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铸嘴 nozzle英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-09-21 11:17:44


铸嘴 nozzle英语短句 例句大全



1.The impotance of flow distribution innozzle cavity was stated.阐述了铸嘴型腔布流的重要性,分析了布流不当引起的铸坯缺陷,总结了铸嘴技术发展状况及其特点。

2.A water modeling test of melt flow was worked with regard tonozzle cavity for aluminium roll casting according to Reeff similarity criteria.根据有效雷诺数Reeff相似准则,做了铝铸轧铸嘴型腔熔体流动的水模拟实验,实验结果显示铸嘴型腔熔体流动行为受分流块相对位置、分流块结构尺寸、分流块数目影响很大,认为:使用小尺寸分流块,或适当增加分流块数目以及对于渐扩式侧壁的铸嘴型腔,转动分流块使其平行于侧壁,都能够获得更均匀的出口分布速度。


1.Twin-roller eccentricity and different diameter caster with caster mouth of adjustable obliquity铸嘴倾角可调的偏心异径双辊铸轧机

2.cast drinking fountain of iron or stee铸造喷嘴式饮水龙头,钢或铁制

3.Development of Characteristic Testing System of Continuous Casting Nozzle and Simulation Software on Secondary Cooling Zone;连铸喷嘴性能检测系统及二冷仿真软件的开发

4.Casting Process Design and Manufacture for Nozzle Chest Casting of Super-critical Pressure Turbine超超临界汽轮机喷嘴室铸造工艺设计及其生产

5.Development of Testing System for Nozzles and Optimization on Secondary Cooling System of Billet Continuous Casting at NanSteel;喷嘴测试系统开发及南钢方坯连铸二冷制度优化

6.Mouth, mouth, touch your mouth.嘴,嘴,摸摸你的嘴。

7.His voice was cold, sharp, and final, his lips stamping the enunciation of each word like the die of a machine.他口气冷酷,尖锐而且专断,嘴唇像机器上的铸模一样一个字一个字地敲。

8.ISA 1932 nozzleISA 1932喷嘴

9.blabbermouth ( person who blabs)多嘴人、碎嘴子、泄密者、多嘴婆(多嘴的人)

10.The skill or operation of founding.铸造术,铸造铸造,铸造的技术

11.To push out or protrude(the lips.撅嘴伸出或撅起(嘴唇)

12.Mouth to her mouth"s kiss.跟她嘴对嘴地亲吻。

13.Don"t answer back.不要顶嘴。(不要还嘴。)

14.She had a liberal, full rimmed mouth.她的嘴巴宽阔,嘴唇丰厚。

15.To utter or express with a pout.撅嘴地说撅着嘴说或表达撅嘴

16.small-mouthed, wide-mouthed, open-mouthed, etc小嘴的、 大嘴的、 张着嘴的等.

17.A beaklike mouth part, such as that of a turtle.鸟嘴似口部象鸟嘴似的口部,如龟的嘴

18.of or relating to or affecting or for use in the mouth.属于、关于嘴,或影响嘴,或用于嘴。


tip cavity铸嘴型腔

1.In this paper , the influences of adjusting amplitude at different velocities on the flow field and temperature field at the exit oftip cavity are investigated.本文研究了不同速度调节幅值对铸嘴型腔流场和温度场的影响,通过仿真分析,结果表明:入口速度变化幅值越大,型腔出口处熔体速度、温度过渡到稳定速度、温度的时间越长。

2.The simulation results indicate that it is feasible to improve fluid field,temperature filed intip cavity by adjusting fluid online,which provides basis to adjusting the control model online to assure the quality.建立了在线布流调节时铸嘴型腔熔体非定常流动和传热数学模型,应用数值方法仿真分析了入口速度斜坡变化时铸嘴型腔流场、温度场、压力场的动态演化过程。

3.In this paper,the influences of adjusting amplitude at different velocities on the flow field and temperature field at the exit oftip cavity are studied.本文研究了两种典型入口速度调节方式对铸嘴型腔流场和温度场的影响,通过数值方法对铸嘴型腔非定常流动和传热进行了仿真分析,结果表明:在同一变化幅值情况下,入口速度阶跃变化、斜坡函数变化后的熔体出口速度、出口温度分布基本相同。

3)nozzle cavity铸嘴型腔

1.Influence of mesh types in two-dimensional FEA analysis of the cavity fluid field ofnozzle cavity;网格划分对铸嘴型腔流场有限元分析的影响

2.Analysis of heat transfer and solidification phenomenon for aluminum liquid innozzle cavity;铝熔体在铸嘴型腔中的传热及凝固现象分析

3.Two-dimensional FEA of the influence of the shape ofnozzle cavity on cavity fluid field;铸嘴型腔形状对型腔流场影响的二维有限元分析

4)nozzle lip thickness铸嘴唇厚


6)casting spile fixing铸嘴安装


