900字范文 > 广播网站 Broadcast Website英语短句 例句大全

广播网站 Broadcast Website英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-11 16:47:39


广播网站 Broadcast Website英语短句 例句大全

广播网站,Broadcast Website

neighbor broadcasting邻站广播

1.Nevertheless, this paper pays more attention to the handoff between satellites and proposes a handoff strategy to realize low latency handoff byneighbor broadcasting.提出了一种由覆盖全球的无星际链路的低轨(LEO)星座构成卫星IP网,首次提出了一种按信关站来划分网络的策略,并着重讨论了卫星IP网中的星间切换技术,提出用邻站广播技术来实现低延时切换的策略。

3)a rediffusion station广播站;转播站;广播台

4)podcast website播客网站

5)audio production and broadcast network广播制播网

1.Based on years of experience on the design and construction ofaudio production and broadcast network,this paper first makes a comprehensive analysis on the general network security measures,then introduces in detail the specific security solutions such as the backup broadcast system as well as the secure interconnection between the intra-network and the public network for Henan Radio.广播制播网作为现代广播技术的核心组成部分,已经完全融入到广播节目的录、编、审、播的所有环节,随着各套广播对制播网的依赖程度越来越高以及网络集成度的急剧增加,广播制播网承受着越来越大的安全播出压力。

6)broadcast TV station广播电视站

1.So we must strengthen the basic management ofbroadcast TV stations, increase income and decrease expenditure, reduce offfice-staff and promote efficiency, serve well, make the management active, which is the only way to get out of trouble.近年来一些经济欠发达地区的广播电视站困难重重 ,除了体制方面的因素外 ,一个最根本的原因是内部的经营管理比较薄弱 ,因此 ,加强广播电视站的管理基础工作 ,开源节流 ,减员增效 ,开展优质服务 ,搞活经营 ,是走出困境的必由之路。


