900字范文 > 勾连 Integration英语短句 例句大全

勾连 Integration英语短句 例句大全

时间:2021-01-11 13:48:25


勾连 Integration英语短句 例句大全



1.Distinction andIntegration of China s Judicial Accounting from Angle of Judicature;界限与勾连:“司法”视野下的中国司法会计


1.Remarks on Differences and Links between Thought of Bible and That of the Natural Law;论《圣经》与自然法的差异及深层勾连

2.The Ancient Salt Road in the Hanjiang River Region;横亘东西勾连南北的汉水流域古代盐道

3.Distinction and Integration of China s Judicial Accounting from Angle of Judicature;界限与勾连:“司法”视野下的中国司法会计

4.Unscrupulous merchants collude with corrupt government officials in suppressing and exploiting the people. the common people are suffering unspeakably.奸商和贪官勾连起来镇压剥削人民, 老百姓苦不堪言。

5.The first three cases are described in this book with intermingled plots, hot atmosphere, and profound thought.该书叙述前三个案件,回环纠结,情节勾连,气氛炽烈,较耐人寻味。

6.On the Historical Connection of Folk Songs during the Great Leap Forward with Populist Trend of Thought during May 4~(th) Movement;论大跃进民歌运动与“五四”民粹主义思潮的历史勾连

7.Reform and Revolution:Two Ways of Political Modernization;保守与激进——改革与革命:政治现代化两种方式的勾连

8.This article suggests that "projective identification" of psychoanalysis and "co-constitution" of phenomenology are refering to how people co-constitute a certain relationship.在实徵讨论上,本文将以「相互构成」作为精神分析和现象学之间相互勾连的桥梁。

9.I"m afraid he"s mixed up in some dishonest business.恐怕他同一桩欺骗勾当有牵连。

10.Another Interpretation of King Gou Jian s "Long Neck and Beak-shaped Mouth": A Reference to the Teleplay Goujian Monarch of the Kingdom of Yue;勾践“长颈鸟喙”别论——兼为品观电视连续剧《越王勾践》的一种参考

11.He looked at him with his eyes very flat.他眼睛直勾勾地盯着他。

12.Without delay, he granted pardon to Gou Jian and let him go back home.夫差认为,连自己的儿子也不会如此关心他,于是决定赦免勾践,让他回越国。

13.His small but childish handwriting straggled up and down the page, shedding first its capital letters and finally even its full stops:那细小稚嫩的笔迹在纸上曲曲弯弯地勾画,先是省去了大写字母,最后连句号也不写了:

14.This article describes the history and characteristic of the forces according to the data in the order of time.本章旨在以时间的先、后连贯记载,从而勾勒出该支武装的历史和特征。

15.Raised to be a guide and friend, he later becomes a seeing-eye dog and opens up the heart of his master, guiding him on the last walk of his life.另边厢,渡边先生再度重遇失明前的同事和重回昔日经常留连的街道,勾起无限回忆。

16.Rotate and tilt the vacuum actuator as required to disengage the hole on the end of the actuator link from the hooked pin on the end of the recirculation air door lever.视需要旋转并将真空引动器倾斜以放松循环空气门连杆末端上的勾销放松引动器连接末端上的孔。

17.point a wall, chimney, etc勾墙、 烟囱等的缝.

18.She looked him full in the face, without a sign of recognition.她直勾勾地瞪着他的脸,好像不认识。


continuous pythagoras number连续勾股数

3)aggregate among ice-snow crystals冰雪晶碰并勾连

1.Result shows that as the droplets coalesce and grow,there is a speed up process also in ice crystals growth,such as snowflake,snow-circular,graupel and hail that coalesce super-cooled droplets andaggregate among ice-snow crystals.冰雪晶碰并勾连成雪花或雪团的过程是降水的重要机制之一。

4)Continuous Pythagoras numbers前连续勾股数

5)vision-linking system映象勾连系统



