900字范文 > 有时序多指标 time sequence and multi-index英语短句 例句大全

有时序多指标 time sequence and multi-index英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-08-03 12:27:38


有时序多指标 time sequence and multi-index英语短句 例句大全

有时序多指标,time sequence and multi-index

1)time sequence and multi-index有时序多指标

1.Based on the research about telephone bill of cell phone,this paper discusses how to evaluate economic benefit of charge program and sequence the GoTone,Beijing 99 package and Shanghai 68 package with the stragety oftime sequence and multi-index to put forward the best charge program.针对手机资费问题进行了研究,就如何评价资费方案的经济效益,利用有时序多指标决策进行全球通,北京99套餐,上海68套餐方案的综合排序,并给出最佳资费方案。

2)Time Multi-dimension序时多指标

3)time sequence multiple objective decisions序时多指标决策

4)multi-attribute decision making with time series时序多指标决策

1.For themulti-attribute decision making with time series, we use the theory of grey relational grade and propose a new analytical method.对于时序多指标决策问题,本文运用灰关联分析的理论,提出了一种新的决策方法。


1.The study of decision making method to multiple attribute decision making with time series;时序多指标决策问题的决策方法研究

2.The Multiple Attribute Decision Making That with Time Series and It′s Application to the Securities Investment;时序多指标决策及其在证券投资中的应用

3.On the Origin and Elimination of Rank Reversal of Two Multiple Attribute Decision Making;两种多指标决策方法逆序的成因与消除

4.Multiple Attribute Decision Making and Its Application with Given Ranking of Attribute and Preference Information on Alternative;指标排序条件下方案有偏好的多指标决策及应用

5.Method of multiple attribute decision with dynamic attribute preference;具有动态指标偏好的多指标决策方法

6.Order of Item in the Process of Distribution Park Planning Based on AHPand Multi-object Decision;基于层次分析法(AHP)和多指标决策的物流园区建设序列研究

7.Application of Multi-period, Multi-level and Multi-objective Fuzzy Optimization Model in Groundwater System Management Decision-making地下水系统决策的时序多层次多目标模糊优选模型与应用

8.Fuzzy Multiobjective Lattice-order Decision Making and Symmetric Matrix Game;模糊多目标格序决策及对称矩阵对策

9.Assessment Method of Qualitative Decision-making Index in Multi-objective Decision-making;多目标决策中定性决策指标的估价方法

10.Analysis of Multi-object Decision-making Model for Bid Evaluation in Engineering Project;工程项目多指标评标决策模型的研究

11.Discrete Time Markov Decision Model with Discounted Multi rewards Weighted and Lexicographically Order Criteria;离散时间折扣多目标马氏决策模型:加权与字典序准则

12.Approach of Fuzzy Multi-objective Decision-Making Based on Lattice-Order Preference;基于格序偏好的模糊多目标决策方法

13.Weighted Mean Optimum Order Method of Multi-objective Decision Problems in Fuzzy Environment;模糊环境下多目标决策的均值优序法

14.Method for linguistic multi-attribute decision-making with incomplete attribute weight information;不完全指标权重信息下的语言多指标决策方法

15.Grey Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method Under Risk Based on Priority Index;基于优性指标的灰色风险型多指标决策方法

16.Method for linguistic multiple attribute decision making with partial attribute weight information;具有部分指标权重信息的语言多指标决策方法

17.A Multiple Criteria Decision Making Method Based on Incomplete Weight Information;一种指标权重信息不完全的多指标决策方法

18.The Study of Decision Making Method to Interval Number Multiple Attribute Decision Making Problem;区间数多指标决策问题的决策方法研究


Time Multi-dimension序时多指标

3)time sequence multiple objective decisions序时多指标决策

4)multi-attribute decision making with time series时序多指标决策

1.For themulti-attribute decision making with time series, we use the theory of grey relational grade and propose a new analytical method.对于时序多指标决策问题,本文运用灰关联分析的理论,提出了一种新的决策方法。

5)relative degree analysis for multiple attribute decision making with time series有时序多指标决策的灰色关联分析

1.Method: Therelative degree analysis for multiple attribute decision making with time series was used to assess the project comprehensively.方法:采用有时序多指标决策的灰色关联分析法,对妇幼卫生保健项目实施效果进行卫生综合评价。

6)Time Multi-dimension Evaluation时序多指标综合评价

1.In this article,the method ofTime Multi-dimension Evaluation is used to analyze the economic development level in every province of China,where the data we used are from 1995 to .利用1995~数据,采用时序多指标综合评价法,对中国各地区经济发展水平进行评价研究。


有时1.有时候。表示间或不定。 2.谓有如愿之时。
