900字范文 > 景区规划 scenic spot planning英语短句 例句大全

景区规划 scenic spot planning英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-10-17 17:02:11


景区规划 scenic spot planning英语短句 例句大全

景区规划,scenic spot planning

1)scenic spot planning景区规划

1.On the concept ofscenic spot planning in famous scenic site and its mode;风景名胜区景区规划概念及其模式初探


1.Establishing Correction Mechanism of Scenic Spot Planning against the Incline of Urbanization Planning --Based on the Two Scenic Spots;风景区规划城市规划化纠正机制探析——基于两个风景区的实证研究

2.The Characteristis of the Planning for Water Control Projects: The Design of the Feilai Gorge Scenic Spot in Canton水利枢纽景观规划特色探讨——广东省飞来峡水利枢纽景区规划设计

3.Cross-strait Comparative Study of National Park Planning and Management;海峡两岸风景区规划管理之比较研究

4.Central Topic Discussion of Ecological Protection in Planning of Scenic Spot;风景区规划中生态保护中心议题探讨

5.A Study on Landscape-Ecological Planning of Shugang-Slender West Lake Scenic Spot in Yangzhou City;蜀冈—瘦西湖风景区景观生态规划研究

6.Landscape AVC Planning for Scenic Area of Yangzi Crocodile Lake in Xuancheng City, Anhui Province;安徽宣城扬子鳄湖景区景观AVC规划

7.Study of Land Space Scenery Programming Design in Scenic Spot Mountain;山岳型风景区景象空间规划设计初探

8.Sustainable Planning of Tourism Spot Based on Landscape Ecology;基于景观生态学的风景区保护性规划

9.The Research on Landscape Character of Small Tourism Towns Adjacent to Scenic Spot Planning风景区旅游小城镇景观风貌规划研究

10.Research on Zoning and Land Use Planning of National Park;风景名胜区规划分区与土地利用规划关系研究

11.Explored Architectural Planning in the Context of Residential District Planning Approach建筑策划背景下的小区规划方法探索

12.The Landscape Pattern Dynamics Analyst and Landscape Ecological Planning in Laoshan Scenery Spot;崂山风景区景观格局动态分析及景观生态规划

13.On the Landscape Planning and Design of the Quzhi Residential Area of Yuhua District in Changsha长沙市雨花区区治大院景观规划设计

14.General Plan of Ancestral Grave of Emperor Kuan--Planning and Designing the Memorial Park of Emperor Kuan关帝祖茔景区总体规划——关帝纪念公园规划设计

15.The Study of Gateway Landscape Planning in Medium and Small Cities: A Case Study of Taixing City’s Jiangping Road Landscape Design中小城市门户地区街景规划研究——以泰兴市江平路街景规划为例

16.Research on Yanzigou Scenic Area Tourism Development Project燕子沟景区旅游开发项目的规划研究

17.Research on Ecological Resources Evaluation &Ecological Planning of Scenic Spot;风景区生态资源评价与生态规划研究

18.Research on Ecological Demonstration Area Construction Planning of Scenic Spot;风景名胜地生态示范区建设规划研究



1.Planning of water resources scenic areas with regional characteristics——Case study ofplanning of Tuhai River water resources scenic area in Liaocheng City;具有地域特色水利风景区的规划方法初探——以聊城市徒骇河水利风景区规划为例

2.In this paper,the characteristics of the Karst-cave as an import tourist resource,the difficulties and emphases of Karst-cave tourismplanning are introduced,and so is the application of GIS in this field.简述了溶洞型景区规划的难点与重点以及GIS技术的功能优势,简单分析了GIS技术在溶洞景区规划中的主要应用方向。

3)scenic spot planning风景区规划

1.Through discussing the planning of Xixin temple tourism scenic spot,the author illustrates the blend of Buddhist culture and other cultural industries,proposes that man can feel Buddhist culture during sightseeing,experience Buddhist culture during viewing and admiring,and edify temperament with Buddhist culture,and discusses the method for mini-type theme tourismscenic spot planning.通过对洗心禅寺旅游风景区规划的探讨,阐述佛文化与其他文化产业的交融,人们在游览中感受佛,在观赏中体验佛,以佛文化陶冶性情,从而探讨了小型主题旅游风景区规划的方法。

2.Based on the two scenic spots planning, this article believes that lots ofscenic spot planning has abuses of incline of urbanization, then analyzes their reasons, and puts forward a series of measures about scientific correction mechanism.基于两个风景区规划的实证研究,认为当前不少风景区规划存在城市规划化的弊端,继而分析了其生成的原因,并对建立科学的纠正机制提出系列对策。

3.Landscape ecology could provide not only new theory and methods forscenic spot planning, but also scientific bases for improving the planning through study on the possible landscape ecological effects caused by implementing the planning.本文以南京市幕燕风景名胜区为例 ,从风景区的景观格局、景观生态质量、景观稳定性等方面分析了风景区规划实施的景观生态效应 ,并据此提出改进完善风景区规划的建议。

4)Detailed planning for scenic area景区详细规划

5)Road planning for scenic spots风景区道路规划

6)Master planning of scenic spot风景区总体规划


