900字范文 > 群众意识 the mass consciousness英语短句 例句大全

群众意识 the mass consciousness英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-05-05 10:34:53


群众意识 the mass consciousness英语短句 例句大全

群众意识,the mass consciousness

1)the mass consciousness群众意识

1.Under present new situation,new challenge and new opportunity,how to enhance the effectiveness of ideological and political work in colleges and universities?This thesis shows the writer s own understanding from such as strengthenthe mass consciousness,strengthen Party construction and so on in order to enhance improve really the effectiveness of ideological and political work.分析当前思想政治工作面临的新形式、新挑战、新机遇 ,从强化群众意识着手 ,重视加强党的建设 ,切实改进和加强思想政治工作的实效

2)Public Sense of Justice群众公正意识

3)people"s wishes群众意愿


1.Punishing them is the demand of the masses, and it would run counter to the popular will if they were not punished.惩治这种人是社会广大群众的要求,不予惩治则是违反群众意愿的。

2.It is extremely important for us to proceed from concrete local conditions and take into account the wishes of the people.从当地具体条件和群众意愿出发,这一点很重要。

3.Reflection of the Working Procedure and Condition to Response People s Wishes;关于反映群众意愿工作过程和条件问题的思考

4.But we are willing to solicit views from all sides and our people.但是我们愿意听取各方面的意见,特别是听取我国人民群众的意见。

5.But we are willing to listen to complaints and criticism from all sides, especially from the ordinary Chinese people.但是我们愿意听取各方面的意见,特别是听取我国人民群众的见。

6.the silent majority (the people with moderate views who are unable or unwilling to express them publicly)沉默的多数(不能或不愿公开表达意见的中间群众).

7.(Note to "A Co-operative Set Up Spontaneously by the Masses Against the Wishes of the Leadership")(《一个违背领导意愿由群众自动办起来的合作社》一文按语)

8.There can only be one criterion, namely, whether or not he is willing to integrate himself with the broad masses of workers and peasants and does so in practice.只有一个标准,这就是看他愿意不愿意、并且实行不实行和广大的工农群众结合在一块。

9.An Analysis on Childbearing Desire of Only-Child in Jiangsu Province江苏省独生子女生育意愿分析——基于江苏省群众生育意愿和生育行为调查

10.The masses of China"s peasantry and urban petty bourgeoisie wish to take an active part in the revolutionary war and to carry it to complete victory.中国农民群众和城市小资产阶级群众,是愿意积极地参加革命战争,并愿意使战争得到彻底胜利的。

11.In order to do so, they must act in accordance with the needs and wishes of the masses.要联系群众,就要按照群众的需要和自愿。

12.The Government guidance is to be combined with the people"s wishes.国家指导与群众自愿相结合。

13.III. Combination of State Guidance with Voluntary Participation by the Masses三、国家指导与群众自愿相结合

14.The masses should also be allowed to adopt whatever mode they see fit, legalizing illegal practices as necessary.群众愿意采取哪种形式,就应该采取哪种形式,不合法的使它合法起来。

15.The Zhuang"s people use every method of sorcery to meet the needs of exorcising and driving ghost away, praying good fortune and ending disaster, also forecasting the foison and leaning on the festival days.壮族群众在节日里,利用各种巫术手段来满足自己驱邪避鬼、祈福消灾、预测丰歉的意愿。

16.It is the masses, the millions upon millions of people who genuinely and sincerely support the revolution.是群众,是千百万真心实意地拥护革命的群众。

17.But at least they had some semblance of a popular mandate.但至少表面上他们代表了大众的意愿。

18.Yes, we did, but at least we also launched many mass movements against the will of the masses and in violation of the mass line.不能说没有,但至少相当多的群众运动不是群众自愿的,是违反群众路线的。


Public Sense of Justice群众公正意识

3)people"s wishes群众意愿

4)audience awareness受众意识

1.As for scientific and technical journals,it is important to establishaudience awareness in consumer society in view of the journal′s special academic position,small group of authors and small group of readers.而对科技期刊来说,特殊的学术定位,小范围的作者群和读者群,面对受众地位的变化,确立怎样地符合科技期刊发展规律的受众意识成了科技期刊发展的一个重要问题。

2.This paper explores one of the variables affecting composition quality--audience awareness.本文对英语写作教学中影响习作质量的因素之一--受众意识作了初步探讨,并结合教学实例,对受众意识涉及到的受众选择、作者受众互动方式、互动中的语境制约、互动中Grice准则的运用等多个侧面进行了分析,最后对受众意识指导下的作者定位提出了建议。

3.However,The imperfection ofaudience awareness has gradually become an important reason for reduction of Audience.然而,受众意识的缺失,逐渐成为高校校报受众流失的重要因素。

5)masses awareness大众意识

1.The Genius:Change of alienation andmasses awareness of aesthetic conception;《“天才”》:艺术审美的异化与大众意识的裂变

6)audience consciousness观众意识

1.China drama is well known as a comprehensive art for its abstractive and stylize performance way contrary to its integrity andaudience consciousness.中国戏剧作为一门综合艺术 ,其虚拟性和程式化表演方式是尽人皆知的 ,但完整性及观众意识 ,却鲜为人提及。


《群众》中国抗日战争时期和第三次国内革命战争初期在国民党统治区公开出版的中国共产党机关刊物。由中共中央南方局领导。署名编辑兼发行人为潘梓年,实际主持者是许涤新。1937年12月11日在汉口创刊。周刊。以宣传中共抗日救国十大纲领和中共全面抗战的路线为宗旨。1938年 10月因日军进犯武汉, 被迫停刊。 同年 12月在重庆复刊。经常发表介绍马克思列宁主义的译著和论文。1942年中国共产党整风运动开始后,曾刊出毛泽东的《反对党八股》、《整顿学风党风文风》等重要文章。1943年1月改为半月刊。抗日战争胜利后,1946年6月3日迁至上海出版,复为周刊,担负着中国共产党机关报的任务。此刊及时报道国共谈判情况,宣传中国共产党反对内战、 反对独裁、 主张和平民主的立场,对国民党统治区的民主运动起了促进作用。在国民党当局压制下,1947年3月2日出至第14卷第9期被迫停刊。1947年1月曾创办香港版,开展对海外的宣传工作,并以伪装封面在国民党统治区发行。1949年10月20日出至第143期停刊。
