900字范文 > 半主动式 semi-active英语短句 例句大全

半主动式 semi-active英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-09-30 13:45:12


半主动式 semi-active英语短句 例句大全



1.The simulation results was compared and analyzed aiming at the characters of passive,active andsemi-active heave compensation system.利用AMESim仿真软件,对目前使用的升沉补偿系统进行仿真,针对被动式、主动式、半主动式的升沉补偿系统的特点进行分析,并对其补偿效果进行比较。


1.The Structural Design and the Study on Isolation Characteristics of a Semi-active Mount with Magnetorheological Fluids;半主动式磁流变液悬置结构设计及隔振性能研究

2.Research of calculate parameter of detector based on semi-active laser guidance weapon基于半主动式激光制导探测器设计指标计算研究

3.Intelligent Distributed Hierarchical Control of Automobile Semi-active Suspension汽车半主动悬架智能分布式递阶控制

4.Study on Fuzzy Control of Semi-active Suspension for Track Vehicle履带式车辆半主动悬架模糊控制研究

5.Vibration test of semi-active hydro-pneumatic suspension of a 8×8 wheel-type vehicle8×8轮式车辆半主动油气悬挂振动测试研究

6.The Application of Embedded PDC Controller in Semi-active Suspension System;嵌入式PDC控制器在车辆半主动悬架上的应用

7.Research on Ride Stability Performances of Tilting Trains Based on PID Semi-active Suspension System基于PID半主动悬挂摆式客车平稳性研究

8.Sliding Mode Control of Vehicle Semi-active Suspension with Magnetorheological Dampers Having Polynomial Model多项式模型磁流变减振器半主动悬架滑模控制

9.The Design and Realization of Motion Control System on Semi-autonomous Robot半自主式机器人运动控制系统的设计与实现

10.During the past seven years, we seemed to have the initiative, but this was at best only half true.过去七年,我们形式上有主动,实际上至少有一半是假主动。

11.The Research on Dynamic Characteristics of Semi-active Control Hydraulic Mounts for Engine;车用发动机半主动控制式液力悬置动力学特性研究

12.Development of Electromagnetic Semi-Active Vibration Absorber and Its Application in Automotive Vibration Control;电磁式半主动吸振器研制及其在汽车振动控制中的应用

13.semiautomatic control type pneumatic pile hammer半自动操纵式气动桩锤

14.Yes, automatic, semi-automatic, and manual.有的,有自动式、半自动式和手动式的。

15.Based on the semi-active control theory, a new type clearance viscous damper is presented in this paper.基于半主动控制理论,本文提出一种新型的间隙式粘滞阻尼器。

16.Study on Semi-actve Shock Control Technique of Tow-Stage Isolation System Using Electromagnetism Absorber;基于电磁式吸振器的隔振系统抗冲击半主动控制技术研究

17.Simulation of Semi-Active Suspension Control Strategy and Its Applied Analysis on Tilting Trains;半主动悬挂控制策略仿真及其在摆式客车上的应用分析

18.Performance Evaluation of Semi-active Suspension Seat Based on Magneto-rheological Fluid Damper基于磁流变液阻尼器的半主动悬挂式座椅性能的评价


semiactive repeater半主动式中继站

3)hydraulic mount system半主动式悬挂系统

4)Electromagnetic semi-active vibration absorber电磁式半主动吸振器

5)LASAM Laser Semi C Active Missile激光半主动式制导导弹

6)semi-active suspension seat半主动悬挂式座椅


中继站1.在运输线中途设立的转运站。 2.在无线电通讯中,设置在发射点与接收点中间的工作站,作用是把接收的信号放大后再发射出去,增强效果。
