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第二语言阅读 second language reading英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-07-04 07:56:17


第二语言阅读 second language reading英语短句 例句大全

第二语言阅读,second language reading

1)second language reading第二语言阅读

1.In second language learning, metacognition attracts the researchers’ attention in late 1990s and has been involved in a variety of teaching practice, includingsecond language reading, writing, listening and oral speech, etc.该文以元认知结构的二分法为框架,说明了心理学研究者致力于探讨第二语言学习者通过元认知监控来使用元认知知识的内部加工过程的特点,并从影响第二语言阅读的自我观念、文本内容和策略使用意识等方面系统介绍了元认知知识、监控与第二语言阅读的关系,最后对元认知的研究方法进行了归纳和展望。


1.The Influence of Reader Factors on L2 Reading Comprehension;读者因素对第二语言阅读理解的影响

2.Guidance of the Schema Theory in Second Language Reading;图式理论对第二语言阅读的指导作用

3.Review of the Second Language Reading Strategies in the Last Decade最近十年第二语言阅读策略研究综述

4.On L2 Reading Strategies and Its Influence on L2 Reading Competence;第二语言阅读策略及其对中国学生二语阅读能力的影响

5.Cultural Differences adn Schemas between Native and Second Language Reading母语和第二语言阅读的文化差异与认知体系

6.The Influence of Cognition System Differences on Native Language Reading and the Second Language Reading;认知体系差异对母语和第二语言阅读的影响

7.Implications of research on L2 reading for EFLT in China;第二语言阅读研究对中国英语教育的启示

8.Text Signal Effect under Different Reading Ability and Reading Speed in Second Language Reading;不同第二语言阅读水平和不同阅读速度条件下的文章标记效应

9.On L2 Reading Strategies and Its Influence on L2 Reading Competence of Chinese Students;第二语言阅读策略及其对中国学生阅读能力的影响

10.Functional magnetic resonance image study on the brain areas involved in reading two different second language in Nepalese尼泊尔留学生第二语言阅读功能磁共振研究

11.Deriving Word Meaning from Various Context Clues in L2 Reading;第二语言阅读中基于上下文的词汇猜测

12.Metacognition Research in Unsuccessful Readers in Second Language Reading Comprehension;第二语言阅读理解不成功者的元认知研究

13.Schema Theory and Its Application in Second Language Reading Comprehension;图式理论在第二语言阅读理解中的应用

14.Accounting for L1 and L2 Reading from the Perspective of Cultural Differences and Schema;文化差异和图式对第一、第二语言阅读异同的解释

15.A Research on the Eye Movement of Second Language Reading of Different Cultural Language Backgrounds and Reading Levels;不同文化语境与难度下第二语言阅读的眼动追踪研究

16.Application of Task-based Teaching in Compiling Reading Textbooks of Chinese as the Second Language任务式教学在汉语作为第二语言阅读教材编写中的应用

17.Schema Theory in ESL Reading and the Implicationsfor Classroom Teaching图示理论在第二语言阅读中的作用和对课堂教学的启示(英文)

18.A Comparative Approach to Reading Strategies in Second Language Learning;第二语言学习中阅读策略的对比研究


L2 reading第二语言阅读

3)ESL reading二语阅读

1.The newly revised College English Curriculum Requirements in has put premium toESL reading, and reading comprehension accounts for as much as forty percent in CET-4 and CET-6.在对阅读模式和语篇分析进行回顾的基础上,本文阐释了语篇分析对二语阅读的重要性,认为语篇分析在阅读教学中的应用是实现阅读交互模式的最佳途径,同时也是解决学生阅读问题的最好办法。

4)second language reading二语阅读

1.a process of organic combination of material drive and concept drive,which interact insecond language reading.阅读是一个自下而上加工与自上而下加工的结合的过程,即材料驱动与概念驱动的有机结合的过程,而在二语阅读中这两种过程是相互作用的。

2.Second Language Reading: Interacting with Text;二语阅读研究中,读者的主观因素是一个受到广泛重视的课题。

5)The second language第二语言

1.On the memory tactics of the second language learning;第二语言习得中的记忆策略研究

2.Individual learner differences in the second language learning processes: categories and connotations;第二语言学习进程中的个体差异:范畴与内涵

3.What is the role of the universal grammar in the second language acquisition Are the first language acquisition and the second language acquisition identical with respect to the operation of the universal grammar These questions are the chief concerns in this paper.普遍语法对第二语言习得是否有作用?如果有作用,与其在第一语言习得中的作用有何区别?文章陈述了对此问题的两类不同看法,分析了第一语言和第二语言知识的来源以及各自与普遍语法之间的关系,提出普遍语法在第一语言习得中起直接作用;在第二语言习得中,普遍语法则通过第一语言起到间接作用。

6)second language第二语言

1.Multiple factors study on the efficiency ofsecond language acquirement (foreign language) in younger children.;幼儿第二语言(外语)获得成效之多因素研究

2.Review on Testing Second Language Speaking;第二语言口语测试新探——《第二语言口语测试》介述

3.The influences of the mother tongues onsecond language learning;母语对第二语言发展的影响


