900字范文 > 雅俗共赏 Suit both refined and popular tastes英语短句 例句大全

雅俗共赏 Suit both refined and popular tastes英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-12-05 04:58:33


雅俗共赏 Suit both refined and popular tastes英语短句 例句大全

雅俗共赏,Suit both refined and popular tastes

1)Suit both refined and popular tastes雅俗共赏


1.Let"s find sth. that highbrows and lowbrows alike can enjoy.怎样才能雅俗共赏才好。

2.The paper we offered is of refined colour and of the best quality, suggests neither cheapness nor extravagance.我方报供的纸张,色好质优,雅俗共赏。

3.Good literature and art works should suit both refined and popular tastes.优秀的文艺应该是雅俗共赏的。

4.Outstanding Style, Refined and Popular Tastes-Research on "Haishangsanren";风姿卓异雅俗共赏—“海上三任”艺术研究

5.Viewing the Media Consumption of Literature via Enjoyment of Both Highbrows and Lowbrows;由“雅俗共赏”透析文学的传媒消费

6.Suited to Refined and Popular Tastes,Filled with Humor and Wit--On the Lingual Art of the Novel Lights on the Intersections;雅俗共赏,妙趣横生——《歧路灯》的语言艺术

7.Suiting Both Refined and Popular Tastes--Presentation of Aesthetic Perception in Party s and Government s Official Documents;雅俗共赏——党政公文文本的美感呈现

8.After the Integration of the Elegant and Vulgar--The Emergence of the Aesthetic Criterion and Its Contemporary Situation;雅俗合流之后——中国画中雅俗共赏审美标准的提出及其当代境遇

9.What"s more, it is suitable for wearing in all seasons by old and young.而且,旗袍是老少宜穿,四季相宜,雅俗共赏。

10.Shakespeare was a great master of the English language at all its levels.莎士比亚是运用雅俗共赏的英语的大师。

11.The Characteristic of Comedy and Suiting Both Refined and Popular Tastes in David Lodge s Novels;论戴维·洛奇小说的喜剧性及雅俗共赏特征

12.On the Culture of JIU LING--Taking example of HUA QUAN in Haizhou;雅俗共赏的酒令文化——从海州划拳酒令谈起

13.Appeal to Both Refined and Popular Tastes with Straight as Well as Peculiar Tastes--Remarks on Novel Historical Sky;雅俗共赏 亦正亦奇——长篇小说《历史的天空》散论

14.Be Admired By Scholars and Laymen Alike The People of This World Favor--Discuss Characteristics of Language Literalness in New Period;雅俗共赏 世人青睐——论新时期语言文字的特点

15.A Glance on the Main Aspect of Chinese Art Songs of the New Age;雅俗共赏:新时期中国艺术歌曲创作主潮一瞥

16.On the Artistic Charm of Caoyu s Early Dramatics;曲高和众雅俗共赏——论曹禺前期戏剧的艺术魅力

17.The Formation of Aesthetics in Beijing Opera Literature京剧文学雅俗共赏特色的生成——以曲词为例

18.It appealed to both refined and popular tastes and caused a great social sensation in the 1960s.从而取得了雅俗共赏的艺术效果。它在60年代引起强烈的社会反响。


suiting both refined and popular tastes雅俗共赏

1.The effect is very good because of its appetency from similar culture,the newness from different culture,abundant of content and its formsuiting both refined and popular tastes.韩剧《大长今》在中国热播,因其文化同质性产生的亲和力、文化异质性带来的新奇感、内容的丰富性与形式的雅俗共赏,使其获得了极佳的传播效果。

2.The scholar painting is embryonic from the Wei and Jin Dynasty, experiencing Tang, Sung, Yuan, Ming Dynasty successively, it appreciates interest to express“suiting both refined and popular tastes”idea gradually.扬州画派在社会经济发展的潮流中崛起,在市民文化繁荣的背景中发展,在艺术品交易的市场活动中生存,其绘画冲决了传统文人画的“雅”“俗”观的二元对立,呈现出“在师承渊源上远离正统派而恣意纵横,在审美意蕴上,亦削弱了传统文人画的书卷气、庙堂气而增长了世俗气”[1]的创作气象,开创了文人画“雅俗共赏”的新局面。

3)The art style雅俗共赏性

4)combination elegance and vulgar雅俗共享

5)The refined custom coexists雅俗共存



