900字范文 > 节水型社会 water-saving society英语短句 例句大全

节水型社会 water-saving society英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-12-02 21:48:34


节水型社会 water-saving society英语短句 例句大全

节水型社会,water-saving society

1)water-saving society节水型社会

1.Evaluation of establishment ofwater-saving society of Jiangsu Province;江苏省节水型社会建设评价研究

2.Research ofwater-saving society evaluation based on fuzzy matter-element model and coefficient of entropy;基于熵权的模糊物元模型在节水型社会评价中的应用


1.Promoting the using planning of regeneration water and building water-saving society推进再生水利用规划 建设节水型社会

prehensive Evaluation of Water-saving Society Construction in Water Shortage Region水质型缺水区域节水型社会建设综合评价

3.Establishment of water-saving society in Haihe River Basin and utilization of foreign water-saving technology;海河流域节水型社会建设与国外节水技术借鉴

4.Effective measures of establishment of water-saving society for saving and protection of water resources节水型社会建设是节约保护水资源的有力措施

5.Primary Discussion on Orientation of Legislation in Resource-saving Society:Based on the Experience of Water-saving Society Establishment节约型社会立法取向初探——以节水型社会建设试点经验为基点

6.An Evaluation of a Water-saving Society--Taking Zhangye City for Example;节水型社会建设评价——以张掖市为例

7.On Setting up Water-save Society by Updating Ideas and Improving Management;更新观念,完善机构,构建节水型社会

8.Studies on funds-raise through multi-channels for water-saving society establishment;节水型社会建设多元化筹资途径研究

9.A Water-Efficient Society is An Inevitable Choice for Sustained Development of Economy and Society;节水型社会是可持续发展的必然选择

10.Research on Water-Saving Society Construction Evaluation in Urumqi乌鲁木齐市节水型社会建设评价研究

11.Developing Recycle Economy and Building Up "Saving-water" Society发展循环经济 建设节水型社会初析

12.Study on water-saving society institution system for Huaibei city淮北市节水型社会制度体系建设研究

13.Problem and Countermeasure that Agriculture Water Price Reforms in Water-saving Type Society;节水型社会中农业水价改革的问题与对策

14.Facilitating construction of water-saving society with water management under green concept in Zhejiang Province;以绿色水利推进浙江省节水型社会的建设

15.Strengthening water resources management in river basin and promoting establishment of water-saving society;加强流域水资源管理促进节水型社会建设

16.On the Water-saving Society from the Perspective of Construction of Agricultural Water Rights System论节水型社会视野下的农业水权制度构建

17.Definition of project type and division of investment subject for establishment of water-saving society节水型社会建设项目类型界定与投资主体划分

18.Research on the Evaluation System of Regional Water-saving Society Based on the Coordinated "Water Resources-Ecological Environment-Economic Society";基于“水—生态—社会”相协调的区域节水型社会评价体系研究


water saving society节水型社会

1.Preliminary discussion on constructingwater saving society in island areas of Zhejiang;浅谈浙江省海岛地区节水型社会建设

2.Research onwater saving society appraised idea that based on AHP and ANN;基于AHP和ANN的节水型社会评价方法研究

3.Thoughts on establishment ofwater saving society in Guangdong;关于广东建设节水型社会的几点思考

3)water conservation society节水型社会

1.Water saving and developingwater conservation society are the keys to the sustainable development.阐述了节水型社会的内涵、发展和评价指标体系,以试点城市云南省沾益县为例,分析了沾益县的现状节水水平,并对节水型社会相对水平进行量化评价。

2.Water saving and developingwater conservation society are the keys to realize both for wise water allocation and the sustainable utilization.对节水的内涵和节水型社会的发展进行了讨论,阐述了节水型社会的发展对水政策、水管理以及水工程的实践性的指导作用。

3.Based on the reviewed newly research results, this dissertation firstly present the main contents and method which should be resolved in water resources development, and then focus on the issues of evaluation ofwater conservation society.本文对节水型社会评价研究现状和进展进行了综述,在已有研究成果的基础上,提出了主要研究内容、思路和方法。

4)establishment of water-saving society节水型社会建设

1.Promotingestablishment of water-saving society by using loans of China Development Bank;利用国家开发银行贷款 推进节水型社会建设

2.Definition of project type and division of investment subject forestablishment of water-saving society节水型社会建设项目类型界定与投资主体划分

3.The establishment of a complete water resources management system, structure suitable for water bearing capacity in the region and water engineering system adaptable to an optimized allocation of water resources may strongly promote theestablishment of water-saving society in Dazhu County.通过建立完善的水资源管理体系、建立与区域水资源承载能力相适应的结构体系和与水资源优化配置相适应的水利工程体系,有力地推动了大竹县节水型社会建设。

5)water-saving society establishment节水型社会建设

1.Studies on funds-raise through multi-channels forwater-saving society establishment;节水型社会建设多元化筹资途径研究

6)a Water Saving and Pollution Prevention Society节水防污型社会

1.Discuss about the Policy Tropism about Buildinga Water Saving and Pollution Prevention Society;我国节水防污型社会建设的政策取向探讨


新型电子智能型节水阀门的应用特点电子智能型节水阀门是一种新型的智能型可控节水阀门。可广泛应用于农田灌溉机电井出口、有压输配水管网、田间给水栓等出口控制部分,可实现灌溉计量自动控制及人工智能灌溉。 该阀门的技术特点是通过计算机智能化技术实现阀门的自动启闭及计量。它装在有压输水管道中,可通过用户卡(IC卡)对取水量、取水时间进行精确自动控制,同时,其低能耗的电磁阀门可实现无电缆能源自给。1.采用单片机技术对流量进行计量和控制。 2.采用计算机技术对阀门的启闭实行有条件控制(采用IC卡预交费用、数据存储)。 3.阀门的开启巧妙地采用了水本身的压力,使阀门动作只需采用电池作为能源,在无电力地区也可以使用此产品。 4.在电机拖动水泵输水情况下,可在开启闭门时开关电机。 本产品可用于灌区有压管道供、配水系统的控制与计量,也可在城市、乡村供水管网中广泛使用。
