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调查报告 investigation report英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-03-11 01:54:48


调查报告 investigation report英语短句 例句大全

调查报告,investigation report

1)investigation report调查报告

1.Investigation Report on Architects Professional Indentity;关于建筑师职业身份认同的调查报告

2.College mathsinvestigation report and analysis;《高等数学》课教学调查报告分析

3.Aninvestigation report of breeding system of fine breed cattle in Chongqing;重庆市牛良种繁育体系建设项目调查报告


1.Why was the annual catch of fish in the Biramichi River reduced according to the speaker?调查报告与研究简报

2.This is the appendix to the investigation report.这是调查报告的附件。

3.Business Consulting & Investigation ?工商咨询与调查报告

4.Report on a Survey of the Dialects of Hunan《湖南方言调查报告》

5.Report on a Survey of the Dialects of Hubei《湖北方言调查报告》

6.Report on a Survey of the Middle-Shanxi in Dialect Pronunciations《关中方音调查报告》

7.Cross-cultural inquiry paper,3-4 pages double spaced.跨文化的调查报告,两倍行距,3-4页。

8.Your investigation report seems to have too many ifs.你的调查报告似乎假设太多了一些。

9.Report on a Survey of Manpower Requirements and the Labour Force人力需要及劳动力的调查报告

10.The Comments of the Period of Republic of China Suiyuan District "Survey Report"民国时期绥远地区“调查报告”评述

11.I"ve spoken to the FBI.我已报告了联邦调查局。

12.draft revised annual reports questionnaire年度报告调查表修订稿

13.The result of the investigation was reported as stated above.现将调查结果报告如上。

14.Financial Times World Survey of Annual Reports金融时报年度报告世界调查

15.The committee shall be responsible for carrying out the investigation and reporting its findings to the council.调查委员会负责进行调查,并向立法会提出报告。

16.The committee reported its findings after a thorough investigation.委员会在彻底调查以后报告了调查结果。

17.Quarterly General Household Survey综合住户统计调查按季统计报告

18.a colloquium at which the results of (scientific) research are reported.在会议上报告(科学)调查结果的讨论会。


survey report调查报告

1.Thesurvey report about the burden alleviation of the high school and primary school in Kunming;昆明中小学减负情况调查报告

2.The Survey Report on the Drug Situation in "Golden Triangle" and Northern Thailand“金三角”地区泰国北部毒品形势调查报告

3.The differentiation between two types construction project in which compile the monitoring report andsurvey report respectively on the basis of pollution exhaust and ecological impact were given in this article.分析、阐述了在建设项目竣工环境保护验收中,以污染排放为主和以生态影响为主两类建设项目分别编制监测报告与调查报告的区别,并提出编制报告时应注意的几个问题。


1.The Investigation about Jiamusi Library s Hard Struggle for Development;关于佳木斯市图书馆艰苦奋斗开拓进取求发展的调查报告

2.The Current Situation and Suggestions on the Construction of the Urban Community Organization——Aninvestigation of the current situation of the urban community committee in Tianjin;城市社区组织建设的现状及其建议——天津市社区居委会组织建设状况的调查报告

3.On studying English teaching from theinvestigation of graduates;从对毕业生的调查报告看高职高专英语教学

4)survey[英][s?"vei][美][s?"ve, "s?,ve]调查报告

1.Asurvey of Teaching Quality of - Semester in Chongqing University of Arts and Sciences;重庆文理学院-学年课堂教学质量调查报告

2.Junior high school teachers in country: asurvey;渭南市农村初中教师素质现状调查报告——“提高农村初中教师素质的对策研究”之一

3.The results of the questionnairesurvey for the s entrants were analyzed,the status of the entrants employment awareness was described,and the main subjects of college career planning were presented.这份调查报告根据问卷调查的结果,以生涯规划为宗旨,分析了大学新生的职业意识现状,初步提出了大学生涯规划教育的基本框架和主要内容。

5)findings report调查报告

1.The enterprise of "exploiting the outer market" must strengthen and improve the construction of Party ——findings report on the construction of Party and the ideological condition of Party member of the enterprise of "exploiting the outer market";企业“走出去”必须加强和改进党的建设——江汉油田“走出去”的企业党建暨党员思想状况调查报告

2.Afindings report of the cultivation of creativequality in classroom teaching;中小学课堂教学创新素质培养现状调查报告

6)the form of findings report调查报告体

1.But, looking at the writing practice we find that there are other types of reportage, such as reportage in the form of political comment, reportage inthe form of findings report, reportage i.但从创作实践考察 ,则还有诸如政论体报告文学、调查报告体报告文学、时事评论体报告文学、游记体报告文学等鲜有人论及。


