900字范文 > 电信固定资产投资 telecommunications investment in fixed assets英语短句 例句大全

电信固定资产投资 telecommunications investment in fixed assets英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-01-24 04:10:06


电信固定资产投资 telecommunications investment in fixed assets英语短句 例句大全

电信固定资产投资,telecommunications investment in fixed assets

1)telecommunications investment in fixed assets电信固定资产投资

1.Based on measure volatility oftelecommunications investment in fixed assets,according to the statistical data oftelecommunications investment in fixed assets and telecom consumption from 1979 to ,this paper analyzes the relativity oftelecommunications investment in fixed assets and telecom consumption by using method such as cointegration test and Finite Distributed Lag(FDL) Model.在考察我国电信固定资产投资波动特征基础上,对1979—间电信固定资产投资波动与电信消费波动进行了协整检验,并运用有限分布滞后模型分析了两者的动态关联性。

2)information fixed assets investment信息固定资产投资

3)investment in fixed assets固定资产投资

1.An empirical analysis of the relationship betweeninvestment in fixed assets and economic growth in Anhui province;安徽省固定资产投资与经济增长关系实证分析

2.Theinvestment in fixed assets for iron and steel industry in shandong during the ninth five year plan was analyzed It was pointed out that the iron and steel industry in shandong faced the important task of development The keystone ofinvestment in fixed assets was to quicken the development of national debt projec对山东省钢铁工业“九五”期间固定资产投资进行了分析 ,指出山东省钢铁工业仍面临发展的重任 ,加快国债项目的进展是当前固定资产投资的重

3.The totalinvestment in fixed assets fulfilled amounts to 16.固定资产投资完成163。


1.The investment in fixed assets kept growing.固定资产投资保持增长

2.Department of Fixed Assets Investment Audit固定资产投资审计司

3.Investment by Various Sectors各行业固定资产投资

4.controlling investment scale of fixed assets控制固定资产投资规模

5.Tight control on investment in fixed assets紧缩固定资产投资控制

6.Investment in fixed assets kept fast growth.固定资产投资快速增长。

7.Foreign capital accounts for more than 1/5 of fixed assets investments in Liaoning外资占辽宁固定资产投资五分之一强

8.Study on Capital-Outputs Contribution Rate of Fixed-Assets-Investment in Gansu Province;甘肃省固定资产投资产出贡献率研究

9.1. Fast increasing investment in fixed assets, bettering investment structure.一是固定资产投资快速增长,投资结构改善。

10.The Application of Fixed Assets Investment Theory in the Capital Investment Decisions of Hospitals固定资产投资理论在医院投资决策中的应用

11.Investment in fixed assets has increased swiftly since the beginning of this year.今年以来,固定资产投资加快增长。

12.the investment in the fixed assets of communications reached 175.4 billion yuan, an increase of 39.2%.通信固定资产投资完成1754亿元,增长39.2%。

13.the investment in fixed assets should reach 420 billion yuan;完成全社会固定资产投资4200亿元左右;

14.Increasing social fixed asset investment by around 10 percent;全社会固定资产投资增长10%左右;

15.Domestic and foreign demand:Fixed assets investment increased rapidly.内外需求:固定资产投资快速增长。

16.Increased investment in fixed assets in Xinjiang.加大在新疆的固定资产投资。

17.The fixed assets investment by development zones of Beijing totaled 9.26 billion yuan.全年完成固定资产投资92.6亿元。

18.The prices for investment in fixed assets were up 0.2 percent.固定资产投资价格上涨0.2%。


information fixed assets investment信息固定资产投资

3)investment in fixed assets固定资产投资

1.An empirical analysis of the relationship betweeninvestment in fixed assets and economic growth in Anhui province;安徽省固定资产投资与经济增长关系实证分析

2.Theinvestment in fixed assets for iron and steel industry in shandong during the ninth five year plan was analyzed It was pointed out that the iron and steel industry in shandong faced the important task of development The keystone ofinvestment in fixed assets was to quicken the development of national debt projec对山东省钢铁工业“九五”期间固定资产投资进行了分析 ,指出山东省钢铁工业仍面临发展的重任 ,加快国债项目的进展是当前固定资产投资的重

3.The totalinvestment in fixed assets fulfilled amounts to 16.固定资产投资完成163。

4)Fixed assets investment固定资产投资

1.Features of Fixed Assets Investment of Xinjiang Peasants in and Its Countermeasures;新疆农户固定资产投资特点、问题及建议

2.The Effect Research on the Fixed Assets Investment in Xinjiang;新疆固定资产投资效应分析

3.This paper discusses the fixed assets investment and economic benefit of rebuilding engineering item.本文就改扩建工程项目的固定资产投资及经济效益进行了充分的论证,为企业领导层决策项 目提供依据。

5)fixed asset investment固定资产投资

1.Because of different kinds offixed asset investment (singular or progressing), and different terms of evaluation (generally ranges from 6 to 15 years), the recovery of the residue value of the fixed asset may influence the final result of the economic evaluation greatly, even change the conclusion on the feasibility of the proj.由于固定资产投资方式的不同 (如一次性投资和滚动投资 )以及评价期长短的不同 (一般 6至 1 5年 ) ,回收固定资产余值对经济评价结果影响很大 ,甚至于改变项目可行性的结论。

2.When the temperate inflation appears in our country recent years,the save and lend interest rat is become the effective method to solve this question,this paper selects the interest rate datum from 1990 to years, to do the real diagnosis analysis of the relationship between the save and lend interest rate and the narrow sense currency or thefixed asset investment.面对我国近几年出现的温和通货膨胀,提高存贷款利率可以说是一种解决这一问题的有效方法,为此选取了1990年至的数据,对存贷款利率与通货膨胀的关系、存贷款利率与狭义货币和固定资产投资的关系,以及狭义货币和固定资产投资与通货膨胀的关系进行了实证分析。

3.Taking a certain company as the example, and through analyzing its statistic data, this paper discusses the positive effects of the increase offixed asset investment on the production, management and long-term development of enterprise.以某公司为例,通过对其统计数据的分析,论述了固定资产投资增长对企业生产经营及长远发展产生的正面效应,提出了存在的问题及改进对策。

6)investment of fixed assets固定资产投资

1.Analysis of effects of transformation of value-added tax oninvestment of fixed assets of enterprises;增值税转型对企业固定资产投资的影响

2.The public and government paymuch attention to problem such as if the transformation increasesinvestment of fixed assets of corporations,if it develops the economy of Northeast,and if it achieves its aims.增值税转型是否增加了企业的固定资产投资,是否促进了东北地区的经济发展以及转型是否达到了预期的目的?本文在收集大量试点单位资料的基础上,借助数学模型,对增值税转型对企业固定资产的投资影响这一现实问题进行了实证分析。

3.This paper analyzes the relativity betweeninvestment of fixed assets and urbanization rate of Chongqing since it was become a municipality in 1997 by the analytical method of grey correlation.文章利用灰色关联度分析法对重庆市直辖十年以来固定资产投资与城镇化率的相关性进行实证分析,结果表明:在所有经济形式中,对城镇化率影响最大的是集体企业的固定资产投资;在第一、二、三产业中,第二产业的固定资产投资是城镇化率提高的主要影响因素。


固定资产投资的资金来源根据固定资产投资的资金来源不同,分为国家预算内资金、国内贷款、利用外资、自筹资金和其他资金来源。 ⑴国家预算内资金:指中央财政和地方财政中由国家统筹安排的基本建设拨款和更新改造拨款,以及中央财政安排的专项拨款中用于基本建设的资金和基本建设拨款改贷款的资金等。 ⑵国内贷款:指报告期内企、事业单位向银行及非银行金融机构借入的用于固定资产投资的各种国内借款。包括银行利用自有资金及吸收的存款发放的贷款、上级主管部门拨入的国内贷款、国家专项贷款(包括煤代油贷款、劳改煤矿专项贷款等)、地方财政专项资金安排的贷款、国内储备贷款、周转贷款等。 ⑶利用外资:指报告期内收到的用于固定资产投资的国外资金,包括统借统还、自借自还的国外贷款,中外合资项目中的外资,以及对外发行债券和股票等。国家统借统还的外资指由我国政府出面同外国政府、团体或金融组织签订贷款协议、并负责偿还本息的国外贷款。 ⑷自筹资金:指建设单位报告期内收到的,用于进行固定资产投资的上级主管部门、地方和企、事业单位自筹资金。 ⑸其他资金来源:指报告期内收到的除以上各种拨款、固定资产投资按国民经济行业分建设项目归哪个行业,按其建成投产后的主要产品或主要用途及社会经济活动性质来确定。基本建设按建设项目划分国民经济行业,更新改造、国有单位其他固定资产投资及城镇集体投资根据整个企业、事业单位所属的行业来划分。一般情况下,一个建设项目或一个企业、事业单位只能属于一种国民经济行业。为了更准确地反映国民经济各行业之间的比例关系,联合企业(总厂)所属分厂属于不同行业的,原则上按分厂划分行业。
