900字范文 > 科技术语 terminology英语短句 例句大全

科技术语 terminology英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-02-16 14:39:11


科技术语 terminology英语短句 例句大全



1.Zero Translation: the Normalization Modal of Terminology Translation;论科技术语“翻译零翻译”的标准

2.Zero translation:a normalization mode ofterminology translation;零翻译:科技术语标准化的“翻译”模式

3.This paper discusses strategies for translating scientific and technicalterminology.为了揭示翻译活动与主体文化之间的互动关系,从中国科技翻译历史的史料方面考查了社会文化背景对科技术语翻译策略及原则的影响,提出不同社会历史时期的社会文化因素影响和制约着术语翻译的策略及原则。


1.On the Localization of Terminology──Development of Tibetan Terminology in Sciences and Technologies术语民族化问题──藏语科技术语的发展

2.Study on Incomplete Explanations of the Meanings about Scientific and TechnicalTerms in the Modern Chinese Dictionary (The Enlarged Edition 2002);《现代汉语词典》科技术语义项漏略商榷

3.Terms relating to coal mining--Explosive material and blasting techniqueGB/T15663.9-1995煤矿科技术语爆炸材料和爆破技术

4.Terms relating to coal mining--Mining electrical engineeringGB/T15663.11-1995煤矿科技术语矿山电气工程

5.Terms relating to coal mining--Coal geology and prospectingGB/T15663.1-1995煤矿科技术语煤田地质与勘探

6.Terms relating to coal mining--Coal winning machinery and development machineryGB/T15663.10-1995煤矿科技术语采掘机械

7.Terms relating to coal mining--Coal preparationGB/T7186-1998煤矿科技术语选煤

8.Terms relating to coal mining--Surface miningGB/T15663.4-1995煤矿科技术语露天开采

9.Terms relating to coal mining--Underground miningGB/T15663.3-1995煤矿科技术语地下开采

10.Terms relating to coal mining--Shafting and drifting engineeringGB/T15663.2-1995煤矿科技术语井巷工程

11.Terms relating to coal mining--Rock mechanicsGB/T16414-1996煤矿科技术语岩石力学

12.Terms relating to coal mining--Mine safetyGB/T15663.8-1995煤矿科技术语煤矿安全

13.Terms relating to coal mining--Mining subsidenceGB/T15663.7-1995煤矿科技术语开采沉陷

14.technical,legal,scientific,etc terms技术、法律、科学等的术语.

15.Thesaurus of Scientific and Technic Terms《科学技术术语叙词表》

16.technical jargon from computing and other high-tech subjects.计算机和其它高科技行业的技术术语。

17.A Study on the Differences of Noun of Locality in Artistic Style and Scientific Style;艺术语体和科技语体方位词差异研究

18.An Error Analysis in Scientific English Translation;科技英语术语翻译中的常见错误分析


scientific and technical terms科技术语

1.The translation ofscientific and technical terms must conform to "translation equivalence"-a translator should try to find out their full equivalents in the semantic field of the target language.英语科技术语翻译要做到翻译等值,译者应尽量找到语义场完全对应的词。

2.Through the study on the concerned documents about thescientific and technical terms published by Chinese National Committee of Terminology and other materials, this paper analyses the meaning of standardizing and unifyingscientific and technical terms and introduces, as viewed from an editor, the naming principles of sci-tech terms,especially the applicable scope of the terms.根据国家有关科技术语的文件要求 ,通过对全国名词委公布的科技术语等有关资料的学习、调研 ,结合科技编辑的实践 ,阐述了规范和统一科技术语的意义 ,并从编辑角度对科技术语的命名原则进行了介绍 ,特别是对科技术语的适用范围(包括工具书、教材、科普图书、科技期刊等 )和使用注意作了阐

3.In the Modern Chinese Dictionary (The Enlarged Edition 2002),explanations of the meanings of somescientific and technical terms are incomplete,such as GANSHE(干涉),QUANSHU(权数),DULIU(毒瘤),FUSHIJI(腐蚀剂),CUIHUAJI(催化剂).《现代汉语词典》(2002年增补本)的科技术语存在着义项漏略问题,有的是专科义项漏略,如"干涉"、"权数";有的是语文义项漏略,如"毒瘤"、"腐蚀剂"、"催化剂"。

3)scientific and technological term科技术语

1.Countermeasure of the problems from variation ofscientific and technological terms, symbols and units;科技术语、符号和单位变更的处理对策

2.Analysis on application problems ofscientific and technological terms in agricultural papers;农科论文中科技术语使用问题例析

3.To correctly usescientific and technological terms is one of the important measures for enhancing the functions of academic journals,and is also an important step for increasing the quality of journals.准确使用科技术语,是强化学术性期刊功能的重要措施之一,也是提高期刊质量的重要环节。

4)scientific and technical terminology科技术语

1.This paper introduces the concept ofscientific and technical terminology,expounds the basic principles of the translation ofscientific and technical terminology,and points out the meaning of such translation in college English teaching.本文提出了科技术语的概念,论述了科技术语翻译的基本原则,并指出科技术语的翻译在英语教学中的意义。

5)technical terminology科技术语

1.A trial exploration to the features of translation fortechnical terminology;探微科技术语翻译的特性

2.After studying the language features borne bytechnical terminology and probing the thought confines of translators, this paper gives a tentative explanation for the difficulty intechnical terminology translation and also suggests corresponding solutions to some of the problems.科技术语翻译历来是令许多科技译者“头痛”却不得不面对的问题。

6)Scientific Terminology科技术语

1.OnScientific Terminology Normalization as Viewed form Quality Management in Regional Geochemical Analysis;从区域化探样品分析质量管理谈科技术语规范化

2.This thesis discusses the impacts of translation strategies and principles on the internationalization of scientific terminology.本文探讨了科技术语的定名方式与原则对科技术语规范化和国际化的影响,提出调整传统的"意译为主"的汉译科技术语策略,适当加大音译和直接借用英文原词的比重,同时充分利用英语的构词法和表达习惯英译本土科技术语,使我国的本土科技术语成为世界通用的国际性词汇,从而加快科技术语的国际化进程。


