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环境正义 environmental justice英语短句 例句大全

时间:2018-08-04 17:39:23


环境正义 environmental justice英语短句 例句大全

环境正义,environmental justice

1)environmental justice环境正义

1.Environmental Justice and Ecological Civilization环境正义理念与生态文明建设

2.Access to Environmental Justice:Lessons from Abroad and Domestic Practice in China接近“环境正义”:域外经验与我国实践

3.The research ofenvironmental justice began in USA when the American black struggled against the waste dump issues in the 1980s.环境正义研究兴起于20世纪80年代,美国的黑人因为垃圾倾倒问题提出抗争,引发美国社会公众与学者的声援,进而提出了环境正义这个新的伦理概念。


1.A Study of the Theme of Environmental Justice in American Environmental Literature;美国环境文学中的环境正义主题研究

2.On the extension of environmental justice--the perspective of environmental ethics论环境正义的外延——环境伦理学的视角

3.Environmental Justice:New Area of the Justice Virtue Carried forward by the Government环境正义:政府弘扬正义美德的新领域

4.On the Theme of Environmental Justice in American Environmental Literature;美国环境文学中的环境正义主题内涵探析

5.International Environmental Justice and International Environmental Re gimes;国际环境正义与国际环境机制:问题、理论和个案

6.American Environmental Literature: The Greening Genre Advocating Environmental Justice美国环境文学:弘扬环境正义的绿色之思

7.American Environmental Literature:The Theme of Environmental Justice and Its Sources美国环境文学中的环境正义主题及其思想资源

8.The Theme of Environmental Justice: The Soul of American Environmental Literature环境正义主题:美国环境文学的思想灵魂

9.Environmental Justice and Environmental Safety--Restatement of the Basic Idea of Legal Science of Environment and Resources Law;环境正义与环境安全——二论环境资源法学的基本理念

10.Environmental Justice:Intrinsic Request of Building the Harmonious Socialist Society;环境正义:构建和谐社会的内在要求

11.Reasonable Annotation of Human Interest in Existence and Environment;人的生存旨趣与环境正义的理性解读

12.On Environmental Justice In China Urban And Rural Areas走向城乡环境正义——以法制变革为视角

13.Access to Environmental Justice:Lessons from Abroad and Domestic Practice in China接近“环境正义”:域外经验与我国实践

14.The Ethical Dilemmas of International Environmental Justice and its’Resolution国际环境正义实践的伦理困境及其化解

15.American Environmental Justice Movement and Its Inspiration on Basic Studies of Environmental Law in China;美国环境正义运动及其对我国环境法学基础理论研究的启示

16.A Study on the Environmental Justice Movement of America in 1980s and 1990s;20世纪八九十年代美国的环境正义运动

17.Study on Factual Defaults of International Environmental Justice and Developing Countries" Policies国际环境正义现实阙如及发展中国家的对策研究

18.Moral Objects and justice Orientation in Environmental Ethic;环境伦理学中的道德客体与正义取向


just environment正义环境

3)the whole view of environmental justice环境正义观

1.While transplanting the idea of western environment ethics,Chinese scholars reconstruct it locally and present a new type of ecological ethics,the moral philosophy of environmental holism,which includes the theory of harmonious development of holism as well asthe whole view of environmental justice.中国国内的环境伦理学界在移植西方环境伦理思想的同时,对其进行了本土化的重建,提出了一种新的生态伦理学——环境整体主义的道德哲学,它既涵盖了整体主义的和谐发展论,又包括完整的环境正义观。

4)the circumstances of justice正义的环境

1.Rawls herited and developed Hume s conception of justice from three aspects : first is the concept ofthe circumstances of justice; second is the notion of the reciprocity of justice and third is the idea of the role of justice.罗尔斯主要在以下三个方面继承和发展了休谟的正义观:一是正义的环境观念,二是正义的相互性概念,三是正义的作用观念。

5)environmental justice movement环境正义运动

1.Based on Americanenvironmental justice movement as well as the changing ideas on environment, it is suggested that basic studies of environ.20世纪八九十年代美国环境正义运动的兴起,使人们意识到环境问题不只是人与自然的关系失调问题,更是人与人之间关系失调的直接结果。

2.According to a variety of unequal phenomena in American environmental protection movement and civil rights movement,anenvironmental justice movement to strive for equal environmental rights and environmental responsibility took place in the 1980s.针对美国环境保护中的各种不平等现象,在现代环保运动和民权运动的共同推动下,20世纪80年代美国爆发了一场争取平等环境权益与环境责任的环境正义运动。

6)international environmental justice国际环境正义

1.Because its profound origin lies ininternational environmental justice, it is the impo.绿色壁垒作为一种非关税壁垒,现已成为国际贸易中最隐蔽、最棘手的贸易障碍之一,因为它名义的合理性、形式的合法性、内容的广泛性和手段的隐蔽性等特点,时常使得全球环境保护和自由贸易之间的矛盾表面化、白热化,引起了各国政府的高度重视,因为它的产生是环境问题全球化的社会、政治、经济背景共同交织的必然结果,那么它也必然对世界文明(生态文明)进化和国际贸易的发展产生深远影响;由于其深层根源在于国际环境正义,因此,维护国际环境正义就成为有效对付绿色壁垒的重要途径。


