900字范文 > 产业集群化 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

产业集群化 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

时间:2023-01-24 09:53:07


产业集群化 industrial cluster英语短句 例句大全

产业集群化,industrial cluster

1)industrial cluster产业集群化

1.Theindustrial cluster mode already became main production mode in these enterprises, in result they have reduced the product cost and improve productive efficiency by industrial advantage.它们通过采用产业集群化的生产模式,发挥整体行业的产业优势,大大降低了产品成本,提高了产品的生产效率。


1.On Development of Agricultural Clusters in Jinhua;金华市农业产业集群化发展问题研究

2.Present Situation of Beijing Culture Creative Industry Cluster and Its Development;北京文化创意产业集群化现状及发展

3.Research on the Cluster Development Strategy of Creative Industries;天津市创意产业集群化发展战略研究

4.The Objective of Industrial Clustering Governance: Clustering Residual Maximization产业集群治理目标:集群剩余最大化

bined Cluster:An Important Way for Western Resource-Based Industry Clusters to Enhance Their Value;融合型集群:西部资源型产业集群高级化的途径

6.Analysis on the Clusters,Convergence and Ecologization of Industrial Development;产业发展的集群化、融合化、生态化

7.Discussion on the Clustering,Converging and Greening of Industrial Development;产业发展集群化、融合化和生态化探讨

8.The Development of Industrial Clusters,Convergence and Ecology;产业发展集群化、融合化和生态化研究

9.Division Cause and Evaluation for Industry Group"s Specialization--Take Industry Group in HeBei for Example产业集群专业化分工动因与评价——以河北省产业集群为例

10.The Role of Trading Cities in the Development of Chinese Businss Clusters;专业化市场在产业集群发展中的作用

11.A Development Path to New Industrial-cluster-based Industrialization;基于产业集群的新型工业化发展道路

12.Modularize,Centralized Industry and Firms Nuclear Competitive Ability;模块化、产业集群与企业核心竞争力

13.On Knowledge Partitioning in the Interfirm and the Evolution of Industrial Clusters;企业间知识分割与产业集群演化研究

14.Industrial Characteristics Analysis of the Incubator Clusters for Hi-tech Businesses科技企业孵化器集群的产业特征分析

15.Upgrading Chemical Industrial Chain and Innovation of Chemical Cluster;化工主导产业链高级化与产业集群创新研究

16.Study on Customized Production Mode of Cluster Supply Chain;集群式供应链定制化生产模式研究——以晋江鞋业产业集群为例

17.The Mode of Ecological Development of Industrial Clusters--The Case of Xinwen Industrial Cluster in Shandong产业集群生态化的发展模式研究——以山东新汶产业集群为例

18.Research on the Internationalization Development Strategy of Local Industrial Cluster--Yongkang Ironware Industrial Cluster as an Example地方产业集群的国际化发展策略研究——以永康五金产业集群为例


Industry Cluster产业集群化

1.Advantage and Strategies of DevelopingIndustry Cluster by Integrating the Supply Chain Management;整合供应链管理推进产业集群化的优势与对策分析

3)specialized industrial clusters专业化产业集群

1.The origin ofspecialized industrial clusters——Based on game analysis in the frame of cournot oligopoly competition;专业化产业集群的起源——基于古诺寡头竞争框架的博弈分析

4)cultural industrial cluster文化产业集群

1.Based on theory of the paper "the channel of the large relics protection and the region economic harmony development:to develop the great relicscultural industrial cluster",the development condition analysis,localization of target,industrial localization as well as the structure pattern ofcultural industrial cluster built in Han Du Mausoleum area had b.发展政府主导型大遗址文化产业集群是汉杜陵遗址区域实现大遗址保护与区域经济社会和谐发展的一条创新途径。

5)Rare Earth Industrial Cluster稀土产业集群化

1.BaotouRare Earth Industrial Cluster is developing smoothly.包头稀土高新区稀土产业集群化发展现状良好,表现为:企业集聚已成规模,稀土主业地位逐步确立;产业链不断延伸,产业价值链不断优化等几方面。

6)Ecology-oriented Industrial Cluster产业集群生态化

1.Research onEcology-oriented Industrial Cluster from the Perspective of Generalized Co-evolution广义协同进化视角下产业集群生态化研究


