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等价性 equivalence英语短句 例句大全

时间:2019-11-30 03:36:22


等价性 equivalence英语短句 例句大全



1.Equivalence Test of Mandarin Sentence Materials for Chinese Speech Audiometry;普通话语句测听句表等价性测试

2.Analysis on Equivalence of Weil Circuit in High Power Lab;大容量试验中威尔合成回路的等价性分析

3.Theequivalence on the theorems of the real-number system;实数系基本定理的等价性


1.ence between two algorithm两个算法间的等价性

2.Lipschitz equivalence of sub-self-conformal sets;子自共形集的Lipschitz等价性

3.Equivalence of PTAS Reduction for MAX-k-SATMAX-k-SAT的PTAS归约等价性

4.Equivalence of L_p Projection Inequality and L_p Centroid InequalityL_p投影不等式与L_p质心不等式的等价性

5.The Measurement Equivalence of Social Desirability社会称许性量表的测量等价性探讨

6.On the Approaches to Prove Circulation Equivalence of Completeness Theorems in R~2;R~2上完备性定理的等价性循环证明

7.A Consistent Condition of Matrix Equation A=BXC;矩阵方程A=BXC相容性的一个等价性条件

8.Equivalence of Two Identities Involving Eulerian Numbers两个包含欧拉数的恒等式的等价性(英文)

9.Research on Equivalency of Spatial Topological Relations in Multiple Representation;多重表达中空间拓扑关系等价性研究

10.Problem of the Equvalency of the Periodic Solutions of Van Der Pol Equation;关于Van der pol方程周期解的等价性问题

11.Chromatic Equivalence of a Family of K_4-homeomorphic Graphs;围长为7的K_4(1,2,4,δ,ε,η)图的色等价性

12.The Factorization Theorem of Adjoint Polynomials of a kind of Graphs and Chromatically Equivalence of Its Complement;一类S~(φ*)图的补图的等价性分析

13.About A Few Declines Arbitrary Formuls Of Matrix Rank As Equivalence;关于矩阵秩的几个降阶公式的等价性

14.Revenue Equivalence for AdWords Auction;关键字广告位拍卖的收益等价性研究

15.The two properties of the matrix of fuzzy equivalence relation are proved according to the property of fuzzy equivalence relation.根据模糊等价关系的性质,推得模糊等价关系矩阵的两个性质。

16.Construction of Near Isogenic Lines for Pericarp Color and Evaluation on Their Near Isogenicity in Rice水稻果皮色泽近等基因系的构建及近等性评价

17.Eliminating the Correlation of Multi-Attribute Evaluation Based on Equivalence Class Partition一种等价类区分的多属性评价指标约简算法

18.a sense of one"s own importance, worth, etc对自身的重要性、 价值等的觉察



1.Bsaed on the theory of bending bond, the paper discussed theequivalency for σ-π type double bond and bending bond, And the some rules for property of bond were explained satisfactorily.该文根据弯键理论,讨论了σ-π型双键与弯曲键的等价性,并对多种键性规律进行了园满的解释。

2.The principle of test circuit,the method of selecting parallel resistance and the influence on testequivalency by two operating procedures are discussed.提出一种在直接试验回路中加装辅助开关及并联阻抗元件来防止被试品因开断失败 而引起爆炸的试验方法,并详细介绍该试验线路的工作原理和选择并联阻抗元件参数的原则以及 两种试验操作程序对试验等价性的影响。

3.According to the idempotency,commutativity,associativity,absorption identities and modular law of modular lattices,theequivalency among the various definitions of modular lattices with unit element was proved.对具有单位元的模格,给出三种等价定义,并根据模格所满足的幂等律、交换律、结合律、吸收律和模律,证明了有1模格各种定义之间的等价性。


1.Some Problems about Equivalent on the Measure of Fuzziness;关于Fuzzy性度量等价性的几个问题

2.Aequivalent problem in nonconvex semidefinite programming;非凸半定规划的一个等价性问题

3.Some concise criteria about quasi-practical stability for linear and nonlinear discrete systems of Volterra type were obtained by using theequivalent of difference equations.在考虑Volterra到离散系统的过程中,我们引入了拟实用稳定性等概念,并利用差分方程的等价性,获得了线性和非线性Volterra型离散系统拟实用稳定的一些简明判据。

4)equivalence property等价性

5)equivalency evaluation等价性评价


1.We study the JC*-algebra on the ∏k spaces,C*C*-equivalent of quotients,symmetry of ideals,and conditions of commutativity of general operator algebra on ∏k spaces.讨论了∏k空间上一般JC*-代数及其商代数的C*-等价性,理想的对称性以及交换性条件等问题,得到了若干新结论。


等价性等价性equivalenceaengljaxing等价性(叹uivaience的相同性。就程序而言相同主要指功能相同。 今)两个对象某个特定侧面,这个侧面就是语义。语义两个程序功能等价是指它们对同样的输人给出同样的输出。在程序转换过程中,我们逐步将易读、高抽象级的程序向高效的、基于具体虚拟机的程序转换。为了保证正确性,我们要求转换前的程序和转换后的程序在功能上等价。因此这种转换关系应当是一个等价关系=,即应满足:自反性:对任意的x,x=x;对称性:如果x二y,则y二x;传递性:如果x=y,y=z则x=z。自反性对程序转换而言总是满足的;对称性使得转换可逆转,亦即,保证转换过程中不损失有关功能的信息;传递性保证可对程序进行多次转换;为了使得可对程序进行局部转换而保持整个程序的功能不变,我们还要求程序转换满足等价替换,即:可替性:如果x=y,则p二P〔y/x〕这里P〔y/x」表示将P中x的若干(指定的)出现换成y。程序等价性的研究就是根据语义等价性定义一个程序代数。利用程序代数可进行程序自动转换、程序正确性证明等。(伊波)
