM)生长出尺寸为Φ15 mm×25 mm的ZnGeP2单晶体,呈黑灰色,外观完整、无裂纹。


1.Study on Copper Single Crystal Grown by Vertical Bridgman Method垂直布里奇曼法生长铜单晶体的研究

2.Evolution of Solid-liquid Interface of CdZnTe Crystal Growth by Vertical Bridgman Method碲锌镉垂直布里奇曼法晶体生长过程固液界面的演化

3.Analysis of Te precipitates in Cd_(0.8) Mn_(0.2) Te single crystal growing by vertical Bridgman method垂直布里奇曼法生长的Cd_(0.8)Mn_(0.2)Te单晶体中Te沉淀相分析

4.d Bridgeman equation比特和布里奇曼方程

5.The Landscape Park of England:From Bridgeman to Brown (Part Two)英国自然风致园——从布里奇曼到布朗(下)

6.The Landscape Park of England:From Bridgman to Brown (part one)英国自然风致园——从布里奇曼到布朗(上)

7.An analysis for the growth process of PbI2 single crystal by bridgman method has been made.本文分析了用布里奇曼法生长碘化铅单晶体的结晶过程。

8.Some of them are of a more gentle nature, hanging down from the precipices like a sheet of water, shimmering and wavering as if engaging in graceful dancing.有的瀑布悬挂崖前,如珠帘垂落,轻柔曼舞,蔚为奇观;

9.Besides Manhattan, it has four other boroughs: Brooklyn, Bronx, Richmond, and Queen"s.纽约市分为五个行政区:曼哈顿、布鲁克林、布朗克斯、里奇蒙德和昆斯。

10.Research of Association Rules Mining Based on Vertical Data基于数据垂直分布的关联规则挖掘算法研究

11.Wayne Bridge has gone on loan to Fulham for the remainder of the season.韦恩.布里奇租借至富勒姆直到这个赛季结束.

12.normal force法向[正交、垂直]力

13.Riser cables-Sectional specification垂直布线电缆分规范

14.The tablecloth trails on the floor.台布一直垂到地板上。

15.vertical zonation of land use土地利用的垂直分布

16.test method for flammability of textiles:vertical method织物燃烧试验法:垂直法

17.Gabriel Heinze could make a shock return to the United first-team for the Good Friday visit of Sunderland.加布里埃尔-海因策可能会在周五曼联客场挑战桑德兰的比赛中令人惊奇的复出。

18.An Algorithm for Feature Selection and Rule Extraction in Vertically Partitioned Environment;一种垂直分布环境下的特征选择及规则提取算法



1.PbI_2 single crystal with three different colors were prepared using Vertical Bridgman Method(VBM).以高纯Pb和I2单质为原料,采用两温区气相输运法(TVM)成功合成出单相PbI2多晶原料,并以此为原料,用垂直布里奇曼法(VBM)生长了3种不同颜色的PbI2单晶体。

2.With the presynthesized polycrystals,the integral and gray-black ZnGeP2 single crystals with size of Φ15 mm×25 mm were obtained by modified Vertical Bridgman Method(VBM).以此为原料,采用改进的垂直布里奇曼法(VBM)生长出尺寸为Φ15 mm×25 mm的ZnGeP2单晶体,呈黑灰色,外观完整、无裂纹。

3)vertical bridgman method垂直布里奇曼法

1.The high-quality copper single crystals have been successfully grown by the vertical Bridgman method(VBM),using a self-made growth furnace which is heated with four molybdenum disilicide rods.本文采用自制的硅钼棒单晶生长炉和特制的镀碳石英生长坩埚,采用垂直布里奇曼法在30℃/cm的温度梯度下,以10 mm/d的下降速度生长出较高质量的铜单晶体。

4)Cd compensated vertical bridgman methodCd补偿垂直布里奇曼法

1.Growth of Cd_(0.9)Zn_(0.1)Te crystals byCd compensated vertical bridgman method;Cd补偿垂直布里奇曼法生长Cd_(0.9)Zn_(0.1)Te晶体

5)Seeded vertical Bridgman method籽晶垂直布里奇曼法


1.An integral ZnGeP2 single crystal with size of Φ20mm×30mm was obtained by Modi-fied Vertical Bridgman Method (MVBM).用改进垂直布里奇曼法(MVBM)生长出尺寸为Φ20mm×30mm的ZnGeP2单晶体。


