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笔法 Writing technique英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-01 17:30:16


笔法 Writing technique英语短句 例句大全

笔法,Writing technique

1)Writing technique笔法

1.Judging from three characteristics they have: interesting images, agile writing technique and humorous language, we are sure that they have the essay flavor.梁实秋的《雅舍小品》无疑具有隐逸倾向,但其中一部分谈论社会现象和人生百态的作品,形象引人发噱,笔法机智圆活,语言充满谐趣,这三个特征决定了这部分作品带有杂文色彩。

2.The theories of contemporary essays stress the improvisation,irregularity,unrestraint,disorder and unconventionality in terms of writing techniques and art.现代小品理论强调小品笔法和章法的即兴随意、轻松自由、散漫无序、不拘格套,追求一种无笔法之“笔法”,无章法之“章法”。

3.This paper discusses the differences of the styles between the poems by the two poets in three aspects: realm, flavor and writing technique.文章拟以孟浩然的《过故人庄》和王维的《过香积寺》为例 ,从境界、味、笔法这三个方面来谈谈二者诗风之


1.A Comparison between "Chunqiubifa" and "Taishigongbifa";“春秋笔法”与“太史公笔法”之比较

2.On the Origin and Content of Brush Styles of Chinese Calligraphy中国书法笔法的产生与书法笔法内容研究

3.The manner in which a painter applies paint with a brush.笔法画家用画笔染颜料的方式

4.Picasso"s brushwork is particularly fine.毕加索的笔法精妙绝伦.

5.a fine piece of descriptive writing一篇笔法细腻的描写文


7.On the Name of "Chun-qiu shufa" and "Chun-qiu bifa";从“春秋书法”到“春秋笔法”名称之考察

8.Look at the Differences among Su、Huang and Mi s Calligraphies from the Techniques of Their Writing;从笔法角度看苏、黄、米书法之不同

9."Traditional Chinese painting has many styles. One of them, done in the meticulous and realistic style, is called Gongbi. Gongbi painting is characterized by fine brushwork, close attention to detail and bright colors."中国传统绘画风格流派甚多,一种写实的手法叫工笔画。工笔画笔法细腻,注重细节和色彩绚丽。

10.On the Inheritance of Traditional Calligraphic Technique from the Perspective of Wang s Calligraphy;由王系书法的发展看书法传统笔法的继承问题

11.A style or individual sample of writing.笔迹个人的书法笔迹或风格

12.The art or process of drawing with pastels.蜡笔绘法,彩色粉笔画法用彩色粉笔绘画的工艺或过程

13.French and English fluently, written and spoken法语和英语口笔语流畅

14.I got this money legally.我得到这笔钱是合法的。

15.He took the notes in shorthand.他用速记法记笔记。

16." Third, a rounded shape, making it convenient to turn and close strokes. Fourth, plasticity a kind of springy quality, which lets the user nimbly touch the brush to or lift it from the paper. "再有,笔要圆润,使书法家能自由折转收笔;最后,笔要有弹性,能使书法家将笔在纸上挥洒自如。

17.If it had been otherwise--" Carton looked at the pen and saw it was trailing off into unintelligible signs.要不然—卡尔顿看着笔,笔下拖出的字已无法辨认。

18.These stroke patterns are reduced to eight different strokes in calligraphy.书法的笔画简化到八种不同的笔画模式。



1.At different artistic stages, various painting styles are always externally characterized by differentbrushwork on the tableaus.在艺术史的不同阶段 ,不同的画风总是以不同的画面笔法组织为外在特征。

2.Through a detailed study of thebrushwork and material, the paper concludes that they are especially important to colored paintings over pearl glaze.通过对珍珠釉彩画的介绍,以及对珍珠釉彩画的用笔用料的详尽探讨,得出笔法、料法对珍珠釉彩画犹为重要的结论。

3.Because of the wide coverage of the two words, "brushwork" and "stroke", this essay firstly focuses on the direction of what is studied here, thus "brushwork" is defined as thebrushwork of traditional Chinese calligraphy and painting, and "stroke" is defined as the stroke of oil painting.本文首先对“笔法”与“笔触”的对比借鉴范围作了界定,对中国书法绘画“笔法”与油画“笔触”产生的文化历史,工具,等方面做了对比。

3)writing techniques笔法

1.His adherence to classical literature is well analyzed in this paper from the perspectives of subject,writing techniques,connotation,language and the culture of the south of Yangze River.本文从题材、笔法、意蕴、语言、江南文化等等方面分析了他对古典文学的良好继承。

2.This article is an attempt to discuss the successful writing experience of it from four perspectives: theoretical preparation, scholarly writing style, awareness of age,writing techniques.该文拟结合文本从理论准备、学者型创作风格、时代意识、文学笔法四个方面探讨《张居正大传》创作的成功经验,总结传记文学创作的规律。

4)style of writing笔法

1.Thestyle of writing of the "ShiJi" of the biography text of HAN Yu;浅论韩愈传记文的《史记》笔法


1.From coming out, the application ofcalligraphy in Chinese painting have been thrown the intelligence and energies of a large number of artists into, and manifests the esthetic orientation o.中国传统绘画的发展过程中,笔法占有重要的地位。

6)Brushwork and Stroke笔法与笔触


