900字范文 > 知性伦理 intellectual ethics英语短句 例句大全

知性伦理 intellectual ethics英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-08-23 09:27:29


知性伦理 intellectual ethics英语短句 例句大全

知性伦理,intellectual ethics

1)intellectual ethics知性伦理


1.From Intellectual Ethics to Family-Based Ethics--A Comparison of Chinese and Western Traditional Ethics从“知性伦理”到“家本伦理”——关于中西传统伦理学的一个比较

2."Promoting Virtue and Respected Knowledge":Traditional Confucian Theory of Knowledge-Ethics;“尊德性而道问学”:传统儒学知识伦理论

3.The Factual Quality of Ethical Basic Language--Refute the Unknowledgetarism of Ethics;伦理学基础语言的事实性——驳伦理学的非认知主义

4.On the cognition of justice and the efficiency of human resources in organizational management ethics;论管理伦理中的公正性认知与人力资源的效用

5.From the Intellective Vindication of Ethics to the Ethical Critique of Knowledge;由知识对伦理的辩护到伦理对知识的批判——论知识的伦理价值

6.The Combination of Virtue Ethics and Regulation Ethics in Bioethics;德性伦理与规范伦理在生命伦理中的契合

7.The Ethical Analysis of Self-protection Medical Treatment--the discussion on the patients informed consent and doctors impunity;自我保护性医疗的伦理扫描——论患方知情同意与医方规避风险

8.A Qualitative Study on Relevant Ethical Issues in Safeguarding the Right of Informed Consent among Patients with Cancer维护癌症患者知情同意权中伦理问题的质性研究

ments on the Ethical Attribute and Characteristic of Student Assessment;简论学生评价的伦理属性和伦理特征

10.The Ethical Turn and Rhetorical Narrative Ethics:An Interview with Professor James Phelan;伦理转向与修辞性的叙事伦理(英文)

11.Ethic research on the management of Beijing Olympic knowledge rights北京奥运知识产权管理的伦理学思考

12.The Necessity of a Systematic moral Teaching系统伦理教学的必要性

13.From the Characteristics of Traditional Ethics to See Its Necessity and Possibility of Improvement;从传统伦理特征看发展伦理的必然性和可能性

14.She concentrated more on the ethical dilemmas of informed consent.而她更着重于知情权的伦理矛盾问题

15.Informed Consent is concept with rich ethical implication.知情同意概念含有丰富的伦理内涵。

16.On the Ethical Spirit of the Contemporary Chinese Public Intellectual;论当代中国公共知识分子的伦理精神

17.The Problems in Knowledge Domain and Phenomenology of Bioethics;生命伦理学的知识场域与现象学问题

18.Ethical reflection on the issue of intellectual property rights during the network economy;网络经济中知识产权问题的伦理思考


ethical perception伦理感知

1.Based on previous research, we find three factors of corporate ethical decision-making process, namely "ethical perception", "ethical judgment" and "ethical intention".根据西方学术界的已有研究成果,提炼出企业伦理决策过程的三个构成要素,即“伦理感知”、“伦理判断”和“伦理意图”,从理论上阐述了三者的关系并加以实证检验,说明三者构成企业伦理决策过程是可行的、正确的。

3)ethical conscience伦理良知

4)knowledge ethics知识伦理

1.The positions and structures of different kinds of knowledge form the relation ofknowledge ethics.各种知识间的地位和结构构成知识伦理关系。

5)ethical knowledge伦理知识

1.; In the speech act analysis stage, meta-ethics combined with transcendental rationalism and phenomenological intu- itionism, forming negotiation ethics and subjectivity axiology, promoted the establishment of universalethical knowledge.在语言分析阶段产生了直觉主义、情感主义、规定主义等学派;在言语行为分析阶段,元伦理学逐渐与先验理性主义、现象学直观主义相结合,形成商谈伦理学以及主体性价值论,推动了普遍伦理知识的建立。

6)theory of knowledge ethics知识伦理论


