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心身病 psychosomatic disease英语短句 例句大全

时间:2024-05-03 07:46:02


心身病 psychosomatic disease英语短句 例句大全

心身病,psychosomatic disease

1)psychosomatic disease心身病


1.The Cure of the Common Illness of Girl Students in Normal Universities in the 21st Century;21世纪师范女生青春期常见心身病的防治

2.dealing with the relationship between the mind and the body治疗身心失调之疾病的

3.He is enfeebled by illness.他因疾病而身心衰弱。

4.Applying Physical Psychotherary to Prevent and Cure Body and Mind Diseases;运用体育心理疗法防治心身疾病浅谈

5.Worry and illness had made him prematurely old.他心事重重、 疾病缠身, 落得个未老先衰.

6.The patient"s body rejected the heart transplant.病人的身体排斥移植的心脏。

7.Analysis to the Investigation of Physical and MentalDiseases of 24 Track and Field Athletes;24例田径运动员心身疾病调查分析

8.Discussion on Modern Physical and Mental Diseases and Ancient Chinese Traditional Physical Exercise Therapy;论现代心身疾病与古代传统体育疗法

9.The Role of Anti-M_2 Muscarinic Receptor Autoantibody and Anti-M_3 Muscarinic Receptor Autoantibody in the Pathogenesis of Chronic Cor Pulmonale;M_2、M_3受体自身抗体在肺心病发病中的作用

10.There is no remedy for all ills, But ways of strengthening Bodies and getting rid of diseases are willing to serve you here at this Body-Building centre.世上本无包治百病的药方,欲强身,请来本健身中心,定令您疾病远离。


12.Cognitive Psychology is the Key Link of Inducing Psychosomatic Disease不良性认知心理是导致心身疾病的关键环节

13.The physical or psychological condition produced by a trauma.创伤病外伤或创伤产生的身体或心理状况

14.Dr. Rieux is devoted to treating the sick regardless of his own safety.李欧医生不顾自身安危,竭尽心力治疗病人。

15.Bodily ailments do not necessarily constitute suffering. An unsettled mind does.81心不平安是真正的苦,身体的病痛不一定是苦。

16.The Auxiliary Role of Music in Treatment for Modern s Physical and Psychological Diseases;论音乐在现代人身心疾病治疗中的辅助功能

17.The Impaet of Social Support on Physical and Mental Health of Chronic Patient Psychology Department;社会支持对慢性病患者身心健康的影响

18.Sick Influence and the Expression about Sickness in Foreigh Literary Activity;外国文学活动中身心疾病的影响与表达


psychosomatic diseases心身疾病

1.What s more,psychosomatic diseases and mental health are interconnected and interlimited.心身疾病是社会环境长期影响人类的心理因素而引发的一系列疾病,其临床表现以躯体症状为主,而社会心理因素在疾病的发生、发展防治过程中起着主导作用,而且心身疾病与心理健康损害相互影响,形成恶性循环。

2.The main mechanisms ofpsychosomatic diseases is disorder of the rigid and flexible due to the disfunction of liver in its influence on other organs, which manifested as impairment of qi, xue, yin and yang.心身疾病的主要病机在肝的疏泄失职而引起刚柔不能相济 ,进而波及其他脏腑 ,表现为气血阴阳的失调。

3.A lot of cases showed that biofeedback treatment may have satisfactory curative effects for somepsychosomatic diseases and neurodic diagmose and treating.大量案例表明:生物反馈疗法对某些心身疾病及神经症诊治具有较好的疗效。

3)Psychosomatic disorder心身疾病

1.Research progress on psychosomatic disorders and nursing care of them;心身疾病的护理研究进展

2.This paper is intended to deal with mental and psychosomatic disorder which has become worse and worse with the college students.现代经济的飞速发展 ,对提高大学生的整体素质提出了更高更新的要求 ,目前大学生中心理障碍和心身疾病的发病情况日益严重 ,而学校心理咨询在帮助大学生纠正心理偏常、缓解心理压力、提高心理健康水平、改善学校的心理社会环境方面起着任何其它形式的教育都无法替代的特殊作用 。

4)Psychosomatic disease心身疾病

1.Research on personality and mental status of 81 elderly patients with psychosomatic diseases;81例老年心身疾病患者的人格特征与心理状态的研究

2.Essential hypertension is a typical psychosomatic disease,during the process of arising and developing of this disease,mental behavior play a vital role.原发性高血压是典型的心身疾病,心理行为因素在其发生发展过程中起着重要作用。

5)physical and mental ailments身心疾病

6)psychophysiological disorder心身疾病


心身疾病心身疾病psychosomatic discases,白身疾病(psyehosomatie diseases)亦称“心理生理疾病,,、“心身障碍,,、“心身症”。广义指由心理因素引起的躯体疾病和躯体功能障碍的总称,狭义则指即使不是完全,至少部分是由心理因素引起的躯体疾病。根据美国精神病学会出版的《心理障碍的诊断与统计手册》(D SM一In一R),我国专家认为必须同时具备下述三条标准方可定为心身疾病:(1)具有由心理因素引起的躯体症状。(2)该躯体症状或者有明确的器质性病理改变,或者有已知的病理生理学变化的基础。(3)不是神经症或精神病。典型的心身疾病包括消化性溃疡、溃疡性结肠炎、原发性高血压、冠心病、支气管哮喘、糖尿病、肥胖症、尊麻疹、神经性皮炎和类风湿性关节炎等。在诊断时,除了通常的医学检查外,还应了解致病的心理社会因素、患者的人格特点和当前的心理状态以及生活方式等。在治疗过程中,不仅必须采用有效的生物医学手段处理实在的病理过程,而且也应通过心理治疗和精神药物解决患者的心理问题。(张明撰牟丈博审)
