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立宪 constitutionalism英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-06-30 03:44:34


立宪 constitutionalism英语短句 例句大全



1.They advocatedconstitutionalism and made a strong claim for participating in political power.绅士阶层是传统社会的精英阶层,晚清绅士阶层是在内外环境剧烈变化下而衍生出的新绅士阶层,其中的"新绅士———立宪派"影响很大。

2.In 1907, on the development of Democratic Party for the future had showed Carsun Chang’sconstitutionalism image clearly.1907年《论今后民党之进行》与《国会与政党》是张君劢清末立宪主张的深化,充分展示了张氏的清末宪政想象。

3.For example: The logical error of theconstitutionalism in China may be attributable to the popularization of the law to the politics.近代旧中国立宪的逻辑怪圈亦然:宪法“移植”使得“应然宪法”性状无法获得“实然宪法”有效地证明,则悖论产生;“自上而下”的立宪路径和权力本位,使得宪法缺少正当性基础;明显的“工具性”特征,造成“政治”与“宪法”的“目标冲突”,形成“体”和“用”的二律背反。


1.constitutional government, reform, etc立宪政体、 宪法的修改

2.a constitutional government立宪政治 [政体]

parison Research on Meiji Constitutionalism and Constitutionalism during the End of the Qing Dynasty;明治立宪与清末预备立宪之比较研究

4.A constitutional system of government.立宪制度根据宪法运行的政府体制

5.The Constitutionnel was constitutional.《立宪主义者报》是拥护宪政的。

6.a constitutional ruler,ie one controlled or limited by a constitution立宪君主(受宪法控制或限制的君主)

7.The Research of the Constitutionalism Group of Jiangsu s Constitutional Activities in the Late Qing Dynasty (1905-1911);清末江苏立宪派宪政活动研究(1905-1911)

8.Constitutionalism Prescription--Carsun Chang s Constitutionalism image;立宪的“药方”——张君劢的清末宪政想象

9.The United Kingdom is a constitutional monarchy.英国是君主立宪国.

10.Constitutional Guidelines for a Democratic South Africa民主南非立宪指导方针

11.an advocate of constitutional government.一个立宪政体的倡导者。

12.A Hundred Year s Fiesta for the "Preparation for Constitutionalism": To Sacrifice the Political Compromise in the Preparation for Constitutionalism in the Late Qing Dynasty;“预备立宪”百年祭——祭晚清预备立宪中的政治妥协

13.Theoretic Annotation on the Constitutional Regulations of Constitutionalism --And on the Particularity of Chinese Constitutional Regulations;立宪主义宪法规范的法理诠释——兼论中国宪法规范的特殊性

14.The Evolution of Constitutionalism Thoughts in Modern China;近代中国立宪主义思潮的演进——从“五五宪草”到“期成宪草”

15.On Influence of Outside Territory Constitutional Government Culture to YuanShikai Government Constitutionalism;论域外宪政文化对袁世凯政府立宪的影响

16.Constitutionalism Monarchy and Choice of Nineteen Significant Creeds of the Constitution;立宪君主制与《宪法重大信条十九条》的选择

17.On the Preliminary Constitutional Consortia s Constitutional Enlightening Propagate Movement;清末预备立宪公会宪政启蒙传播活动述论

18.Enhancing Constitutional Sense,Establishing Constitutional Authority and Promoting Governing Country by Law;增强宪法观念 树立宪法权威 推进依法治国



1.Two acts of farce in theconstitutionality in modern China;中国近代两幕立宪活动的闹剧


1.In the Late Qing Dynasty, the preliminaryconstitutional movement was a journal movement, which was developed by some part of the feudal bureaucrats and advanecd intelligentsia of the propertied class.清末预备立宪,是部分开明的封建官僚和先进的地主、资产阶级知识分子开展的一场法制重建运动。

4)constitutional ideology立宪思想


1.The key problem of governance by law is how to achieve it in accordance withconstitutionalism.依法执政的关键在于如何以合乎立宪主义的方式去实现“依法执政”。

6)the Constitutionalism立宪思潮

1.The Commercial Press andthe Constitutionalism;商务印书馆与近代立宪思潮


