900字范文 > 税基评估 Assessment英语短句 例句大全

税基评估 Assessment英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-10-25 08:44:34


税基评估 Assessment英语短句 例句大全




1.An International Comparison of Tax Base Assessment concerning Real Estate in Tenure;境外房地产保有课税的税基评估比较

2.Assessing Methods of Real Estate Tax Base and Related Issues;物业税税基评估方法及其相关问题的解决

3.The Basis and Indexes System of Tax Compliance Theory;“纳税评估”理论基础及其指标体系研究

4.Establishing the Appraisal System for Real Estate Taxation;基于评税目的的房地产价值评估体系研究

5.A Study on the Performance Evaluation for the Grass-roots Tax Department Based on Balanced Scorecard;基于平衡计分卡的基层税务机关绩效评估研究

6.Performance Evaluation Research Based on BSC in Grass-roots Tax Departments;基于平衡计分卡的基层税务部门绩效评估研究

7.Tax Assessment Based on Accounting Information基于会计信息化基础上的纳税评估初探

8.In some communities, taxes are assessed on the basis of the valued buildings.在某些社区,纳税数额基于对建筑物价值的评估。

9.Research and Practice of Taxpayer Compliance Management System Based on Data Mining;基于数据挖掘的纳税评估系统的研究与实现

10.Making Model Research and System Realization of Tax Evaluating Base on Workflow;基于工作流的纳税评估建模研究和系统实现

11.Analysis of Mass Appraisal System Based on the Property Taxation Imposition;基于物业税开征目的的批量评估系统研究

12.A Research on the Establishment of Tax Payment Evaluation System under the Information-based Environment;基于信息化环境的纳税评估体系构建研究

13.The Research on Performance Evaluation of Enterprise in Taxation Department at the Grass-Roots Level;企业绩效评估方法在基层税务部门的应用研究

14.Research of taxpaying evaluating serving system based on electronic commerce;基于电子商务的纳税评估服务系统的研究

15.The study of reasonable resource tax based on capital evaluation of coal resource;基于煤炭资源资产评估的合理资源税研究

16.Design and Implementation of a Tax Assessment System Based on Data Mining基于数据挖掘的纳税评估系统的设计与实现

17.A Tax Assessment Model Based on Rough Set Theory and SVM Algorithms基于粗糙集理论与支持向量机的纳税评估模型

18.Study on Tax Evaluation Model Based Bayesian Classification基于贝叶斯分类器的纳税评估模型研究


the Action Body of Tax Base Valuation税基评估主体

3)the Object of Tax Base Valuation税基评估客体

4)tax evaluation纳税评估

1.In this paper,by research and design of the visual decision support system(VDSS) model oftax evaluation data warehouse,the VDSS can be separated into three layers,including method layer,model layer and application layer during the data analysis phase oftax evaluation data warehouse in an object-oriented method.在构建“税务纳税评估数据仓库”模型的数据分析阶段,通过对可视化决策支持系统模型的研究和设计,采用面向对象的方法,将可视化决策支持系统分为方法层、模型层和应用层三个层次,通过对各层次定义和功能介绍,为数据仓库体系中可视化决策支持系统模型的建立提供了理论基础和实践依据。

2.Therefore,suggestions are given here,strengthened the management of general tax payers of added-value tax and tax payers in small scale;reinforce the management of branch offices,practise the system oftax evaluation,improve the tax inspection to the enterprises,and perfect t.因此 ,建议加强对增值税一般纳税人及小规模纳税人的管理 ,加强对分支机构的管理 ,实施纳税评估制度 ,强化对企业的税收监督和稽查 ,健全社会化的税收综合管理网

3.As an internationally commonly used tax administration system, Tax Evaluation (TE) is also on the way of being applied and promoted in China.纳税评估作为一种国际上通行的税收征管制度,在我国得到逐步的应用和推广。

5)tax assessment纳税评估

1.The Research of Multi-Relational Data Mining Technology and Its Realization in Tax Assessment;多关系数据挖掘技术研究及在纳税评估中的实现

2.Research of Decision Tree Classification and Its Application to Tax Assessment;决策树分类算法的研究及其在纳税评估中的应用

3.In this paper,the application of genetic algorithm optimized BP neural network intax assessment is discussed.将遗传算法优化误差反传(BP)神经网络的数据挖掘方法应用于纳税评估,为税务机关申报征收与税务稽查的数据挖掘建立分类预测模型。

6)Tax Payment Evaluation纳税评估

1.Design ofTax Payment Evaluation Model Based on C4.5 Mining Algorithm;基于C4.5挖掘算法的纳税评估模型设计

2.A Research on the Establishment ofTax Payment Evaluation System under the Information-based Environment;基于信息化环境的纳税评估体系构建研究

3.In China, tax payment evaluation follows the new ideas of tax collection and administration, goes together with the change of collection- and-payment-relationship, coordinates tax inspection to improve tax administration, and p.纳税评估是指税务机关运用数据信息对比分析的方法,对纳税人和扣缴义务人纳税申报情况的真实性和准确性作出定性和定量的判断,并采取进一步征管措施的管理行为。


