900字范文 > 远程遥控 remote control英语短句 例句大全

远程遥控 remote control英语短句 例句大全

时间:2022-10-31 01:32:55


远程遥控 remote control英语短句 例句大全

远程遥控,remote control

1)remote control远程遥控

1.This system comprised two control methods,namely field manual operation andremote control.系统分为现场手动和远程遥控两种控制方式。

2.Most electric equipment manufacturers are interested to realize the technology ofremote controlled electric equipments through personal terminals.文章在分析家庭智能化的基础上,利用DTMF技术在现有的公用电话网络实现控制多路家用电器的智能远程遥控系统。

3.Aremote control system based on GSM(Global System for Mobile communication) /GPRS(General Packed Radio Service) is introduced.介绍了基于全球移动通信系统(GSM)/分组无线业务(GPRS)的远程遥控系统。


1.The Design and Reality of New Remote Control and Remote Sense Pharos;新型远程遥控遥测航标灯的设计与实现

2.Wire and Wireless Remote System Based on Telephone利用电话的“有线+无线”远程遥控系统

3.Application of Zigbee to Family s Long-Distance Remote Control Managing System;Zigbee在家庭远程遥控管理系统中的应用

4.Design of Long-range Control System Based on CAN Bus and DTMF基于CAN总线和DTMF技术的远程遥控设计

5.Remote-Controlled Household Appliances Based on PTN (Public Telephone Network);基于公用电话网络的远程遥控家电设备

6.A Study on Vision System in Front for Tele-presence and Tele-control System Based on Virtual Reality;虚拟现实遥现遥控远程前端的视觉系统研究

7.The Software Design of Remote Detection and Control System with Five Functions;具有五遥功能的远程测控系统的软件设计

8.echnology Research of Remote Management and Monitoring In Broadcasting System of Satellite Data遥感信息播报系统中远程管控技术研究

9.remote access远程访问,远程接入,远程访问,[港]遥距储取,遥距接达

10.Application of remote control for protection equipment in 500kV substations500kV变电站保护设备远方遥控应用

11.To use a remote control device to switch(channels on a television)or to turn off(a television set.遥控用一种远距离遥控器调节(电视频道)或关闭(电视)

12.The Vector-Valued Remotely Almost Periodic Solutions of Some Integral Equations一类积分方程的向量值遥远概周期解

13.Design of Master Unit of Medium Range Underwater Telemeter and Telecontrol System中程水下测距及遥控系统主控机设计

14.Infrared Remote Control System Developed by Programming with ASK用编程实现振幅键控的遥控模块开发

15.Improved Telekinesis. Lift or move100 lb./ level at long range.高等心灵遥控:远距离移动最多100磅/级的物品。

16.Remote analytical chemistry based on the Internet remote control;基于互联网远程控制的远程分析化学

17.It is the most distant course that comes nearest to thyself.第十四篇章离你最近的地方,路程也最遥远。

18.What Is the Meaning of Folk Song?;何谓“民歌”——兼谈《在那遥远的地方》产生的过程


long-distance remote control远程遥控

1.It is mainly applied to automatic andlong-distance remote control in industry and families.介绍了Zigbee技术的主要特点,讨论在基于ARM的嵌入式系统控制下,通过Zigbee传感器网络连接家庭各种智能家电、监控设备以及求助报警设备,进而通过电话网/互联网实现家庭远程遥控管理。

3)Long-distance Measure and Control远程遥测遥控

4)Remote Control RC远程控制,遥控

5)telecontrol device远程遥控装置

1.This paper analyzes and calculates some technical parameters of the receiving system for atelecontrol device, such as receiver sensitivity, bandwidth and so on.:针对水中远程遥控装置接收系统技术参数进行了分析计算 ,如接收机灵敏度 ,带宽等。

2.The environment and conditions in which atelecontrol device is used are introduced in this paper and the channel characteristics of transmitting long range sound signal in the sea are analyzed.介绍水中远程遥控装置应用环境和工作条件 ,并分析了远程传输水声信号的信道特征 ,指出了研究远程遥控装置发射系统应考虑的技术参数 ,并给出了所涉及的技术参数的选取、计算。

6)The long distance remote operation远程遥控操作


