900字范文 > 网址 website英语短句 例句大全

网址 website英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-04-10 18:07:09


网址 website英语短句 例句大全



1.This paper investigates 54 librarywebsites of 70"national demonstration projects for higher vocational instituions"in the seven areas,analyzes their address,domain name and content problems existing in,and puts forward reasonable suggestions.本文对全国7个地区70所立项为"国家示范性高等职业院校建设计划"的高职院校中已建立的54个图书馆网站情况进行了较为详细的网络调查,分析了图书馆网站在网址、域名、内容三方面存在的问题,并提出了合理化建议。

2.The use, characteristics andwebsite of 6 types of organic chemistry software, including structure drawing, molecular modeling, organic analysis, organic reactions, naming organic compounds and databases involved in organic, chemistry, are introduced in this paper.综述Internet上近年来的新的六大类型的有机化学软件的基本内容、特点与网址。

3.This paper introduces how to utilize sports information resources on the internet and provides relativewebsites to that quick access can be attained to consult the sports information.介绍了因特网上体育信息资源的利用及有关体育的信息资源 ,并提供了相关的网址 ,利用这些网站可方便快捷地查询体育方面的信息。


1.block access [web site]堵截、封锁、阻止接达〔网址〕

2.Feel free to link to the main index page and any story pages by file name.请自行使用主页的网址与任何故事的网址。

3.Three criteria are suggested for such a judgment, namely, the continuity of the activities through the website, their business character, and the systematicness of the website functions. ?判定的标准为网址活动的时间延续性、营业性和网址功能的系统性。

4.but the target ordinance is our own people.我们的网址对象是公司内部的人员。

5.At the top of the page, type in the Website, and press the enter button.在页面顶端打上网址并按回车键。

6.URL address [Internet]URL 位址〔互联网〕

7.You cannot use a multicast address for a subnet or for both the source address and the destination address.您不能将多播地址用作子网地址,或者同时用作源地址和目标地址。

8.interface-interpretable station address接口译码站地址 -网络

9.local area network multicast局部区域网络多址广播

10.Converting Protocol Netowrk Address to Physical Network Address and Vice Versa协议网络地址和物理网络地址的相互转换

11.The application research of the translation of the network address and its port网络地址转换与网络地址端口转换的应用研究

12.Enter the Web site address of the provider. This may be different from your landing page address.请输入提供商的网站地址。该地址可能与您的登陆页面地址不同。

13.On the Internet, the word address always refers to an electronic address, not a postal address.在因特网上,地址这个词总是指某个电子地址,并非某个邮政地址。

14.In the Address box, change the address for the site directory if needed.在“地址”框中,根据需要更改网站目录的地址。

15.In the Address box, change the address for the site registry if needed.在“地址”框中,根据需要更改网站注册表的地址。

16.Please enter a valid address for the portal site for the Site Directory.请输入“网站目录”的门户网站有效地址。

17.Getting the address of network card in the lan by applying icmp;利用ICMP实现局域网网卡地址的搜索

18.When you are viewing a Web page, the page"s address appears in the Address bar in Internet Explorer.浏览网页时,网页的地址显示在浏览器的地址栏中。


web site网址


1.This paper lists thewebsites covering the chemistry resources which was often searched and used online for chemical teaching,such as naming compound,searching properties of elements and compounds,synthesis of compounds and spectra data,and expounds the methods of saving and managing thesewebsites.针对化学教学中经常需要查阅使用的化学知识,诸如化合物的IUPAC命名、元素和化合物的性质、合成方法和光谱数据等等,阐述了因特网上含这些信息的网址,以及这些网址的保存和管理方法,对化学教学和科研有促进作用。

4)URL[英][,ju: ɑ:(r) "el][美]["ju "ɑr "?l]网址

1.The paper describes the widely used WWW technology of Internet,supplies someURL of several material science and technology web site.简单介绍了互联网中广为应用的WWW技术 ,列举了部分材料科学学术研究或行业组织机构的网址 ,表明互联网正在成为材料科学研究中的有力工具。

2.Famous public and special libraries online home and abroad are introduced in this paper and theURLs are listed also.本文介绍了部分国内外著名的公共图书馆和专业图书馆网络资源,并列出这些图书馆的WWW和GOPHER网址,使广大信息查询者更好地利用国际互联网检索资

5)web site / address网址、网络地址

6)web / net address网络地址、网址、地址


森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)森林资源(见世界森林资源、中国森林资源)forest resourcessen Iin ziyuon森林资源(forest resources)见世界森林资源、中国森林资源。
