900字范文 > 文学反映论 literary representation theory英语短句 例句大全

文学反映论 literary representation theory英语短句 例句大全

时间:2020-09-28 11:21:16


文学反映论 literary representation theory英语短句 例句大全

文学反映论,literary representation theory

1)literary representation theory文学反映论

1.This paper combines the correlative explanations of Western Marxist literary theories and discusses the contemporary significance of Marxistliterary representation theory.结合西方马克思主义文论的相关阐释,论述了马克思主义文学反映论的当代意义,揭示了文学作为话语实践的真实作用与审美效果。


1.Perfection and Development: Issue of Literature Theory of Reflection;完善与发展:文学反映论的当代课题

2.Perfection and Development: A Necessary Road to the Literary Theory of Reflection;完善与深化:文学反映论的必由之路

3.Literary Ideology and Discourse Practice--A Reconsideration of Marxist Literary Representation Theory文学的意识形态与话语实践——马克思主义“文学反映论”的反思

4.Evaluation on Artistic Reflection Theory and Theory of Aesthetic Response --Difficult to Respond to the Reader of the Book Aesthetics of Response;评文艺反映论与审美反映论——就《感应美学》答客难

5.Topic Selection and Marks of "Collection of PerXian" and the Literary view;论李贽《坡仙集》的选目、批点及其反映的文学观

6.New Marxist Literature and Arts: New Probe to Theory of Reflection--One Thonghts of Wang Yuanxiang′s Literature Principles;新马文艺学:反映论的新探索——王元骧文学原理的哲学思考之一

7.The abstract of the research paper is the kingd of essay which summarizes and introduces the contents of the original paper.学术论文前的摘要是对论文内容进行高度概括、客观地反映论文主要内容的短文。

8.Lingnan culture of the Tang Dynasty from the perspective of reflections of commerce in literature;从文学对商业的反映看唐代岭南文化

9.Brief analysis on the reflection of non-material culture at Chinese language vocabulary;浅论非物质文化在汉语词汇中的反映

10.On the Japanese Culture that Reflected by "ちょっと";略论「ちょっと」所反映的日本文化

11.On the Cultural Terms in Japanese;简论日语中反映民族文化特点的词汇

12.Mao Zedong s Theory of Reflection on Art and Literature and the Traditional Theory on “Matter Sense”;毛泽东文艺反映论与传统“物感”说

13.Does the literature of a nation reflect its politics?一个国家的文学反映出它的政治吗?

14.Philosophical Thought on Wang Yuanxiang’s Literary Theory;新马克思主义文艺学:反映论的新探索——王元骧文学原理的哲学思考之一

position: A Mirror of StudentsGrowth-On composition teaching in middle schools;作文:中学生成长的反映——中学作文教学谈

ments on the Knowledge of Natural Science of Zhou Dynasty Reflected in The Book of Songs;简论《诗经》反映的周代自然科学知识

17.Chen Ying-Zhen s Grief Emotion in Literature --a Review about Wang Xiang-Yang s A Discussion about Chen Ying-zhen;陈映真的文学悲情——兼评王向阳的《陈映真论》

18.Analyze the Consciousness in Brief to the Reflection and the Creation Relation of the Objective World --A Notes is to Study the Theory of Reflexion of V.I.Lenin;意识对客观世界的反映和创造关系——学习列宁反映论思想的思考


reflective literdture反映文学

3)Artistic Reflection Theory文艺反映论

1.Evaluation onArtistic Reflection Theory and Theory of Aesthetic Response ——Difficult to Respond to the Reader of the Book Aesthetics of Response;评文艺反映论与审美反映论——就《感应美学》答客难

4)Reflection Theory of Philosophy哲学反映论

5)the concept of reflection反映文学观

1.Obviously,the concept of game is advocated;the concept of reflection is strengthened,and the concept of aesthetic judgment is emerged gradually.比较明显的是,现代游戏文学观得到提倡,反映文学观得到加强,以及审美文学观逐渐产生。

6)theory of reflection反映论

1.Lenin s "Theory of Reflection" and the Ancient Greek "Theory of Imitation;列宁"反映论"与古希腊"摹仿说

2.The interpretation by mechanical materialism of the category "reflection" is a fundamental cause of the misinterpretation of the contemporary literarytheory of reflection in our country.对“反映”范畴的机械唯物主义规定,是我国当代文学反映论走向误区的一个根本原因。


